
作者&投稿:鄣光 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

连词成句:They marry for twenty years by next year.(到明年他们就结婚二十年了。)此题考查的是连词成句的方法,完成连词成句这类题型,只需要掌握以下4步:第一步:看清标点符号 首先应该看清楚,这句子是问句还是陈述句?判断句子是问句还是陈述句,要看它所给的符号,是问号还是句号,在题目中...

连词成句:这里可以考虑主从复合去来进行连词成句,主句用I think引导,后面的宾语从句用主系表结构的简单句vegetables are good for us引出。需要指出的是,原句中vegetables应该是名词的复数形式。参考答案: I think vegetables are good for us. 我认为蔬菜对我们健康有益。知识积累:① 在英语学习的...

英语连词成句!答案如下:(1)Jeff is play basketball in the park.(2)What are you doing in the snowy weather?(3)There is a neighbourhood in the zoo.(4)My cousin has long curly blonde hair.(5)Turn left a


1.今天的天气多么好啊 3.小明非常关心同学。4.公园里的花开得很美丽。5 叔叔爱打排球。6.你要多给花而浇浇水。7.这支铅笔是爷爷送给我的。8.你看见王老师了吗?9.姐姐常常帮助妈妈干活。10. 他真是个爱学习的好孩子。11. 你也应该刻苦练功。12. 我们的学校真美丽。13. 小英和小红学习都...


1. You should not bend your near ticket.你不应该折弯你的短程票。2. You should not stand near the edge of the platform.你不应该站在月台的边上。3. Parents ought to carry young children on the escalators.父母应该在电梯上抱着小孩。4. You should give your seat to a disabled ...


一、首先要理解什么是连词成句:连词成句是低年级年段经常考到的一个重要知识点,意思是把顺序错乱的词语根据逻辑关系重新排列,组成一个意思完整且通顺的句子。所得句子要保证形式和内容都正常而且可以阅 读顺畅。二、连词成句题型及解题技巧:技巧1.读读词语,找找有没有特殊的词语,如果有,就在...


僪王19875403245问: 一道小学英语连词成句题!1.is,playing,exercise,basketball2.how,every,often,you,go,do,to,school,week3.have to,play,for,sports,exercise,you4.always,my,lunch,I,... -
梅河口市甘氨回答:[答案] 1. playing basketball is exercise, 2. how often do you go to school every week 3.you have to play sports for exercise4. I always make my lunch5. Kim works very hard6. I bought some things in the sport...

僪王19875403245问: 小学英语--连词成句1.became,first,it,thing,fly,the,Earth,the,living,to,around 2.want,so,buy,to,I,look,the,I,to,a,go,bookshop -
梅河口市甘氨回答:[答案] 1.It became the first thing living around the earth to fly.围绕地球飞行成了(它)活着的首要事情.2.I want to buy a (book) so I go to the bookshop (to have a) look.我想买本书,所以我去书店看看.(第二句缺少...

僪王19875403245问: 小学英语的几道连词成句,1.you,it,how,know,do,make,to(?)_______________________________2.lots,sure,sun,of,gets,make,it(.)___________________... -
梅河口市甘氨回答:[答案] 1.Do you know how to make it? 2.Make sure it gets lots of sun.

僪王19875403245问: 小学英语六年级的连词成句,1、 is 、 this 、 whose 、desk2、 the、 chair、mine、is、over、these、3、trousers、 blue、the、whose、are、4、think 、i、 ... -
梅河口市甘氨回答:[答案] 我也是六年级的,这个是我自己想的,我也不知道对不对.如有错误,请多指教,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~1.Whose desk is this ?2.The chair over these is mine.3.Whose trouserers are blue?4.I think the brown shoes are the twin...

僪王19875403245问: 小学英语连词成句1 your in how many pupils class( )2 are many there so )3 see tigers fifty can I (.)4 the in there sixty are parrots tree (.)5 are of all them happily ... -
梅河口市甘氨回答:[答案] how mang puppies in your class?so mang there are!i can see fifty tigersthere are sixty parrots in the treeall of them are dancing happily第二句不肯定 望采纳!我才7年级呢

僪王19875403245问: 小学英语--连词成句,注意标点符号和字母大小写.1.want,so,buy,to,I,book,the,I,to,a,go,bookshop -
梅河口市甘氨回答:[答案] I want to buy a book,soI go to the bookshop.

僪王19875403245问: 小学五年级的英语连词成句.1、like which you country best do?2、sleep can time long I because a.3、would tomorrow shopping to go like I4、don't where he ... -
梅河口市甘氨回答:[答案] 1 Which country do you like best 你最喜欢哪个国家? 2 Because I can sleep a long time .因为我能睡很长一段时间. 3 I would like to go shopping tomorrow .明天我想去购物. 4 I don't know where he is .我不知道他们哪里. 5 Where do you write this ...

僪王19875403245问: 10分小学英语连词成句1 meet kids they some today new2 teacher he boring is most the 3favorite math is most the4like I painting and drawing5yesterday went ... -
梅河口市甘氨回答:[答案] 1 they meet some new kids today 2 he is the most boring teacher 3 the most favorite is math 4 I like painting and drawing 5 his father with he went swimming yesterday 6 I think music is more interesting than geography

僪王19875403245问: 小学英语连词成句试题 -
梅河口市甘氨回答: (1)for,he,aunt,writes,show,the,TV,myHe writes the TV show for my aunt .(2)can,the,go,bus,foot,on,we,shop,toWe can go to the bus stop on foot. (4)for,straight,then,minutes,three,walkThen , walk straight for three minutes.

僪王19875403245问: 小学连词成句
梅河口市甘氨回答: 1. The tiger can jump through a ring. 2. Can the monkey ride a horse? 3. The lion can't climb up a cubs ladder. 4. We don't call it a small lion.


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