
作者&投稿:封肿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语Carry the ball怎么翻译?
carry the ball指的是带球,引申为负责任的意思。带球也称“运球”。足球运动技术的一种。指用脚推拨足球,使之与在跑动中的人一起行进并牢牢控制住球的动作。主要用脚背的外侧或内侧部位触球。比赛中,运用带球调动对手位置,扯开对方防守,以寻找传球、射门的时机或空隙,也运用带球变换进攻速度,控制...

I Have a strong sense of responsibility ,take work seriously.

英文:I am in charge of most administrative matters.翻译:我负责大部分的行政事务。负责:be responsible for; be in charge of; conscientious 大部分:most; best; gross 行政事务:administrative affairs; administrative business

take、turn、get、break。 增组成... 2 2018-06-22 求初中常用turn get take的词组,例如take o... 1 2013-09-05 能不能帮忙归纳一下,英语take give go turn ... 1 2011-06-03 急求高考要求的关于turn,take,get,make,up... 3 2012-02-18 look,get,make,give,take,turn,c... 1 2009-...

More power, more responsibility. 出自《蜘蛛侠》.

当仁不让,释义:遇到应该做的事勇于承担而不推辞.take sth as one's obligation make virtue one's burden manage sth for the just cause in good causes do not lag behind not decline one's responsibility when it is called for 例句:在中国社会,年长的兄妹在需要担负责任时都当仁不让 Elde...

The more capable you are, the more responsibility you have.这句话好像最早出自电影“蜘蛛侠(第一部)”吧,忘了。但是电影原文好像不是我这么翻译的,这是我自己翻的。仅供参考!!


1, You really come by coincidence, John was sent to an important task for the implementation one hour ago.2, I know Mary is well-intentioned, but I have to stay in New York about two years if I accept this work 3,he is unreliable in responsibility .手工翻译 ...

1 duties. is responsible for accounting documents from the time of admission to the three companies external to the preparation of a full set of financial statements, financial accounting 2. project cost accounting. provide detailed cost accounting information 3. Six companies affiliated ...

农勤18592716930问: 对...负责翻译两种 -
东至县滑膜回答: be responsible for 对 ... 承担责任 be in charge of 对 ... 有管理的责任 be conscientious about 对 ... 有认真对待的责任 answer for ... 对 ... 的后果做出代价 preside over ... 对(某项事情)负责

农勤18592716930问: "责任"用英语怎么说 -
东至县滑膜回答: responsibility [ri,spɔnsə'biləti] n. 责任,职责;义务 [ 复数responsibilities ]网络释义21世纪大英汉词典英英释义-responsibility: 责任能力;责任,职责,义务;责任心;责任感责任能力 英汉对照法医学辞典L-R ... red cell enzyme 红细胞酶型 ...

农勤18592716930问: 责任的英文单词怎么写 -
东至县滑膜回答: 责任 [词典] responsibility; liability; duty; blame; [例句]我对我的当事人负有道义上的责任.I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client.

农勤18592716930问: 有责任,英语翻译 -
东至县滑膜回答: 有责任:Responsibility

农勤18592716930问: 有责任的翻译英语
东至县滑膜回答: Have the responsibility 满意请采纳

农勤18592716930问: 将“你要对你的行为负责”翻译成英语,“对…负责”(尽量多种句型) -
东至县滑膜回答: You should answer for your conduct.You should be responsible for your behavior.

农勤18592716930问: 是你而不是我对这个错误负有责任 这句话用英语怎么翻译要用上rather than,be to blame for -
东至县滑膜回答:[答案] It is you rather than I am to blame for.

农勤18592716930问: 是你而不是我对这个错误负有责任 这句话用英语怎么翻译 -
东至县滑膜回答: It is you rather than I am to blame for.

农勤18592716930问: “在很大程度上,我们对自己的言行负有责任”中文翻译成英文,用to a great extent;be responsible for翻译
东至县滑膜回答: 在很大程度上,我们对自己的言行负有责任 To a great extent, we are responsible for our own words and deeds

农勤18592716930问: 责任的英文翻译
东至县滑膜回答: 1.responsibility 2.duty

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