
作者&投稿:粱璧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的亲在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~1.Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful.But what is true ...

学生是家庭中的一员,有义务和责任帮辛苦工作的父母做家务 用英语怎么翻 ...
The student is a member of the family, have the obligation and responsibility to help hard working parents with the housework.

"班主任"在英文中是 homeroom teacher 或 class advisor。拓展知识:在许多学校体系中,班主任通常是指负责特定班级日常管理的老师。他们不仅教授学生学科知识,还负责协调学生的课外活动、提供学术建议,并在必要时与家长沟通。Homeroom teacher 这个词在美国和加拿大等地较为常用。Homeroom 通常是指学生每天...

国外很少用 monitor 的,用class presidency的情况也很多 具体情况具体分析吧 我给你一些例句;1. Each child was given a turn at being class leader, which involved handing round the pencils in the mornings and the like.孩子们轮流当班长。当班长的孩子每天上午负责分铅笔等。2. The ...

学生的需要 英语怎么翻
of一般用于无生命的,'s用于you有生命的the damand of students

作为一名老师最大的责任是什么 英语作文
即岗位责任、社会责任、国家责任.这就要求我们教师在每天所做的极其平凡的工作之中,始终牢记为学生负责,为家长负责,为社会负责,为国家负责.当你每天忠实的履行着自己神圣职责的时候,也就是在为自己负责,你将成为一名新时期合格的人民教师.Responsibility, is a mature man to his heart and environment ...

译成英语作文:“我的孙老师今年36岁,中等身材,她关心热爱学生,对工作认 ...
Teacher Sun is 36 years old.She is of medium build.She is a good and strict teacher who loves her students and is responsible for her work.Her lessons are interesting and she gets on well with us.

ousework After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in...

“他是个好学生” 用20个不一样的英语句子翻译 除了He is a good st...
he is an academic student he is a brilliant student he is a wonderful student he is a awesome student he is an excellent student he is a splendid student how good a student he is what a good student he is he is a prominent student he is so good a student so good a ...

sign your name and write a few words of wishes.Don’t forget: 7:30, school meeting-room. There’s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.The Student Union May 3, 2004 本题是写一篇给定要求的通知,通知的目的是为来访的美国学生举行晚会,其内容包括的宗旨,组织者,...

关坚18314251215问: 热心帮助学生,工作认真负责,用英语怎么说,尽可能多的单词 -
嘉兴市活心回答:[答案] Eager to help students, serious and responsible work

关坚18314251215问: 一个好老师对他的班级和学生的事负责的.用英语怎么翻译 -
嘉兴市活心回答: A good teacher should be responsible for what happen in their class and students. 一个好老师对他的班级和学生的事负责的

关坚18314251215问: 教师对工作认真负责,对学生态度和蔼用英语怎么翻译 -
嘉兴市活心回答:[答案] New teachers is a serious and responsible work, amiable attitude of students

关坚18314251215问: 作为一个老师,我很热爱这份工作,我想我会是一名语文老师,因为我喜欢文学.还有,我会对我的学生很好,很负责任.英语翻译.
嘉兴市活心回答: As a teacher, I love this job, I think I'll be a Chinese teacher, because I like the literature. Also, I would for the student is very good, very responsible.

关坚18314251215问: 他是一个负责的人用英语怎么说 -
嘉兴市活心回答: He is responsible. 就可以了. 英文翻译不求逐字翻译, 但求语意精准, 恰当. 当然, 你要翻成He is a responsible man. 或是He is a responsible person. 也OK.

关坚18314251215问: 你认为,一名好的英语教师应该具备哪些素质? -
嘉兴市活心回答: 首先是业务能力,英语老师自身必须有很好的英语水平,因为你的教导就是学生要完全接受的,即使教错的地方学生也可能会跟着错一辈子.要不断学习让自己提高 第二是责任心,教育工作者的责任是很重的,每个孩子都是一家的宝贝,都希望得到最好的教育. 第三我觉得是授课能力,如果空有满腹经纶却讲不出,那是非常遗憾的,这样的老师并不少见,有很多即使是博士,双博士做老师后给让的感觉也是适合做研究,不适合做老师. 随便说几句,不好的地方请指正哈

关坚18314251215问: 我刚应聘上小学英语辅导老师,如何做好一名出色的小学英语老师呢. -
嘉兴市活心回答: 我是一名学生,我以学生的心情向您提一些建议1.对学生来说,好的老师不仅要对学生负责,也要体会学生的感受2.对学生该放松的时候放松该认真的时候认真3.及时给家长反映学生的情况4.对学生不要偏见 希望对您有帮助

关坚18314251215问: 求一篇英语演讲比赛稿,关于中学生责任或成长的.谢谢各位帮忙了. -
嘉兴市活心回答: To be what i am 具体就不写了.给你几个点参考.开头可以用一个Sotry引出为什么要to be what i m, 然后点1. to be myself, a negative me, and positive me.主要说介绍一个真实的自己,无论是自己的优点 还是自己的自私的一面,那是一个真实...

关坚18314251215问: 难忘的老师 作文4000字 -
嘉兴市活心回答: 如果老师是一位辛勤的园丁,我们就是被他们精心照料的小树苗;如果老师是一位贴心的饲养员,我们就是被他们精心呵护的宠物;如果老师是一位细心的画家,那我们就是老师笔下一幅幅美丽的画.老师是我们人生路上一座明亮的指明灯,指...

关坚18314251215问: 英语学生的角色和责任 -
嘉兴市活心回答: Career is extremely important for everyone. Thus, both the parents and children place great importance on the career. However, there are always disagreement on what kind of career the child should take as between the parents and their child.Firstly...

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