
作者&投稿:佟华 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

询问外貌的三种英语句型如下:1、What's his\/her look?他\/她看起来怎么样?2、What does he\/she look like?他\/她看起来怎么样?3、How does he\/she look like?他\/她看起来怎么样?

1. What does he\/she look like?2. How does he\/she look?3. What's his\/her appearance like?These sentence patterns are:1. Subject + Verb (s. + v.) - This pattern is known as the subject-verb structure, where the verb is usually intransitive.2. Subject + Linking Verb +...

用“What is… like ”句型。What is she\/Marry like? 她(玛丽)长的怎么样?她(玛丽)这个人怎么样?

简单英语 问人的 “相貌” 和 “性格” “工作”分别用什么句型?
what is he like?(问性格)what does he look like?(问长相)What is your job? (问工作)what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。

What's she like? 回答句型 高手球教
She is +外貌特征 She has +外貌特征 例如:What's she like?她长得怎样?She is tall.她很高 She has brown hair.她有一头棕发

问某人精神品质的问法有哪些 英语 问某人外貌的的呢
问某人性格的 What is he like? 侧重于性格特征,意思是 他性格(人品)怎么样?回答可以为:He is gentle(他是温柔的)问外貌的 what does he look like ? ...看起来像什么?用来问外貌可以回答为:He is tall and handsome(他高大帅气)问外貌还可以这样 How does she look ?She is ...

询问人的外貌的,性格的,工作的 英语句型
how does he\/she looks like?外貌 how is his \/her character?what is he\/she?工作

外貌:appearance;exterior;looks;aspect color;双语例句 1、Daphne Farlow,at forty-five, still looked and spoke like an overgrown schoolgirl.45岁的达芙妮·法洛外貌言谈都还像个稚气未脱的小女生。2、My sister and I do not look alike.我和我妹妹外貌不相像。3、He is a wolf in sheep...

how可以询问人的外貌和品质。例如:How about the quality and appearance of your English teacher?你的英语老师品质和外貌怎么样?how 读音:英 [haʊ]、美 [haʊ]释义:adv. 怎样;多么;如何。conj. 如何;怎样;以 ... 方式。n. 方式。常见句型:How did you escape?你是怎样逃...

【英语语法】be like和look like的区别?
tall.She has long black hair.She is very beautiful.她个子很高。她有一头黑黑的长发。她很漂亮。She looks like her mother.她看起来象她的妈妈。(外貌)She is like her mother.她象她的妈妈。(性格)在做句型转换的时候 What do\/does sb.look like?的同义句可以做成What be sb.like?

郦婷13280679139问: 问外貌的三种英语句型 -
白城市派纾回答: 询问外貌的三种英语句型如下: 1、What's his/her look? 他来怎么样? 2、What does he/she look like? 他/她看起来怎么样? 3、How does he/she look like? 他/她看起来怎么样? 扩展资料 句型结构(1)主语+谓语(s.+predicate) 这种句...

郦婷13280679139问: 询问外貌特征的句型(英语)英语中,有哪些询问外貌特征的句型?注意!是句型! -
白城市派纾回答:[答案] He takes after his father. He looks like his father.

郦婷13280679139问: 问外貌的句型 -
白城市派纾回答: What's his look? What does he look like? How does he look like?

郦婷13280679139问: 英语中问长相的三种用法 -
白城市派纾回答:[答案] What does he look like? What is he like? How does he look?

郦婷13280679139问: 问长相的英语句型 how -
白城市派纾回答: what does he look like?很少用how来表示人的表相问法.反意疑问句中的否定词有:no,not,nothing,nobody,no one,none,neither,little,few,hardly,never,seldom,too..to,全了,

郦婷13280679139问: 问某人的外貌用哪个短语 -
白城市派纾回答:[答案] 1.how is he looks like? 2.What does he look like? 3.What's he like

郦婷13280679139问: how问外貌的句型 -
白城市派纾回答: 你好, 可以问:How is he like?

郦婷13280679139问: - ( )does Joyce look like? - She's thin and tall. A:Which B:How C:What D:Whom -
白城市派纾回答: 选c 固定用法

郦婷13280679139问: how提问外貌的英文句 -
白城市派纾回答:[答案] 提问外貌不用How,而用 What does sb look like? 如: What does he look like? He is short and fat.

郦婷13280679139问: 问某人的外貌用哪个短语 -
白城市派纾回答: 1.how is he looks like?2.What does he look like? 3.What's he like ?望采纳~

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