
作者&投稿:聂楠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、弗吉尼亚福拉姆学院(Ferrum College)教授格里姆斯(Katherine Grimes)《哈利波特》独一无二,它同时吸引了儿童、青少年和成年人。对儿童来说,哈利波特就是童话中降服恶龙的王子;对青少年来说,他是真实世界中的少年同学;对成年人而言,他又是战胜异象、改变世界的典型英雄。2、纽约时报著名书评家角谷美...

霍格沃茨魔法学校的校长。众人公认他是当代最伟大的巫师,戴著半月形的眼镜,银白色的胡须长到可以塞进腰带里,是令人敬仰的长者。[TOP]小天狼星�6�4布莱克 Sirius Black 阿兹卡班最恶名昭彰的囚犯,是不为人知的阿格马尼斯,可以随心所欲变成一只大黑狗,他是哈利·波特的教父。[TOP]...


在网络大行其道的当下,在全球范围内文学艺术世纪性跌入低谷的时候,用纸张印刷出来的《哈利波特》系列却能超越国界、族群和年龄而掀起抢购狂潮,比日前抢购限量名牌手袋还闹场,不能不是一个奇迹。并非每人都是《哈利波特》的拥趸,围绕其大红大紫亦争论鹊起,评价两极。英国卫报专栏作家谭雅·古尔德 哈利...

如何评价哈利波特第八部<Harry Potter and the Cursed Child>_百度...
第八部被诅咒的孩子是舞台剧,所以和前面的书都不一样,它是剧本的形式,书的内容主要是人物对白。比如第一页长这个样子。作者除了J.K. Rowling,还有Jack Thorne 和 John Tiffany。讲述了哈利波特的子女一代长大后发生的故事,当然哈利波特他们也有很多戏份。所有的新情节都可以从书本里了解。还是比较...

哈利波特与魔法石 英语简介
But a magic stone appears. It will have a bearing on the present and future of the world. With the help of good friends Ron and Hermione, Harry broke through many difficulties, protected the Sorcerer's Stone and finally saved the world.在《哈利·波特与魔法石》中,一岁的哈利·...

如何评价《哈利波特》中的詹姆·波特(James Potter)?

哈利波特英文简介:Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling.哈利波特是英国作家j.k.罗琳的七部奇幻小说系列。The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger...

哈利波特是英语Harry Potter音译成中文的一个英文男子名(全名Harry James Potter,译为哈利·詹姆·波特),Harry Potter是英国女作家J.K.罗琳的著名系列小说《哈利波特》系列中的主人公。《哈利·波特》系列魔幻小说,英国女作家J.K.罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)著,其作品被翻译成近70种语言,在全...

优点:正义、勇敢、不怕死(哈7)、乐于助人、敢为朋友两肋插刀 缺点:偶尔脾气暴躁(可能是因为被魂器附身吧)、逻辑性没有赫敏强、有时有些鲁莽、不会追女孩(哈4、哈5)参考资料:Harry Potter fan

脂货13610966357问: 一篇写哈利波特的评价,英语,100词左右就好,正面的多一些,很短的啊 -
普宁市石榴回答:[答案] harry potter is my favourite book.I think it's an interesting book.there are many magical things in this book.Harry Potter is a brave boy,though he isn't good at study.he does some unusual things,and ...

脂货13610966357问: 用英文对哈利波特作出评价,最多四句话,主要写他的勇敢、机智等等那个,单词最好简单一点的,还有,要有点水准,不要去找那个什么百度翻译 -
普宁市石榴回答:[答案] Harry is strongly guided by his own conscience,and has a keen feeling of what is right and what is wrong.Having very limited access to truly caring adults,Harry is forced to make his own decisions fro...

脂货13610966357问: 看《哈利波特》系列,用英语写三十词左右的影评初一水平就可以了~ -
普宁市石榴回答:[答案] It's a exciting movie.Yes,its name is Harry Potter!It's a big investment movie.Harry Potter is a good boy.He has a sense of Justice.He never yields to the forces of evil.He has a beautiful and precious heart.And his friends,his parents,and his good teachers ...

脂货13610966357问: 哈利波特的英文书评 -
普宁市石榴回答: You flee in a sea of books between the famous article 12 often have access to my appreciation of masterpiece, but when I touch to which this book, and I'm fascinated by it, for it moved, it looked 10 million times, bear in mind in the hearts. So a read ...

脂货13610966357问: 哈利波特的英文影评60个单词初一水平 -
普宁市石榴回答: Pure Magic This movie is a delight for those of all ages. I have seen it several times and each time I am enchanted by the characters and magic. The cast is outstanding, the special effects delightful, everything most believable. You have young Harry, ...

脂货13610966357问: 谁有哈利波特系列电影的英文影评?100词左右,单词与句子不要太难理解, -
普宁市石榴回答:[答案] It's a exciting movie.Yes,its name is Harry Potter!It's a big investment movie.Harry Potter is a good boy.He has a sense of Justice.He never yields to the forces of evil.He has a beautiful and preciou...

脂货13610966357问: 看《哈利波特》系列,用英语写三十词左右的影评 -
普宁市石榴回答: It's a exciting movie.Yes,its name is Harry Potter!It's a big investment movie.Harry Potter is a good boy.He has a sense of Justice.He never yields to the forces of evil.He has a beautiful and precious heart.And his friends,his parents,and ...

脂货13610966357问: 谁能帮我用英语写一篇关于哈利波特的人物评论.400字左右,难度是大学英语 -
普宁市石榴回答: I like reading harry potter and I like harry potter this man He is very brave and willing to explore When he face voldemort when he wasn't deterred but difficult to meet up He has a lot of friends he don't give up The hero harry potter at hogwarts school...

脂货13610966357问: 哈利波特1的评价英语50词 -
普宁市石榴回答: This is a novel with a very rich imagination. Please imagine, a wonderful in the wizarding world, a group of omnipotent wizard, a block can longevity is a hundred year old magician. What a wonderful thing it is to live in! "Harry Potter and the ...

脂货13610966357问: 求哈利波特英文影评 -
普宁市石榴回答: 额,我只有中文的. 斯蒂文.斯皮尔伯格:它将是那种注定成功的电影. 斯蒂芬妮.梅尔:永远不会有第二个罗琳,《哈利波特》是伟大的. 斯蒂芬.金:《哈利波特》教会了我们如何克服恐惧,寻找内心的力量,以及在灾难来临的时候,怎 样坚持去做正确的事情. Mr.King:我们的童年伴着哈利结束了,希望下一代人的童年里还会有魔法师,还会有霍格沃茨.

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