
作者&投稿:郦贞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

问题一:有关身体健康的英语短语 身体很健康: be going strong in good health 身体健康 strong and well set up 身体结实健康 in a bad way 身体状况不好 问题二:关于健康的短语或标题。 快乐源自心境,健康在于快乐,健康在于运动,健康在于良好的生活习惯!1.千保健,万保健,心态平衡是关键 ...

“有毒的”的英文:deleterious deleterious 读法 英 [,delɪ'tɪərɪəs] 美 ['dɛlə'tɪrɪəs]作形容词的意思是:有毒的,有害的 一、短语:deleterious effect 毒害身心的作用,有毒影响 二、例句:1、The cold weather had ...

very good和very well的区别是什么?
对不起,我的英语不太好。 very well中的well用作形容词的基本意思是“健康”,表示健康状况,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。well意为“好,满意;正好,最适当;幸好,还好”,没有比较级和最高级。 例句: He was very well, and his skin looked much better. 他非常健康,皮肤看上去也好多了。 You play table...

healthy. heath. keey fit keep healthy

两个蘑菇看起来都无害,但实际上却能致命。healthy 英 [ˈhelθi] 美 [ˈhelθi]adj. 健康的,健壮的;有益身心的;明智的,合理的;运作良好的,兴旺发达的;大量的,可观的 词组短语:healthy life 健康人生 healthy food 有益健康的食物 keep healthy 保持健康 healthy lifestyle ...

学习英语总会遇到许多的动词短语,这也是学习英语必不可少的。那么初三常见英语动词短语归纳有哪些呢?下面是我分享给大家的初三常见英语动词短语,希望大家喜欢! 初三常见英语动词短语 一、由be构成的词组 1) be back\/in\/out 回来\/在家\/外出 2) be at home\/work 在家\/上班 3) be good at 善于,擅长于 4) be...

He is strong and well set up.他身体结实健康。To become whole and sound; return to health.变得完整和健全;重返健康 any deviation from a healthy or normal condition.偏离健康或正常状态。physically and mentally sound or healthy.身体或者心理上健全、健康。A healthy mind is in a healthy ...

be harmful tobe bad for

1, is going energetically, to carry out the patriotic health and sanitation campaign in spring , to do well in interior hygiene.2, individual needs to form fine hygiene habit, such as: Not spitting everywhere coughing , sneezing to others or not.3, lives in a room in the ...

smoke,stay up(熬夜),take drugs(嗑药),drink the alcohol,

宥裕18285306327问: “吃得太多对健康有害”这句短语用英语怎么翻译? -
卢湾区去痛回答:[答案] Eating too much is bad for your health. or Eating too much is harmful to your health. or Eating too much does harm to your health. 祝你开心如意!

宥裕18285306327问: 对健康有害 用英语怎么说
卢湾区去痛回答: bad for the health

宥裕18285306327问: 〖这对健康是有害的〗翻译成英文 -
卢湾区去痛回答:[答案] It is harmful to health.

宥裕18285306327问: 有害健康 英语咋说 -
卢湾区去痛回答: Harmful to health [ˈhɑːmfl tə helθ] 有害健康

宥裕18285306327问: 有害健康用英语怎么说 -
卢湾区去痛回答: endanger to health harmful to health damage to health

宥裕18285306327问: (对你健康有害)的英语翻译怎么写的? -
卢湾区去痛回答: be harmful to your health be harmful for+doing 或sth be harmful to+sb

宥裕18285306327问: 关于吸烟有害健康的英文短句 -
卢湾区去痛回答: Smoking Is Harmful. 翻译:吸烟有害健康.重点词汇解释 harmful 英 ['hɑːmfl] 美 ['hɑːrmfl]adj. 有害的 Freezing winter is harmful to orange trees.冰冻天气对桔子树是有害的.近义词 poisonous 英 ['pɔɪzənəs] 美 ['pɔɪzənəs]adj. 有毒的;恶意的 Some snakes have poisonous fangs.有些蛇长有毒牙.

宥裕18285306327问: 英语翻译Fried food________________(对我们的健康有害) -
卢湾区去痛回答:[答案] Fried food___is harmful to our health_____________(对我们的健康有害) Smoking is harmful to health. 吸烟有害健康.

宥裕18285306327问: 吃太多甜食是对健康有害 英语怎么说 -
卢湾区去痛回答:[答案] Eating too much dessert is harmful to our health. 学习进步~若觉得满意~请记得采纳~∩_∩ 新春愉快!

宥裕18285306327问: 那位高手可以解答:英文短语:"对...有害"?(带有harm的短语)谢谢告知!!! -
卢湾区去痛回答: 1、do sb. harm 或 do harm to sb.对某人有害.2、 do more harm than good 利大于弊3、out of harm's way 在安全的地方4、come to harm(常用否定式) 身体上精神上受到伤害5、There is no harm in doing sth.做某事并无害处,反而可能带来好处.

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