
作者&投稿:邓宋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一种:It doesn't matter.Never mind.That's OK.It's all right.第二种:Not at all.Don't mention it.My pleasure.You're welcome.

(1)It doesn't matter. 没关系。例句:— I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。— It doesn't matter. 没关系。(2)Never mind. 没关系。例句:—I'm sorry I can't help you. 对不起,我不能帮你了。— Never mind. 没关系。(3)其他也可以回答这句话的句子:Not at all、T...

当我们需要在英语中表达“没关系”时,有几种不同的方式可以选择。首先,"Never mind" 是一个常见的表达,它的发音是英 ['mætə] 美 ['mætɚ]。其次,"It doesn't matter" 也是一个常用的短语,强调事情并不重要。另外,“That's all right” 也是表示同意或安慰的...

外国人说 “没关系”和“不用客气”怎么说?口语化的!
1.没关系英语口语中常用的:It doesn't matter.; It's nothing.; That's all right.; no sweat [美俚];Never mind; That's O.K.例:It doesn't matter to me whether you go or not.你去或不去,对我都没关系。“My hair dryer's broken.” “No sweat, you can use mine.”“...

英语口语交际最常用短语 thousand times no! 绝对办不到! Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。 Who knows! 天晓得! It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起! How come… 怎么回事,怎么搞的。 Easy does it. 慢慢来。 Don't push me. 别逼我。 Come on! 快点,振作起来! Have a good of it.玩的...

英语口语中,表示回答对方 没关系 的话一般有哪些?
没关系: Not at all.That's all right.Never mind!Forget it.it is my pleasure.you are welcome!That is all right.\/(似与That's Ok基本一致 )not at all.(Please )do not mention it.请不用客气。"It's my pleasure."是"这是我应该做的"的意思,一般是在你做好事之后别人道谢时...


1、谢谢 n. thanks misc. thank you 2、不用谢 You're welcome ; Don't mention it 3、没关系 Never mind. ; It doesn't matter. ; That's all right.4、不客气 blunt;impolite;be rude to;You're welcome.


you 和sorry在英语口语中使用频率很高,它们的答语有些是相同的,有些却只能用于其中的一种情况。现简述如下:1)、两种情况均可使用的应答语:(1)not at all.不用谢。\/没关系。(2)that's all right.不用谢。\/没关系。(3)that's ok.不用谢。\/没关系。(4)it's nothing.没什么。\/...

雪幸18883929541问: 对不起.没关系.用英语怎么说? -
下城区杰列回答:[答案] Sorry. It doesn't matter.

雪幸18883929541问: 英语情景对话中用“谢谢”“不用谢”“对不起”“没关系”“你呢?”要全部哦,谢谢 -
下城区杰列回答:[答案] 谢谢:thankyou最常用,另外还有manythanks,thanksalot, 不用谢:you'rewelcome.最常用,另外还有it'smypleasure,don'tmentionit,notatall,justforget, 对不起:sorry最常用,另外还有iamsosoory(加强抱歉的诚意)ifeelterriblesorry... 等等. 没关系...

雪幸18883929541问: 别人说对不起 英语没关系怎么说 -
下城区杰列回答:[答案] It doesn't matter.

雪幸18883929541问: "对不起”“没关系”用英语怎么说?只能各用一个单词! -
下城区杰列回答:[答案] 对不起:Sorry 没关系:Fine you are welcome..

雪幸18883929541问: 求对不起 和 没关系在英语里的多种说法求对不起 不用谢和 没关系在英语里的多种说法 -
下城区杰列回答:[答案] 对不起 :I am sorry,Sorry, (I am)sorry to interrupt/trouble you. Excuse me,but ... Pardon,can you ...etc. 没关系:Not at all. That's all right. Never mind! Forget it.

雪幸18883929541问: 对不起没关系的没关系用英语怎么说? -
下城区杰列回答:[答案] 没关系 It doesn't matter

雪幸18883929541问: 英语口语 "没关系"有哪几种说法?各有什么区别? -
下城区杰列回答:[答案] it doesn't matter never mind that's all right forget it it's my pleasure 前4个通用,是针对'对不起'说的,最后一个是针对'谢谢'说的

雪幸18883929541问: 求所有表达谢谢、对不起、没关系的英文短语或句子 -
下城区杰列回答: 纠正一下,that's all right,指的不是“对”的意思,而是“不用谢” that's right才是对的意思 表示谢谢的有:thank you,thanks,it's very kind of you,i can't thank you enough. 表示不用谢:you are welcome,my pleasure(注:with pleasure就不是这个...

雪幸18883929541问: 对不起,没关系的英语怎么说 -
下城区杰列回答: 对不起[duì bu qǐ] sorry; [套]I'm sorry.; I beg your pardon.; excuse me没关系[méi guān xi] It doesn't matter.; It's nothing.; That's all right.; no sweat [美俚]; never mind

雪幸18883929541问: 求对不起 和 没关系在英语里的多种说法 -
下城区杰列回答: 对不起 : I am sorry, Sorry, (I am)sorry to interrupt/trouble you. Excuse me, but ... Pardon, can you ... etc. 没关系: Not at all. That's all right. Never mind! Forget it.

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