
作者&投稿:旗俗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Editor,I“m writing to tell you about the discussion we held on whether it is good to keep animals in zoos. Some students agree on such a decision. They believe that keeping animals in zoo offers a great opportunity for students to observe wild animals and obtain first-...

Let's talk about keeping pets.Some people think keeping pets is a good idea.It can help(安慰?你自己翻下吧,我水平有限) the elderly who feel lonely.Also,getting along well with animals makes our life more colourful.However,some people don't like this.They think that keeping ...

on the suffering of animals.3.They advocated free imprisoned confused.4.The animal degradation, not suited to the natural development.翻译:⒈建了动物园动物就没自由了,不过它们很安全。⒉违反道德,把人类的欢乐建立在动物的痛苦上;⒊提倡自由却把它们囚禁起来;⒋使动物退化,不适应自然发展。

然而,一些人反对饲养动物为宠物。对他们来说,动物们就像人类一样,有过自然生活的权利。另一方面,人们养宠物对环境有负面影响,例如,狗在街上追赶人等。更重要的是,有...展开 追问 最后我的观点修改成我不希望养一只宠物,因为我怕狗。!

Our class had a debate about whether we should keep the animals in the zoo.Some students thinkk that we should,because animals can do damage to the environment.Some think animals should return to natu

有字数要求吗?Let's talk about keeping pets.Some people think keeping pets is a good idea.It can help(安慰?你自己翻下吧,我水平有限) the elderly who feel lonely.Also,getting along well with animals makes our life more colourful.However,some people don't like this.They think ...

英语作文 建立动物园的利与弊
4\\reproduction will be worse in zoo;the decrease may lead to dying out.5\\high cost,while it is with the large requirement of space\/room 1、真正的大森林里的动物少了,绿地就会减少 2、使野生动物失去了本性 3、破坏了生态平衡,破坏了生物链.4、在动物园的动物的繁殖会有所下降,动物的...

高分悬赏!!英语作文 大学生在宿舍养宠物的利弊。《现在就要,要求中英...

the disadvantages of keeping a pet many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .they put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members.a good relationship between people and pets can be very ...

The small nimal is small, more easy throw, and the vitality of small animal be general smaller, on every occasion have no life, its life span be also short.

兆沾18028457332问: 写一篇有关养宠物的利与弊的英语作文随着人们生活水平的提高,有些人养成拉养宠物的习惯.而有些人反对养宠物作为动物,认为对动物对人对环境都有不... -
新芜区藤黄回答:[答案] If you have a child age one and up,he probably begs you on a regular basis for some kind of pet.If you've never owned an animal,you may feel bewildered by your young one's passion.If you're a pet lover yourself,you may fully empathize with his desire but ...

兆沾18028457332问: 英语作文有关养宠物的利与弊 -
新芜区藤黄回答: Should Breeding Pet Be Banned? Should breeding pet be banned? Answers to this question vary greatly. Some people are in favor of the idea of breeding pet. They always say that it can get rid of the loneness for an elderly person of no family. ...

兆沾18028457332问: 养宠物的好处和坏处 英语作文 -
新芜区藤黄回答: the benifits and disavantages of having pets pets are our friends. they are cute and they are fun. we need to feed and clean pets; we can learn to take responsibilities when we have pets. for older people, pets are very important. pets stay with them ...

兆沾18028457332问: 关于我养的宠物的优缺点的英语作文 -
新芜区藤黄回答:[答案] If you have a child age one and up,he probably begs you on a regular basis for some kind of pet.If you've never owned an animal,you may feel bewildered by your young one's passion.If you're a pet lover yourself,you may fully empathize with his desire but ...

兆沾18028457332问: 养宠物的优缺点,用英语回答! -
新芜区藤黄回答:[答案] Keeping Pets Some people like keeping pets,while some people think we should stop keeping pets,but I think we shouldn't stop keeping pets because pets are our good friends.For example,a strong dog can keep your house safe all the time and a ...

兆沾18028457332问: 求英语短文 城市饲养动物的利与弊 80字 -
新芜区藤黄回答: Sometimes a dog will bite someone who may just want to touch it to express his friendship;re alone.When adults are busy and have no time to look after their parents.A pet will always a best present to the olds,we can always talk with our pets,though ...

兆沾18028457332问: 用英语写一篇关于宠物的作文大约300字左右 包括 1.概念 2.好处与坏处 3. -
新芜区藤黄回答: I have a pet dog named Lucky.It has white and soft furs with two small ears and a long tail.It is given by my aunt as my birthday.It is so friendly and lovely that we all love it very much.It likes playing balls outside so I often take it our for a walk.It also likes ...

兆沾18028457332问: 关于养动物的好坏的英语作文 -
新芜区藤黄回答: Let's talk about keeping pets.Some people think keeping pets is a good idea.It can help(安慰?你自己翻下吧,我水平有限) the elderly who feel lonely.Also,getting along well with animals makes our life more colourful.However,some people don't ...

兆沾18028457332问: 请就养宠物的优缺点写一篇英语作文 -
新芜区藤黄回答: Keeping Pets Some people like keeping pets, while some people think we should stop keeping pets, but I think we shouldn't stop keeping pets because pets are our good friends. For example, a strong dog can keep your house safe all the time ...

兆沾18028457332问: 英语作文 关于宠物介绍一下人们喜爱养的宠物 {它为什么受人们的喜爱?{养它的好处和坏处? -
新芜区藤黄回答:[答案] Talking about the pet animals,most people will think it is a popular topic,for more and more people raise pets in the cities.Surely enough,animals are our human friends and they can bring people much happiness and comfort.With the comfort from pet ...

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