
作者&投稿:哀堵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He saw a girl with a book, written by him.

...if\/ as though引导的情况下才能只接个非谓语或者介词短语吗_百度知 ...
不是只有as if\/as though 引导的情况下才能,只要是状语从句,当主语和主句中主语相同或主语是it,谓语动词有be,均可出现你所说的情况。如: When (water is ) heated, water becomed vapour.Change their forms if ( it is ) necessary....

求问连词后直接加非谓语的用法!救救孩子吧 并列连词和从属连词都可以直...
回答:1.并列连词是连接两个相等成分(主语、谓语、宾语、宾补、表语、定语等),包括词、短语、句子。因此并列连词是可以连接两个非谓语形式(包括动名词、分词和不定式)的。例如:Tom and Peter will go and see their teacher in hospital.Our jobs are sweeping \/ to sweep the classroom and ...

非谓语从句例句如下:1、He appears to have caught a cold.他似乎感冒了。2、Her job is to clean the hall.她的工作是打扫大厅。3、I have no choice but to stay here.我只能留在这里,别无选择。4、To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard.十分钟之内完成这项工作是很难的。5...


让步状语从句转换成非谓语。I will remains firm though I must lower my physical sights.lowering my physical sights.I will remains firm

非谓语动词to do后面可以接从句吗?
可以的。只要to do中的动词是及物动词,后面就可以接名词从句,作为该动词的宾语从句。置于动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。谓语动词、介词、动词不定式、动词现在分词、过去式、过去分词后面都能带宾语从句。有些形容词(afraid,sure,glad等)之后也可以带...

当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,并且含有be动词,或者状语从句中含有it is, 我们可以把状语从句的主语和be动词(或it is)省略,这一块应属于省略的内容,但其实非谓语动词需要这样来理解。请看例子:例1:When i was walking in the street, i saw him.可以变为:1)When walking in the ...

1 . The -boy- who- is- playing- the- computer- games- was- being- asked- by- his- English- teacher- this- time- yesterday.The -boy- playing- the- computer- games- was- being- asked- by- his- English- teacher- this- time -yesterday-.2. The -question- that-...

She called me when cooking dinner. 她在做晚饭的时候给我打了电话,这里可以说She called me when she was cooking dinner. 但这样显得累赘,就把she was省略掉了。

凭钱15577907428问: 昨天放在桌子上的书是我的. (分别用非谓语和定语从句来英语翻译) -
武宁县盐酸回答:[答案] 非谓语:The book put on the table is mine定语从句:The book which is put on the table is mine非谓语可以和定语从句互相转化再如:I like the books written by Lu Xun.= I like the books which were written ...

凭钱15577907428问: 定语从句怎么用非谓语改写成简单句?(如下) -
武宁县盐酸回答: He saw a girl with a book, written by him.

凭钱15577907428问: 高一英语语法主要定语从句和非谓语311.Wheneverit was snowing,he would stay - __all day long.l really don't know why.A.to hide.B.hidden.C.hiding.D.To be ... -
武宁县盐酸回答:[答案] 先说非谓语.不解释这些题.你照这个方法来做试试看效果如何. 首先找到这个非谓语动词的逻辑主语.也就是发出这个非谓语动作的那个人或者物.确定好后看这个逻辑主语于这个非谓语动词之间呈什么关系.如果是主动关系用to do 或者doing,如果是被...

凭钱15577907428问: 一个外国小孩拿着两把叉子在桌子前吃面条. 用英语定语从句和非谓语从句怎么造句?急用,谢谢. -
武宁县盐酸回答: 是分别用定语从句和非谓语从句造句,还是用这两种造一个句子??定语:A foreign child who is in front of the table with the two forks is eating noodles.非谓语:A foreign child is eating noodles to use two forks in front of the table.定语+非谓语:A foreign child using two forks in fornt of the table is eating noodles.

凭钱15577907428问: 帮我造一个非谓语做动词+定语的句子 谢谢 -
武宁县盐酸回答: I got a lot of work to doto do就是典型的非谓语动词做后置定语其他的还有.I have something to say.I need to work hard to accomplish my goal

凭钱15577907428问: 定语从句的几种形式,以及几种形式的例句 -
武宁县盐酸回答: (一) 由 who,whom,whose引导的定语从句 e.g.The student who answered the question was Jack (二) 由which引导的定语从句1) which在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语. e.g.:I found a door which was unlocked. Where is the book I bought ...

凭钱15577907428问: 将下列含定语从句的复合句改为非谓语动词形式 做这种题型有么什么技巧啊 ?谢谢谢 -
武宁县盐酸回答: The man standing there is our english teacher.做这类题要关注时态和语态,如果是正在进行用现在分词,已经完成则用过去分词,将来则多用不定式.主动语态用现在分词或不定式主动形式,被动语态则用过去分词.

凭钱15577907428问: 用非谓语和定语从句分别翻译句子
武宁县盐酸回答: 1. The boy who is playing the computer game is one who was questioned by his English teacher this time yesterday. The boy playing the computer game is one questned by his English teacher this time yesterday.2. The question that is being ...

凭钱15577907428问: 用非谓语和定语从句分别翻译以下句子 -
武宁县盐酸回答: 1) The boy who is playing computer game in the classroom was being questioned by his English teacher this time yesterday.2) The question which we are discussing was raised by an English teacher yesterday. 3) The boy who will be sent to the ...

凭钱15577907428问: 定语从句怎样转换成非谓语 -
武宁县盐酸回答: 最直接的改法:从句原来是主动语态的,直接把谓语动词改成V-ing形式; 原来是被动语态的,把谓语动词改成V-ed形式

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