
作者&投稿:战壮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

七年级外语题 用适当形式填空 It's funny and ___ (excite)
答案:It's funny and 【exciting】.翻译:它是有趣的和振奋人心的.解析;it表示的是物,所以要用exciting.原创回答,欢迎采纳 【你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

1.填空题。 1.只有一组对边()的四边形叫做梯形。 2.梯形()条高。 3...

...的适当形式填空或根据汉语提示完成句子。(七年级5句简单哒)_百度知 ...
How long does it take you(to walk)(walk)from home to school?John(rides)(ride)his bike to the bus station ev-ery day.They go on a ropeway (across)(cross)the river.Use the words in the boxes to form as(many)(许多)expressions as possible.Five(hundred)(百)students are in...

七年级英语 用所给词的正确形式填空
71、Be careful___ ( care ).The road is very busy.72、Alice is the most beautiful___ _ ( beautiful )of the girls.73、The typhoon got badly___ (bad)in the afternoon.74、I usually ___ (usual)get up at 6 a.m. every day.75、It snowed very heavy___(heavy)....

根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 七年级上册英语
1 my( 同2)2 her 形容词性物主代词后接名词 3 to meet (固定用法: 见到你很好)4 us 动词后的代词要用宾格 5 boy's 名词所有格‘ 男孩的’6 first 第一 7 is 主语是三单 8 families 名词复数 9 you 作主语 10 answer ( CAN情态动词后接动词原形 祝你假期愉快!加油...

1.用词的适当形式填空 A组 1The rock singer___ (have)funny glasses.2He,s of medium___ (high).3They like (read)and ___ (play)chess.4Tom is kind, so he ___ (have)a lot of friends.5Thank you for buying me a pair of ___ (glass).6I enjoy ___ (read)books....

五)picked died tried pushed friendly 六)Where will she go next week?Don't eat food in class.She won't go shopping tomorrow.I'd like to have a party.

仁爱版七年级英语上册语法练习 一、用be动词及其正确的形式填空 。 1...
一、Are; am not 2. is 3. is; is 4. are; are 5. Are; aren't are 6. Is; is is 7. is 8. are 9. is 10. is isn't 二、I'm who's Jane's There are isn't are not She would like don't does not 三、have ...

形()容()形(骸)容(傲)形骸xíng hái 身体。唐.白居易〈与元微之书〉:「仆自到九江,已涉三载,形骸且健,方寸甚安。」《儒林外史.第三○回》:「这事要相遇于心腹之间,相感于形骸之外,方是天下第一等人。」近身体 “容傲”小来落托复迍邅,一辱君知二十年,舍去形骸容傲慢,...

4、Is your pen in your backpack?(be的3种形式是am,is,are,这里是指pen这个物品,而且是单数,所以用is;在句首,I大写)5、Excuse me.ls that his key?(I的形式有i.me,myself,这里是固定搭配excuse me)

底苑18890898917问: 七年级上英语完形填空四十篇(内带答案)谢啦,越快越好, -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] 西单图书大厦非常英语 考点透视系列 就有完形填空和阅读理解,真的很棒的!出版社是 外文出版社 完型填空 When a friend was visiting David, it began 1 . So David told him2 that night. “You may stay here 3 the...

底苑18890898917问: 七年级英语的完形填空20篇和阅读理解40篇 -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] 出版社是那.是英语周计划吗?是就是 完形填空:bdacbabbbc 阅读理解:dbca

底苑18890898917问: 初一完形填空30篇, -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] Xiao Gang a 13-year-old Chinese boy,has__1__other activities.He goes home four times a week__2__.He has to do other activities in his free time. He says,"I do my __3__in the car when we are__4__home. Ihave to have a short rest when I get home,...

底苑18890898917问: 初一英语完形填空 25篇 -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] You'll see a new _1_at a hospitai near London if you go there.He is very clever,_2_he never speaks.He can work 24 hours a day and never gets _3_.He is one metre tall and has a face_4_a TV screen.He is...

底苑18890898917问: 初一英语15空完形填空10篇 (最好含答案) -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] 四、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项. Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, "I'm going to be a soldier." But his eye...

底苑18890898917问: 初一英语阅读和完形填空练习题阅读5篇,完形填空20篇,好,全的话追加50分 -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] I am a middle-school student.Now let ___1___ tell you something ___2___ our classroom.It's very ___3___.There are two maps ___4___ the back wall.___5___ is a map of China.___6___ is a map of the world (世界). There are ___7___ desks and...

底苑18890898917问: 跪求中学七年级的英语完型填空题(要有答案的) -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] I am 1 girl. I am twelve. I am 2 school. 3 name is Zhang Hua. I am in 4 .I am 5 Row Five. Jim is 6 English boy. He is eleven. He and I 7 in the same class. He is my friend . We 8 good friends. 9 is my teacher, Miss Gao. 10 is a good teacher. ( )1.A. an B. the...

底苑18890898917问: 七年级英语完形填空 阅读理解 选词填空 各15篇 这三个可各10篇 -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] 这些都挺好的.不过你得先注册,注册后,这些试题一般都是免费的,相信应该会有你所要的.

底苑18890898917问: 七年级英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇答案 -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] U22 1.CBABBCABAC 2.CCDAC BCADB CABDC 3.ABC means American-born Chinese. Because they look like Chinese but they think and do things like Americans. Because they are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Their ...

底苑18890898917问: 7年级英语完型填空Hello ,everyone .My name is Ted .I like (喜欢) 46 very much and I often play sports with my friends after school .We play many kinds (种... -
宁都县摩罗回答:[答案] ABBAA BBACA

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