
作者&投稿:屈怡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

'm so looking forward of the life of entering the last year of high school! This year meant so different for me; it means I am going to farewell to my school life, my high school teachers and friends; and it also decides where my second stage of life's aiming to! Howe...

When people come to the age of 21, it means they are adults, they should take responsibility of themselves, to be fearless and embrace new challenges.当人们来到21岁的时候,这意味着他们已经成年,应该对自己负责,无所畏惧地迎接新挑战。学期新挑战英语作文 New Challenge in This Term ...

How time flies! New term has come. It is the first day of the new term. Today,I become a high school student. How happy I am.In the new term,I will try to study each lesson well.So I can get good grades to thank my parents.What's more,I decide to make more good...

英语话题作文 篇1 我们的身体健康与食品安全息息相关,但现在我们却面临越来越多的食品问题如染色馒头、毒奶粉。请用英语写一篇100-120词的短文,简要分析食品问题形成的原因并提出相应的解决措施。 染色馒头the industrial dye of steamed bun 毒奶粉the notorious milk powder It is universally acknowledged that the ...

Attitude decides everything I do agree with it. No attitude, no action, no action, no result. Good attitude and bad attitude lead to totally different result.So I agree with it.

Dear Young Pioneers:October 13 this year, the Chinese Young Pioneers of the 60th anniversary of the construction team, the CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman Hu Jintao sent a congratulatory message grandfather, in which he earnestly hoped that the...

怎样写 迎接初二 的作文

我现在生活在快乐和烦恼的生活中。 英语翻译: Now I'm living a life of happiness and annoyance.英语作文:如何解决生活中的烦恼的事 每个人生活中都有很多不顺心的事,很多事都使我们很烦恼,但只要有一点机会,我们一定要尽自己最大的努力去解决,不能解决的就忽略它,反正再怎么烦恼也是没有...

面对高三作文1 生活中有太多无奈,独自在孤独中徘徊,没人会学着去理解,他们只是生活在自己的圈子中。一切的负担只会让人透不过气来。所有的期待都变的渺茫,所有的坚强都变的不堪一击。只能自我安慰的说:一切都只是需要时间的考验,到时候可怕的噩梦会醒来,灰暗的天空晴朗,该来的都来过了,该走的也走完了。可是以...

高三作文 篇1 在我们这个社会发展并不完善的当代,依然存在着种种矛盾与弊端。夏明的漫画中:一位孩子需要得到满分,才能受赏,而另一位孩子仅是及格就得到了赞扬。显然,这揭示了我们现代社会中厚此薄彼的严重问题。 不论是重经济发展,轻环境保护,还是重学习成绩,轻文化素养,都清晰展现了我们当代人不全面的发展观:总...

严卿14738526448问: 求高三英语作文,作为一名高三学生,你认为怎样才能做好充分准备迎接高考.(100词) -
凤泉区八宝回答: Aiming to build up a civilized campus and create a good environment for our study and life, the Student's Union decides to hold a competition about choosing the best campus cultural slogans in our school. Anyone who wants to show your talent ...

严卿14738526448问: 求一篇500字英语作文题目为如何走进高三 -
凤泉区八宝回答: High school raises the standard of work by a totally different level, it prepares the students to walk into the world with confidence as well as solid evidence of achievements. Constant studying is needed to enter a high school with top marks. I think that...

严卿14738526448问: 英语作文 如何面对高三压力 -
凤泉区八宝回答: How to face the pressure of senior three(题目) 正文: Students have to face the pressure of senior three.Because the university entrance examination is around the corner and It will deside which universities you will entre and what your future will ...

严卿14738526448问: 走进高三英语作文100词左右 -
凤泉区八宝回答: Grade 3, I have come. When the new term began, I became a student of Grade 3. I know that I will have to face more difficulty in the new term. I think I will try my best to work harder. My parents and my teacher often encourage me to study hard and ...

严卿14738526448问: 英语作文:如何为高考做准备. -
凤泉区八宝回答: Entrance is about to, how to prepare it for the college entrance examination.I put forward some suggestions:First, maintain a good attitude can help reduce anxiety, but also enhance the courage to overcome difficulties.Second, targeted, correct ...

严卿14738526448问: 将要到高三啦要为高三做好准备写一篇英语作文 -
凤泉区八宝回答: 作文的分值很大,不容忽视,我建议语文作文要注意审题,扣准主题,字体工整,语言不要太直白,文采在诗歌上彰显,感情要真挚,不能只有情调而没有情怀,也不要简单的堆积材料,更不要一味拿古人说事,适当加入时事会润色不少,避免错别字出现.这些是我们的努力方向,平时要多练习的,还要多看,多分析,努力才能成功!英语作文重要的是:单词,句型,题目要求和字体.相对而言,英文较简单些,重要的也是平常的积累.

严卿14738526448问: 以“备战高考”为题写一篇英语作文 -
凤泉区八宝回答: 三月,我沉静于复杂的思想斗争中,努力还是放弃,考虑了很久,终于做出了决定:还是努力学习,考个好的大学, 况且现在干什么就要文凭! 四月,我在教室里积极备战高考,在数字里,汉字里,字母里努力的探索,在有趣的数理化里追...

严卿14738526448问: 英语小作文
凤泉区八宝回答: After people start their senior year, they will feel a lot of pressure, and an intense study load. But we can adjust, for example sports. Outside of class time we play basketball or volleyball. I feel we need to pay attention to rest and exercise to keep a ...

严卿14738526448问: 怎样迎接高考 英语作文 -
凤泉区八宝回答: while the college entrance examination approach,many students feel tired about the study.we afraid that we'll fail so we prepare ourselves to meet the challengeas well as ponsible.but sometimes the pressure which we put on our shouder made we ...

严卿14738526448问: 我是一名高中生,即将进入高三.我应该在这个暑假做些什么,并且怎样迎接高三来临 -
凤泉区八宝回答: 想考个好大学 那你就称着暑假好好复习你没有学好的学科 重点多背单词 了解一下大学 给自己定一个目标 多准备几个笔记本和一个单词本 笔记本用来记错题 单词本记阅读中不会的单词 至于做笔记的本子我就不说了 好好努力 没问题的

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