
作者&投稿:兆昆心 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语感叹句的变化规律。什么时候用what 什么时候用how如以下句子_百度...
(1)How tall the man is!=What a tall man!(2)How tired he looks!(3)How fast he drives!(4) How many books dad has!(5)How happy I am to meet you here!(6)What a fine day!=How fine a day!(7)What bad news!=How bad the news!(8) How bad the weather is!

1.I wish that you can take me on 2.He considers a high evaluation within our school 3.The car handled easily 4.5.Pay attention to you hardwriting in the future 6.Sharing water with dolphins will make me a great memory 7.To see is to believe 8.The task is very difficult...

Some people find __to balance on a bicycle. A difficult B difficu...
Some people find that to balance on a bicycle is difficult.显然,find接个that从句实在不如用it简洁。这个结构可以作为固定句式来记忆:主语 find it 形容词 to do sth. 主语发现做某事是(形容词)的。希望对你有所帮助=W=

I shall really grow fond we to have good inspite attitudes therefore I have this as a trust which i belive that you can not betray it at the end. I have communicated you because of my difficaute situation here in this refugees camp;Its just like one staying in the prison a...

在心中记住这样的一句话“Nothing is difficlt for me ”,在那100米的路程中显示自己内心的那一份狂热和不屈吧,让冲破终点线的那一瞬间成为你荣誉的象征和永恒的记忆吧! Come on!Everybody!终点就在眼前,胜利近在咫尺! 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

多运用多温故。英语学习过程是一种观察,模拟,认识,识记,思考,记忆等综合的心理活动过程。建议从学单词开始就听写背单词,建立起人对英语单词声音形象的条件反射能力。英语学习技巧:学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。在儿童英语学习过程中,需要教ឌ\/p> ...

英语作文computer in our life
we can also find solutions to difficlut problems,In short,there is nowhere without computer,from factory to farm,from office to school,from airport to bank.with all these advantages,computer also brings some troubles to us,For example,many jobs can be done by computer,As a result...

英语感叹句的变化规律。什么时候用what 什么时候用how如以下句子_百度...
规范感叹句用法记忆口诀:感叹句,并不难,How 和What应提前。形容词副词跟着How,What后面名词连。你所给句子变化结果是:(1)The man is tall.——How tall the man is!=What a tall man (2)He looks tired.——How tired he looks!(3)He drives fast.——How fast he drives!(4)...

The program controller with memory function Note: because of dentistry chairs can be machine moving parts, and surgical and connect in moving parts, with the movement of dentistry chairs in the operation process, must ensure the equipment within the scope of the exercise, do not have...

can take me on 2.He considers a high evaluation within our school 3.The car handled easily 4.5.Pay attention to you hardwriting in the future 6.Sharing water with dolphins will make me a great memory 7.To see is to believe 8.The task is very difficult by time presses ...

弭侦18512061840问: 请问怎样更快记忆以下单词geographybiologypoliticsdiffcultinteresting可以按音标或其他的,这些单词好难记啊,diffcult为difficult -
孙吴县甜梦回答:[答案] 按照其音节,边读边背,切记不要一个字母一个字母的背,而且要天天看见它们,至少在一个记忆周期里.geography ge--o--gra--phybiology bi--o--lo--gypolitics po--li--ticsdiffcult di--ffi--cultinteresting in--teres-...

弭侦18512061840问: (A)将下列句子译成英语 ,必须用上所给提示词1.我在学英语上的困难是怎样记住新单词(difficulty ,how ,remember)2.看起来用英语写日记有点困难(It seems ... -
孙吴县甜梦回答:[答案]My difficulty in learning English is how to remember the new words. It seems keeping diaries in English is difficult.

弭侦18512061840问: 什么是抽象名词 -
孙吴县甜梦回答: 明白抽象名词的定义,它们往往是指人类的精神生活方面的活动而言的一类词汇.而这个问题的难点,在于抽象名词中的可属与不可数的如何识别和记忆上,因为,它们还会转化成可属名词.比如:one difficulty after another 是可数的,而march...

弭侦18512061840问: 怎样速记英语单词?
孙吴县甜梦回答: 音标是一方面 另一方面是在你背诵的时候要反复记忆,这个我有亲身体验,往往第一面见到某个单词是,你往往不太注意,不要嫌弃慢,而去反复去记忆!

弭侦18512061840问: 什么时候difficulty用于复数、什么时候用于单数
孙吴县甜梦回答: 1.difficulty n.困难,艰难,难事;有可数名词和不可数名词两种用法 ①用作不可数名词,意为"困难、艰难",常用在以下句型中 have no/find(some, any, much) difficulty with sth./(in) doing sth. There is no (some, any, much) difficulty (in) doing sth. ...

弭侦18512061840问: 怎么学习法语?法语的单词分阴阳性有没有什么规律可以轻松记忆?还有
孙吴县甜梦回答: 刚开始肯定要把音素学好,发音很重要哦.然后每天背单词是必须的,初学时经常背... 单词还可以通过同义词、反义词、同族词或同类词等方法分类归纳记忆:1)同义词...

弭侦18512061840问: 关于difficulty的用法请问difficulty既是可数又是不可数吗?在什么情况下用作可数,在什么情况下用作不可数? -
孙吴县甜梦回答:[答案] difficulty n. -ties 困难;艰难 This question is full of difficulties. 这个问题困难很多. Do you have any difficulty with English? 你英语上有困难吗? "At first,the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to settle in Brasilia." "开...

弭侦18512061840问: 求other、another、the other、others等词的记忆方法!急!! -
孙吴县甜梦回答: other:形容词 adj. 1.别的, 其他的, 另外的 Are there any other problems? 还有其他的问题吗? Moral beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty. 品德之美应列于其他美之上. 2.(两个中的)另一个 There must be some other reason for ...

弭侦18512061840问: 请问一下difficult和difficulty,还有success和succeed有什么不同? -
孙吴县甜梦回答:[答案] difficult是形容词,困难的 difficulty是名词,困难,困难的事 success是名词,成功 succeed是动词,成功做...

弭侦18512061840问: difficult和difficulty的区别 -
孙吴县甜梦回答:[答案] difficult是形容词,用它来修饰名词;difficulty是副词,用它来修饰动词,difficulty 也可以当做名词的“困难度”来讲.祝你一路顺风.

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