
作者&投稿:祗泪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求带PPT 的英语演讲稿,三分钟左右,最好有趣点的
【1】At the Lesson of Geography(在地理课上)A teacher put his finger on some place on the map and said:“What is this,John?”John got up and said:“Your forefinger.”老师用手指在地图上指着某一个地方,说:“约翰,这是什么呀?”约翰站起身来,说:“是你的食指。”【2】At...

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to Japan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it b...

适合大学生的英语演讲ppt如下:一、英语演讲稿如下:Change:Leo Tolstoy once said, everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.He is right. We always have great plans and dreams in our minds... too ready to achieve something gr and that changes the...


可以讲的有很多 比如”love“(大学生恋爱问题),“special gift”,当下流行的美剧,一部电影,“smile","the strangest job top 10",(ppt每种附上图片效果更佳,可以加一段泰勒的英文歌当背景音乐)……例子:It's my honor to make a presentation about international company Kentucky Fried ...

Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I ...

介绍嘉兴的 Jiaxing has abundant culture relics and tourism interests. There are beautiful tide, lakes and rivers. To the south of city, there are the revolutionary saint place of South Lake and other places like Xitang-living ancient town of thousands of years; 9 dragon sea shore ...

However, this is not only a disaster caused by sandstorms. Now, even Antarctica is facing pollution. Therefore, the Earth has lost its last piece of pure land. Tai Shan, once a beautiful place for people to visit, has become a protected area. And we, with our arms folded, ...

急用!我要在周五用英文配合PPT演讲! 请英语达人翻译以下中文文段! 十 ...
5、Thrift. Money is required to do good, in which waste.6、Diligent. Don't waste time; Not to pay attention to those boring speech, every time something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.7、Sincere. Don't deceive people; Think innocently and justly; Speak also should be...

Good morning\/Good afternoon,my teacher and my classmates.First,please allow me to introducte myself,my name is ...(talk about yourself)I believe in one sentence- not to win but to take part. It is also a slogan of the Sports. Take this competition as an example; I think ...

雷清13816954311问: 大学英语课要做一个5分钟的PPT演讲,大家帮我想一个有趣的主题嘛,满意要加分哦! -
苏尼特右旗锋可回答: 你好,如果是自选题材的话,我有三个建议:第一:你可以做"迪拜的帆船酒店",它很奢华,是由40吨黄金打造的,它是世界上第一家的7星级酒店(不过现在有了八星的,也是迪拜的),它建立在海滨的一个人工岛上,是一个帆船形的塔状建筑,一共有56层,我上次就做的这个,很成功,嘿嘿,而且也很容易做的,题材和图片在网上都可以搜到,最主要的是黄金打造这一点很吸引观众.第二:可以试试广告业的主题,这个题材很多人做,因为图片比较好找,也比较有趣,你可以从广告的好处和坏处方面来展开讨论,第三:水下餐厅,顾名思义是建在海底的一个餐厅,比较吸引眼球.

雷清13816954311问: 有没有什么有创意的话题,素材 可以做英文PPT大学口语课前的PPT展示 ,想找个新颖的话题 -
苏尼特右旗锋可回答:[答案] American in British eyes vs British in American eyes

雷清13816954311问: 大学英语课前三分钟演讲的ppt,要带讲稿哦,题材不限,积极阳光新颖一点最好~女生可以用的 -
苏尼特右旗锋可回答: Family problemsTwo men, one American and an Indian were sitting in a bar drinking shot after shot.The Indian man said to the American, 'You know my parents are forcing me to get married to this so called homely girl from a village whom I haven'...

雷清13816954311问: 求大学英语PPT,主题最好不要太俗气
苏尼特右旗锋可回答: ppt演示文稿 college romance Today I want to talk about the college romance. As well known. college differ those schools we had learn in previous. we will start our new life here. new life could be our true life as a human being. and as a social animal....

雷清13816954311问: 大学英语课上做什么ppt吸引人请说明什么主题最好 -
苏尼特右旗锋可回答:[答案] 其实简单就好.做ppt只是帮助陈述人能够有个大致的结构.除此之外,陈述人需要有更多的内容用语言表述出来.ppt不能够太详细了,如果太详细,不如看书.

雷清13816954311问: 急求一个大学英语演讲的PPT,3分钟左右 -
苏尼特右旗锋可回答: 建议您可以自己尝试做一个大学英语演讲的三分钟左右 PPT.PPT英文叫 Power Point. 要有Point,且Point要Powerful.别人的PPT都是别人的观点.您可以参考别人的观点,但还是要自己做才会演讲Hit the point . 您可以参考这样做,第一页演讲的题目,第二页演讲的目的,第三页演讲者的观点,第四页结论,第五页感谢,如果有资料和数据支持您的观点也可以加入一页或者几页.希望有帮助.以上回答你满意么?

雷清13816954311问: 大学英语课前演讲ppt 什么主题的较好 -
苏尼特右旗锋可回答: 讲讲国际上的事呗 军事的 例如钓鱼岛的随便吧 老师听的是你讲的口语和语法 不太注意你讲的内容 什么都一样 随便挑一些你感兴趣的

雷清13816954311问: 请大家推荐几个适合大学生的英文演讲题目
苏尼特右旗锋可回答: It's not a dream of our future! 这样的题目最容易引起共鸣, 而且内容形式可以像诗一样,能使演讲朗朗上口,热情洋溢 对于鼓舞新生,鞭策自我也是一个很好的切入

雷清13816954311问: 求大学英语课前演讲的PPT~~什么主题都行(除了自我介绍) 8分钟左右,题材最好新鲜点的,好玩点的 谢谢! -
苏尼特右旗锋可回答: 两人一起还是一个人单独演讲!两个讲宿友不错啊.这样的机会不多哦.刚开始有点紧张、放松点!尽量找自己喜欢同学们也喜欢的话题!自己喜欢的容易进入状态.同学喜欢容易引起他们的注意!多互动哇!提起他们的兴趣!望采纳

雷清13816954311问: 急求大学英语课前演讲PPT 主题不限 -
苏尼特右旗锋可回答: When I turn old ,when I am not the original me:Please understand me and have patience with me. When I drip gravy all over my clothes ,when I forget to tie my shoelaces:Please remember how I taught you what to do ,and how to do many things by ...

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