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高一新课程第34期参考答案及部分解析 [参考答案]专项技能训练(8)1-5 BCBAA 6-10 CABAB 11-15CACBB 16-20 ACCBA 21-25 DCABA 26-30CDCAB 31-35 DCADB 36-40 ACCAB 阅读理解突破(8)1-4 CBAD 5-8 DBDD 9-12 ABAD 13-16 CBCB [部分解析]专项技能训练(8)...

大学英语 精读1课后习题答案
5、我想先和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。I’d like to talk over with you the English translation of the article ...2014-10-13 大学英语精读1答案解析 1 2015-12-24 大学英语精读1答案主编杨立民 2010-12-31 现代大学英语精读1课后答案 47 更多类似问题 > 为...

大学英语B级模拟题及答案 导语:虽然大学英语B级很简单,但想拿高分还是有点难度的,下面是我提供的大学英语B级模拟题,欢迎大家来做题。 1、What's the matter, John?-- ___ A、I failed my French test. B、It doesn't matter. C、Nothing's wrong with him. D、I don't think I can. 参考答案:A...

阅读理解练习 Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes last. For example, my full name is Jim Allan Green. Green is my family name .My parents gave me both of my other names.People don’t use their ...

3. be transported, transportation\/transport 4. persuade, persuasive 5. organizer, organized 6. rely, reliable 7. prefers, preferable 8. Finally, final KEY PHRASES 1. care about 【自我归纳】care about;be concerned about;be worried about 【即学即练】1. Mary only thinks ...

选择题 1.—What your father ?—He is a driver.A.do, does B.does, do C.do, do 答案: B 2.I a brother. He tall.A.have, has B.has, is C.have, is 答案:C 填空 1He died at the___(年龄) of 95.答案:age 2.---Which is your...

英语学考2 1七年级参考答案
Ⅶ. 1. A 根据文中第三句话“I have a sister,but I don‟t have a brother.”可知答案为A。 2. D 根据文中“I like sports.”“I collect 4 tennis rackets.”和“I like ping-pong, too.”可知答案为D。 3. C 根据文中“I play ping-pong with my friends.”可知答案为...

这里有很详细的.http:\/\/\/english\/4\/index.html 参考资料:山东农业大学网站 Unit One With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities.He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as ...

5 网站神马的我觉得很浮云,一开电脑这里一个连接那里一个连接的,然后想着累了开个QQ逛逛微薄看看人人上上豆瓣的,到时候时间都荒废在上面了。不如就上网的时候随便去沪江之类的英语学习网站逛逛就好,别太把上网学英语当回事~ 平时多去自习才是硬道理。--- 以及,做题的时候要认真点 比如我当时可能...

创新大学英语综合教程1的答案及翻译如下:Unit 1 1. 那是个正式的宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。Asit was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2. 他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯还未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。Hisgirlfriend advised him to get out ...

郟炉19696998077问: 大学英语讨论题,要求2分到2分半钟.话题:1English learning,2College life,3Manner,4Friends and friendship,5Happiness,6Role models,7Romance,8Internet,... -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] In the old days,college life were going to be easy.you spent your time chatting with your classmate,playing your heart out in the squash court.whatever you interest university life cater for it. you need not study to hard ,when you finish your shcool,whatever ...

郟炉19696998077问: 在大学英语课堂里可以讨论的一些话题,希望能新颖一些,能多引起一些思考的. -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] 1.whether euthanasia is good for the patients who get serious illness 2. why more and more couples get divorce nowadays in China

郟炉19696998077问: 大学英语.第26题 (2.0) 分 They were all very tired,but() of them would stop to take a rest.A、anyB、someC、noneD、neither第27题 (2.0) 分 The research... -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] 第26题 (2.0) 分 They were all very tired,but() of them would stop to take a rest. A、any B、some C、none D、neither 选C.“都很累,但是没有人停下来休息”all 的全否定词none. 第27题 (2.0) 分 The research results show that the earth goes a ...

郟炉19696998077问: 大学英语第一册课后Vocabulary的答案与翻译如:Unit 8:Vocabulary第三题:When the camera_____properly,a green light comes on.答案及此句翻译. -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] 请您参考下列讨论,就能明白了: When the camera is functioning properly,a green light comes on.句子翻译. 5 | 解决时间:2011-5-24 17:31 | dvbaby99 When the camera is functioning properly,a green light comes on.为什么要用is functioning,为什...

郟炉19696998077问: 大学英语第一册第14题 When visiting a foreign country,I sometimes found it difficult - ______________.A、to make myself understood B、to make others ... -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] 第14题 When visiting a foreign country,I sometimes found it difficult _A______________.A、to make myself understood B、to make others understand myself C、to make myself understand D、making others un...

郟炉19696998077问: 英语必修5unit2的讨论题 can you work out why london is the capital of england britain and the UK另一道What geographical factors make it difficult to invade ... -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] 第2条问题的,United Kingdom is located in the Atlantic Coast.It is the largest island in Europe and the eighth-largest island in the world.It was surrounded by the Dover Strait and the English Channel.UK was combined with the northwest coast of the ...

郟炉19696998077问: 大学英语基础题 请高手解答第31题 (2.0) 分 Alice received an invitation from her boss,() came as a surprise.A、itB、thatC、whichD、he第32题 (2.0) 分 ... -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] 1、C 非限制定语从句 2、C 具体某天的早晨、中午、晚上前介词用on 3、B 起飞 4、D 出城的路没一条是好的,不过这条比另外一条路好些. 5、A be put to death 短语意思为 被处死 6、B run a risk 冒险.你让你的孩子自己去上学是很冒险的.

郟炉19696998077问: 一道大学英语口语题 100~150字If you were the President of our university and could change one thing on campus,what would it be?How would you change it?... -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] If I were the president of our university,the first thing I want to change,maybe this is most of the students' desire,is to impose strict restrictions on the vehicles from outside the campus.There are...

郟炉19696998077问: 三个简单的大学英语语法题1.I'll take down your name and address in case you - __ - as a witness.A. are needed B. will be needed C. need D. were needed2... -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] A D B

郟炉19696998077问: 大学英语二级测试题答案 -
昔阳县特制回答:[答案] 其实每次考试的难易程度都差不多拉,没有什么特别特别难的.我回忆下我过四级的经历.其实四级很简单的的,我们首先要... 当然我不建议你也这样做就是了.后来我过了六级,雅思考了6.5,总结起来学习英语有下面的经验. 下面分听读写三部分讨论...

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