
作者&投稿:曹石 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

大学如何省钱 英语作文
which can help us saving more money. Secondly, we can do some part-time jobs, earning some money. Finally, we also can do some investment, which can help us receive money in a shot time.In

so there is no need to save money. But saving part of the income can better help us to deal with emergent situations. Though it is hard to store income,

1. Stay away from your money always:1. 远离你的钱 Don't make money your number one companion rather you may want to treat it as your enemy. To ensure that you don't spend un-budgeted money, put it away in a savings plan. If you don't need it now, put it away and...

A:I always spend a lot in supermarkets.Do you know any thing helpful?B:I usually see the wares on stock,but pick nothing,though I love to see the tags.I go to take some necessaries just before I check out.

The past decade has seen a sharp rise in the number of college students spending a considerable amount of money. This trend has placed a heavy financial burden on families, making the topic of saving money increasingly significant. There are numerous ways to save money. To begin ...

如果你想写一篇以"How to Spend Our Pocket Money"为题的英语作文,可以从以下几个方面展开:介绍自己的零花钱来源和数额。可以谈到自己是通过做家务、做兼职等方式赚取零花钱,并且每月大约有多少零花钱。探讨如何合理分配零花钱。可以谈到自己的消费观念和理财观念,比如说应该先存一部分钱,然后再根据...

Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our life.Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts.A people only care the money ,which is...

Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our life.Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts.A people only care the money ,which is...

Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our life. Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts. A people only care the money ,which...

topic.There are many ways to save money.First of all,we may reduce the irrelevent expenses,which can help us saving more money.Secondly,we can do some part-time jobs,earning some money.Finally,we also can do some investment,which can help us receive money in a shot time.

无璧17082963818问: 他们已经找到一个省钱的办法用英语怎么翻译 -
浦东新区复方回答: 他们已经找到一个省钱的办法 They've found a way to save money.

无璧17082963818问: 大学生怎么省钱? -
浦东新区复方回答: 2、 减少外食 大学活动多,所以常有机会与同学到外面吃饭,频繁地去外面吃饭虽然很方便也很诱人,但是它会吃掉你一大笔钱.所以要省钱请注意每星期或者每月外出吃饭的次数,看看这耗费了你多少钱.你可能会对你在伙食上的花销感到惊...

无璧17082963818问: 大学生活怎样才能更省钱呢? -
浦东新区复方回答: 计划好你的大学生活 高考刚结束,9月份又有大一新生踏入大学校园.作为学长在大学生活了几年,把自己的一些想法和学弟学妹分享1、多交朋友.宿舍里,和舍友们打成一片,可以说舍友是大学朋友中最重要的,你和他们生活一起最多....

无璧17082963818问: 大学生要如何省钱呢?
浦东新区复方回答: 精打细算每一天.你可以每月底做个总结,并以此为下月做预算,比如你可以算出下月大概需火食费300块,那再拿出100块备用,那么你一月在校支出大约是四百;之外,你可能要出外聚餐或者买东西,那就再准备200块──如此一月也就六百,另外 另外,你平时最好和大家在一起消费,可能也会更省点钱;然后,就是不要那么要面子,有吃有喝有穿不就行了,不一定事事都要牌子或者最好最高级的…(其实,我平时差不多就是这样生活的)…

无璧17082963818问: 加拿大大学生省钱的7个技巧有哪些?
浦东新区复方回答: 1. 买旧书 没有比选择买旧书而非新书更能省一大笔钱的事情了. 永远记得要用过... 需要一个在购物时超级简单的省钱方法吗?喝水龙头里的水.那是免费的并且对身体有...

无璧17082963818问: 英国大学交学费的7种方法 哪种最省钱 -
浦东新区复方回答: 1、Cheques and bankers draft,即支票和汇票实际上,支票和汇票是两种很相似的付款工具,但需要注意的是,在国内,个人是不能开支票的,因此,学生想用国内银行账户的钱通过这种方式交学费,只能选择开汇票.开汇票时,务必要看清...

无璧17082963818问: 英国留学生活衣食住行学省钱有哪些窍门?
浦东新区复方回答: 一、衣: 花钱有道,英伦范儿 一些商店会给学生5%-10%的折扣,所以购物时,随... 伦敦地铁四通八达,无疑是出行最为便利的方法. 和北京的地铁类似,可以在不同地...

无璧17082963818问: 出国留学各国学生省钱都有哪些妙招呢?
浦东新区复方回答: 如今出国留学成为了一种趋势,而出国留学申请必定需要大笔的费用,下面我们看看去美国、英国、加拿大留学的学子们在国外留学生活中的省钱大妙招.下面是具体的信...

无璧17082963818问: 英国留学生最佳省钱妙招是什么?
浦东新区复方回答: 一、要砍价 在签订诸如宽带、保险和手机合同时要砍价一番,通过讨价还价,仅电信... 对于买年度季票的人来说,这个方法可能会一年省下几百镑. 铁路工作人员不允许向...

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