
作者&投稿:英若 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

大学如何省钱 英语作文
which can help us saving more money. Secondly, we can do some part-time jobs, earning some money. Finally, we also can do some investment, which can help us receive money in a shot time.In

so there is no need to save money. But saving part of the income can better help us to deal with emergent situations. Though it is hard to store income,

1. Stay away from your money always:1. 远离你的钱 Don't make money your number one companion rather you may want to treat it as your enemy. To ensure that you don't spend un-budgeted money, put it away in a savings plan. If you don't need it now, put it away and...

Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our life.Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts.A people only care the money ,which is...

A:I always spend a lot in supermarkets.Do you know any thing helpful?B:I usually see the wares on stock,but pick nothing,though I love to see the tags.I go to take some necessaries just before I check out.

Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our life.Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts.A people only care the money ,which is...

Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our life. Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts. A people only care the money ,which...

Money is crucial but not the most important aspect of our lives. Many things are more significant than money, such as friendship, love, and family. We can purchase many things with money, but it cannot buy people's hearts. A person who only cares about money is sorrowful and ...

讨论如何节约零花钱并实现理财目标。可以谈到自己平时的省钱技巧和投资计划,比如说在购物时要寻找优惠活动,或者将一部分钱投入到股票、基金等理财产品中。以下是三篇英语作文,供大家参考。第一篇英语作文 写作思路:这篇英语作文将介绍如何理智地花费我们的零用钱。首先,我们应该制定一个预算计划,以确保...

买衣服怎么省钱 要用英语翻译的
简单句:How can I buy clothes with less money.复杂句:How to save money when buying clothes?

一雅15014592616问: 大学如何省钱 英语作文帮帮小弟吧字数120左右,分3段,谢谢大家了 -
桥西区热毒回答:[答案] The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of students spend lots of money in college.This phenomenon will impose heavy burden of the family,so how to save money become to an impo...

一雅15014592616问: 怎样省钱的英语作文(有翻译的) -
桥西区热毒回答:[答案] Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our life.Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts.A people only care ...

一雅15014592616问: 关于节省用钱的英语作文!1.省钱的重要性;2.省钱的建议;3.提出倡议.开头已给出:We have just had a class meeting on the topic - saving money. -
桥西区热毒回答:[答案] 看看行不行,行就给个采纳,不知道你多大,折中写了篇.We have just had a class meeting on the topic-saving money.Through this meeting,we know that to save money is very important.Because we can learn how to...

一雅15014592616问: 英语作文大学生怎么合理消费 -
桥西区热毒回答:[答案] Around the compus, we can commonly see some college students wear branded clothes, using the most advanced appliances such as Ipod, Iphone and Ipad. In spite of where the money comes from, I absolutel...

一雅15014592616问: 英语作文:说说省钱的2个方法和原因 -
桥西区热毒回答: Performing Daily Ceremony When we perform or participate in rituals and ceremonies, we enter into a state of mind that is different from mundane consciousness. Ranging in significance from bedtime stories to weddings, ceremonies and rituals ...

一雅15014592616问: 大学生如何利用生活费英语作文 -
桥西区热毒回答: How to spend money for student As a student,execpt that you can earn money by yourself,then you can spend it in your way,buy anything you would like to have.But there are little time for students to work after class,especially in China,So you should ...

一雅15014592616问: 以节省零用钱为话题的英语作文 -
桥西区热毒回答: 教你每月节省开支的十大“必杀技”Save money painlessly by negotiating discounts for monthly household expenses. OK, so you've already cut your monthly budget in an effort to build your savings. Daily lattes are gone, dinners out are rare, ...

一雅15014592616问: 主题为如何省钱的英语作文 -
桥西区热毒回答: how to save money

一雅15014592616问: 求一篇英语作文题目是大学生如何计划开支……用词越简单越好……300词左右O(∩ - ∩)O谢谢 -
桥西区热毒回答:[答案] If you are a full-time student in college,money is always going to be an issue.The first thing you have to consider is whether you are going to have enough money to pay for the tuition forthe fall and...

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