
作者&投稿:融食 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


英语作文 有人喜欢存钱,有人却喜欢提前消费 谈谈自己的观点。。。_百度...
有些人喜欢存钱,觉得今后可能会有用,因为存些钱确实踏实。有人喜欢消费,享受生活。我觉得没有什么对与错,都是正确的。从个人的角度考虑的话,我喜欢存钱,会给自己一种成就感,让自己有激情努力工作。Some people like to save money, it may be useful in the future, because to save some ...

When facing the choice between spending money on the long term asset or on the short term consuming, different people have different opinions due to their distinct backgrounds and experiences. Some people claim that saving some money for future use is better while others insist that it...

as far as I am concerned, saving money is a good habit and we should keep it all the time.问题二:“存钱还是不存钱”英语作文120字左右 周末的一天,我的玩还是不玩又吵架了,只听玩说:好不容易盼到周末怎能不玩电脑呢?不玩说话了:还没写完作业呢?玩又发话了:可以晚上写啊!不...

如果对这里发生的事我没有理解错的话,你是说在你们的银行里,这孩子存钱年龄够了,但取钱年龄却不够。If I understand what's going on here correctly, what you're saying is that this boy is old enough to deposit his money in your bank but he's not old enough to withdraw it.既...

写 七年级英语 作文 要有惜墨如金的精神,下面我给大家分享一些七年级下册期末 英语作文 ,大家快来跟我一起欣赏吧。七年级下册期末英语作文篇一 我的存钱罐 I have a lot of little handiwork, but the favorite one is my collecting-tin.It is a little man made of china. He we...

越来越少的人想过那种拼命存钱、简朴的生活。总之,人们的生活水平已经日渐提高。 高一的英语作文 篇6 The spring Festival is coming soon! The festivel is considereded the most important one for Chinese people. It is on the first day of lunar year. It is also the day of reunion among family ...

当你为了教育存钱的时候别忘了为我退休做储蓄 英语作文
Elizabeth Lawrence once said, "There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again. " So is my childhood. I have a happy time when I was very very young, and this time is the ...

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.Everyone must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they ...

而当你在为这些最重大的体验存钱时,别忘了生活中的日常乐趣。很多小的、频繁的乐趣帮助你度日并鼓励改变,那会促进脑部的功能。Instead of buying a 3,000 dollar rug that provides a one-time experience for the next ten years, a 5 dollar latte with friends will be different each time,...

磨泼19426313489问: 一篇关于存钱的英语作文 -
七星区盐酸回答: Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.Everyone must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make ...

磨泼19426313489问: 求一篇关于金钱的大学英语作文!
七星区盐酸回答: Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can ...

磨泼19426313489问: 求一篇关于大学生如何理财的英语作文 -
七星区盐酸回答: The question you ask is just like last year`s CET4`s article...My answer: In university we have choices to choose the lessons we like,and it`s called elective.Many students have many opinions.Why I choose it is because it`s to my taste ,and meanwhile...

磨泼19426313489问: 一篇中国学生自己解决大学费用的英语作文 -
七星区盐酸回答: In order to get into the university,students should try their best to find part-time jobs.For example,being a waiter ,tutor.But sometimes,it's not easy for students to find a part-time job.And trying to borrow some money from others is a great way to enter ...

磨泼19426313489问: 英语作文大学生应不应该挣钱养活自己 -
七星区盐酸回答: Nowadays, we can find a interesting phenomenon among dorms of college students that most of students wish to have a pet indoor to relax themselves, or in another word, to be a company. As a matter of fact, pets do have the ability of relaxing us, ...

磨泼19426313489问: 英语作文:开户和存款的经历 -
七星区盐酸回答: The bank is located at (银行地址) Please remember to bring a piece of ID and your bank card. There is ususally long waiting line in the bank, be patient. Just show you ID to the bank clerk and give him/her the bank card. Tell him/her how much ...

磨泼19426313489问: 写一封存款信 英语作文 -
七星区盐酸回答: Hello Mr.Holland.You have this amount of money the company has expired 10 days, as soon as possible to pay 10,000 yuan loans. With this summer's latest product development, the following is the company's new product directory, welcome back, nearly sent the new orders, so the company can enjoy the preferential prices.

磨泼19426313489问: 英语作文,人们对存钱的处理方法 -
七星区盐酸回答: Some people like to save money, it may be useful in the future, because to save some money really practical. Some people like consumption, enjoy life. I don't think it's right and wrong, is all right. From individual angle, I love money, will give you a sense of achievement, let you have the passion to work hard.

磨泼19426313489问: 求一篇关于大学生消费观的英语作文关于大学生消费观的英语作文 120个单词左右 -
七星区盐酸回答:[答案] I think it is necessary for a university student to have a correct idea of consumption. First,consumption according to our own needs, but also to suit our needs. Second,consumption should be independent, not to repeat word for word what others say, do ...

磨泼19426313489问: 求一篇英语文章,主题为my shopping experience.内容要突出一次购物经历,购物喜好,和谁购物,一般买什么.再有启事,学生应如何存钱,养成好的购物习... -
七星区盐酸回答:[答案] Shopping is usual for us.But it is not an easy thing ,is it? I love shopping,and every weekend I must go shopping with my friends as far as I can!There are many kinds of shops such as booksshop shoe...

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