
作者&投稿:蔚雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Question:How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?按照学生能力水平分班有益吗?Answer:This is a rather controversial question.I’m not an expert in education.But from my personal observation, the following conclusions seem obvious.We have ...

在托福备考的过程中,要想获得托福口语高分,练习必不可少。下面我就带大家一起来学习一下托福口语话题汇总分类80个,希望能帮助大家更好的练习口语,下面一起来看一下吧!人物类 01 good teacher 02 good parent 03 good friend 04 good leader 05 person you admire 06 leader or follower 物体类 0...

For the first question,my answer is yes.Generally speaking,the higher education a person received,the more service he will do for the society.In the education process,you must see or learn how other people do social service.And then,you will do the same thing as them.After a ...

英语口语话题:你喜欢参加学校运动吗 为什么或为什么不?
Yes, I love taking part in the school activities.Why? You may wonder because school activities can make me very healthy. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. When I take part in the school activities a lot on my female classmates will cheer ...

标题:晚饭做什么吃?作者:Miyo分类:美食话题 a.My dear, what's for supper?亲爱的,晚饭做什么吃?b.Red cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms.红烧鲤鱼和鲜蘑油菜。浏览:50892收藏:0好评:252差评:286添加时间:2014-12-24 收藏 标题:上错菜了作者:Miyo分类:美食话题 a.Waiter, ...

雅思口语part 1科学相关话题范文及解析
在雅思口语中,很多时候需要积累一定的高分模板。因为能够让考生亲身体会英语说话的逻辑,还能增强我们遣词造句的能力。并且在很大程度上,训练了我们的语法。因此,今天小站君为大家带来描述科学的雅思口语part1话题模板。希望考生能够好好练习。1. Do you like science?It’s ok I suppose, but I&...

雅思口语关于学习的压力话题 高分思路

托福 口语一二题常考的几个话题
我市今天考的,把我收集的口语一二题资料给你~IBT 口语机经2005 年11 月19 日1 你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。2 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。正面:信息和娱乐2005 年12 月2 日1 Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.2 Do you th...

英语口语话题 大学生救一位农民牺牲是否值得?
有人认为这是用金子换石头,不值得。大学生对社会的贡献自然比老农大。但我们不能光从物质价值上去看,要看到舍身救人的精神意义,对社会的作用远大于一个大学生以后对社会所做出物质贡献。some people consider it seems like trade gold with stone.and of course the deed is not worthwhile.the ...


淡心17254139150问: 求9个英语口试话题求9个大学英语口试话题作文,时间三分钟左右 1.What do you think sports can bring you in life?2.How to p[revent students cheating in ... -
夷陵区健儿回答:[答案] 1 )talk about a film Brave Heart is part of a historical film, part of a hero legend, part of romantic and part of nationalistic. It is about the story of William Wallace, a poor but free Scottish ma...

淡心17254139150问: 大学生口语考试 2分钟演讲 一般什么话题,怎么准备,快,加分 -
夷陵区健儿回答: 如果大家都不是英语专业的不会太难的,多准备些身边的话题,试着平时用英语跟同学讲话,你会发现很多简单的单词却不会. 至于话题:可以准备一些百搭的素材,比如准备一个老师的事迹,对应题目可以是我最敬仰的人,我最喜欢的老师,...

淡心17254139150问: 大学英语口语话题考试,不知道该怎么写草稿,话题如下:My first term at college.My view on stress.My view on keeping fit.补充一点,是两个人的对话,要求... -
夷陵区健儿回答:[答案] 给你一些问题思路你自己总结,学习得自己来,1,what's you subject?how do you adjust your new college life?what kind of courses do you take?2、stress from where?academy study or life?how do you face it and ...

淡心17254139150问: 大学英语口语考试话题. -
夷陵区健儿回答: For the first question,my answer is yes.Generally speaking,the higher education a person received,the more service he will do for the society.In the education process,you must see or learn how other people do social service.And then,you will do the ...

淡心17254139150问: 英语口试话题简述.. -
夷陵区健儿回答: TITLE:one of my favorite books CONTENT: 例如:Moby-Dick is one of my favorite books, the novel mainly talks about a sailor, whose name is Ishmael, depressed by the alienation between man and society, man and universe, escaped from the ...

淡心17254139150问: 一般英语口语考试有哪些话题? -
夷陵区健儿回答: 一般英语口语考试主要是涉及校园生活、社会时事、交际感情等,一般校园生活主要有如何学习英语、朋友相见、如何安排校园生活以及校园宿舍、教室等场景的对话. 口语考试涉及的范围比较广,所以要求学生知识面要宽,注意平时要多积累.建议直接找外教,可以针对发音,用词,语法结构等针对辅导,短期内达到考试的要求. 社会时事一般以最近国内外发生的事情为主,所以请多关注一下国际、国家新闻.交际感情一般涉及朋友结交、处理矛盾、处理各种感情事宜等.

淡心17254139150问: 英语口语考试,有三个话题,第一个话题你觉得什么是成功,第二个话题你觉得有钱就是成功吗?第三个话题是 -
夷陵区健儿回答: 1I think that a person get his attention accomplished is success2.in some way,possessing much money means the success3l think the success is not assure,every people has different oppnion

淡心17254139150问: 求大学英语口语考试三人对话..话题见详细 -
夷陵区健儿回答: A;I thinkhigh school life and college life are different B;Yes,We have few time and busy for study in high school,but now we can't make full of use time C;What worse I often late A;That's too bad B;So we should a plan for college life C;I think I aways ...

淡心17254139150问: 求大一英语期末口语考试的对话!总共12个话题!求编好的好的对话 -
夷陵区健儿回答: Topic 12 (Unit 13): Talking about Dreams and Ambitions Talk about your future plan after your graduation.Sa: Good morning!Sb: Good morning!b: What are you doing here?a: I'm reading my textbook since we will have the final examination next ...

淡心17254139150问: 跪求,大学英语考试口语考试,自我陈述,三到五分钟 -
夷陵区健儿回答: Thanks for giving me the good chance to talk something freely.How time flies!I still remebered that i was very shy to speak English at the begaining, however, you came to be my oral english teacher, this is very important for me on opening the mouth ...

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