
作者&投稿:雪诸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

大唐gang 原唱 A路人\/倒悬的橘子 倒悬的橘子、A路人、枪弹轨迹、深色海带鱼 - 大唐Gang 作词:倒悬的橘子、Oz、A路人、枪弹轨迹、深海色带鱼 作曲:倒悬的橘子、DMYoung 编曲:Jeffrey Z 制作人:Jeffrey Z 唢呐:浑元Rysn 混音:郭子敬 母带:郭子敬 音乐监制:Hannah 音乐统筹:卡妹Iriel、霓霓 音乐...

殳良13260117137问: 极速蜗牛英文原版地址 -
甘州区威乐回答: 您好下一个迅雷7,http://www.ffdy.cc/movie/35941.html这是网址

殳良13260117137问: 三国演义的原著完全是文言文吗? -
甘州区威乐回答:[答案] 《三国演义》是明代的语言风格,半文言半白话,简练易懂. 《三国志》那就是文言文了,需要借助解释才能弄明白.

殳良13260117137问: 《Apple Tree》的英语版 -
甘州区威乐回答:[答案] Dear Sir,can you remember me,I'm the one that picked the apple treeDear Sir,can you remember meI'm the one that picked the apple treeDear Sir,can you remember me,Have a look inside the family treeDear...

殳良13260117137问: 泰戈尔的一句诗的来源和英文版急求这句话的原版英文版本和出处谢谢火焰给你光明,但是不要忘了那给你执灯的人,他是坚韧的站在黑暗当中 -
甘州区威乐回答:[答案] 出自泰戈尔《飞鸟集》 原文是: 感谢火焰的光明,但是别忘了执灯人,他正坚韧地站在黑暗之中. Thank the flame for its light, but do not forget the lampholder standing in the shade with constancy of patience.

殳良13260117137问: 三国演义青少年版和原版有那些差别? -
甘州区威乐回答:[答案] 原版比青少年版更详细,更不易理解,原版比青少年版更好,只要你能看懂,有耐心看懂

殳良13260117137问: 谁知道这个句子的英文原版啊?上帝:赐予我安宁,让我接受我所不能改变的事物,赐予我勇气让我改变我能改变的事物,赐予我智慧让我洞悉两者的区别. -
甘州区威乐回答:[答案] God : gave me peace, I accept that I can not change the things that gave me the courage to allow me to change the things I can change, gave me the wisdom I know the difference between the two.

殳良13260117137问: 功夫熊猫里这句话的原版英文是什么,知道的说一下,我要原版的"过去是历史,未来是迷团,今天才是上天的礼物" -
甘州区威乐回答:[答案] Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.But today is a gift.That is why it's called the present (the gift)

殳良13260117137问: 《有一个孩子向前走去》的英文原版“有一个孩子每天向前走去,他看见最初的东西,他就变成那东西,那东西就变成了他的一部分……”惠特曼的诗,英文... -
甘州区威乐回答:[答案] There Was a Child Went Forth Every Day By Walt Whitman[size=4]There was a child went forth every day,And the first object he look'd upon,that object he became,And that object became part of him for th...

殳良13260117137问: 寻求英文原版你以为,我贫穷,微贱,不美,矮小,我就没有灵魂吗,你想错了!——我有和你一样多的灵魂,一样充实的心!上帝若赋给我一些美,许多... -
甘州区威乐回答:[答案] Do you think I am poor, obscure, is not beautiful, short, I am soulless? No heart? You think wrong! - I have as much soul with you, as full heart! If god is assigned to me some beauty, a lot of money, I will make you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you ...

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