
作者&投稿:羊厚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My dream (s)我的梦想 例句:1.我的梦想是将来成为一名教师。My dream is to be a teacher .2.我将尽我最大努力去实现我的梦想。I will try my best to fulfill my dreams!3.但我的梦想是在亚马逊河漂流。But my dream is to go down the Amazon ...

My dream写一篇作文(不少于5句)
My dream Everyone has his dream.I have a dream,too.I want to be a famous doctor.I want to help the poor sick people of our country.I'll try best to learn more knowledge.I hope my dream will come true one day.每个人都有他的梦想,我也有一个梦想。我想要成为一个著名的医...

以My dream写一篇作文

my dream英语作文带翻译100词
1 my dream英语作文150字 Everyone has a dream.I also have a dream.I want to be a computer programmer.Because I like playing computer games,and then I want to make my own games.Of course,I know it is difficult to be a good computer programmer.So,I have to learn more th...

My Dream英文作文
My dream is to become a nurse. I have always been fascinated by healthcare and the human body, and I want to help people who are sick or in pain. I know that being a nurse is a challenging job, but I am willing to work hard to achieve my dream.To prepare for my ...

My Dream 我的梦想是成为一名教育者,致力于培养新一代的青少年。一、梦想的起源 我对教育的热爱源于我对知识的追求和对孩子们的深厚情感。我深知教育对于个人成长和社会进步的重要性,因此,我希望通过教育去影响和启迪更多的年轻人。我梦想中的场景是站在大学的讲台上,面对一群充满激情和好奇心的学生...

my dream80字的英语作文初二
my dream80字的英语作文初二篇1 Everyone has their own dreams.Dream is the start of success.When we have a dream,the only thing we should to do is make it come ture.I have a dream.My dream is to be a computer programmer,who can create software or computer games.I like ...

"My dream "英语作文怎么写?
网上关于“My dream”的英语范文有很多,但都仅供参考。学写作欢迎来阿卡索,外教一对一带各位学习更地道的表达。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】,点击蓝字即可免费领取外教课一节。在阿卡索,每天都有25分钟时间跟着外教一对一学英语,效果真的很不错,而且性价比也是非常高的,课均不到20元,就能...

一篇英语演讲稿,初中水平,一分钟左右,题目为《我的梦想-My dream》
写作思路:从抒发自己的梦想的写作目的、中心主旨入手,写一件自己想要做到的事情,通过有趣的题材以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文:My dream is to be a famous inventor and everything that I dreamt can be invented.我的梦想是当一名大名鼎鼎的发明家,把梦想的东西一一发明出来。Especi...

以My dream写一篇作文
不同的人有不同的梦想。有些人梦想赚很多的钱。有些人梦想过上幸福的生活。有些人梦想能够出名。有些人梦想能够出国等等。但我的梦想是和他们不一样的。知道我的梦想后也许你会很惊讶。I have a wonderful dream in my heart. It's to speak English very well. Since English is everything ...

咸董13919714844问: my dream job为题的100字英文作文 -
花垣县诺金回答: 作文如下: I want to ba a singer when i grow up.When I was young,I have a dream that I can sing in front of the people and they will fell proud of me because my sweet voice.my idol is JAY,i want to be a famous singer like him one day.as we know,it ...

咸董13919714844问: 求一篇以《My dream job》为题目的英语作文70至80词的.
花垣县诺金回答: my dream job My dream job is a job which has the link with English, because my profession is English. I wish I would listen to,speak,read,and write English very well. We all know that English can be used in all walks of lifes. So I can not describe my ...

咸董13919714844问: 英语作文,my dream job120 - 180单词之间 -
花垣县诺金回答:[答案] There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest. As for me, I have made up my mind to be a ...

咸董13919714844问: 以my dream job为题写一篇英语作文词数100词左右 快点明天早上用 -
花垣县诺金回答: Everybody has his dream job. I also have my dream job. My dream is to be a reporter when I grow up. I will write articles to newspapers. But now I'm a middle school student. So I should work hard, and get good grades. After high school, I will go to ...

咸董13919714844问: 请以“My dream job”为题写一篇英语作文.词数60个,不要太多 -
花垣县诺金回答: My dream job is to be a wizard. Because magical things always bring happy surprises to our life. I want ot work at a private library for in order to think, consider, concentrat, and meditate tranquilly. For this dream job, I should listen to more magic ...

咸董13919714844问: 求英语作文一篇,my ideal job.急,在线等...150字左右,谢谢... -
花垣县诺金回答: My Dream Job 财务师 My dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accounting firm as an accountant. I want to be an accountant because I love mathematics and business so much. Also, being an accountant can help me to ...

咸董13919714844问: 以My dream job 为题写一篇英语的作文,80词左右 -
花垣县诺金回答: I want to be a policeman when I grow up .A policeman an catch thieves .I think that's cool.If I am apoliceman,I will make our city a safe place to live in.I will study hard to make my dream come true! I really believe that I can succeed!

咸董13919714844问: my dream job 英语作文 -
花垣县诺金回答: My dream job is to be a cartoonist. I learned sketching when I was young. I like drawing a lot because I think that is another way to tell a story. Besides, although people can read stories in words, I can visualize the such stories and show everyone the ...

咸董13919714844问: 跪求一篇英语作文 -- "My dream job"(150字左右) -
花垣县诺金回答: I want to be a teacher when I grow up .Beacuse I like kids very much and I can make some friends , First I will study very hard ,Then I will go college ,Finally I will be famous and students all like me.As a teacher ,I will help my students to do them ...

咸董13919714844问: 一篇以《my dream job》 为题的80词作文 -
花垣县诺金回答: m going to be a journalist. Next year,更上一层楼. 翻译,我将做一个记者, I'm going to write articles for magazines and newspapers. Maybe I'm going to find a part-time job and save some money. Next, I'.或许我将找一份兼职工作来积攒些钱....

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