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《夜莺与玫瑰》原文节选:"She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses," cried the young Student, "but in all my garden there is no red rose。"“她说如果我给她带来红玫瑰,她会和我跳舞的,”年轻的学生喊道,“但我的花园里没有红玫瑰。”From her nest in...

夜莺:a true lover 玫瑰:true love 蜥蜴:cynic 蝴蝶:timeserver 雏菊:foolish and ignorant

The Nightngale and the Rose 夜莺与玫瑰 原文及译文
"criedtheyoungStudent;"butinallmygardenthereisnoredrose."  2Fromhernestintheholm-oaktreetheNightingaleheardhim,andshelookedoutthroughtheleaves,andwondered.  3"Noredroseinallmygarden!

The Nightingale And the Rose-夜莺与玫瑰
“我所想要的仅仅是一枝红玫瑰啊,” 夜莺大叫道, “仅仅是一枝红玫瑰!这真就没有一个方法让我得到他吗?” “办法倒是有一个,” 玫瑰从答道,“但这可怕到我不太敢和你说。” “快告诉我,” 夜莺说道,“我不怕的!” “如果你想要一枝红玫瑰,” 玫瑰丛说,“你必须在月下歌唱创造他,并用你心脏的血来...


THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE 夜莺与玫瑰 --奥斯卡·王尔德 Characters: 1 The young student: a boy who wanted the love of the girl 2 The girl: the daughter of the professor, a girl who love the vanity 3 The nightingale: who know the true love and contribute her life for ...

玫瑰 rose A rose is a perennial flowering shrub or vine of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae, that contains over 100 species. The species form a group of erect shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants, with stems that are often armed with sharp thorns. Most are native ...

1. 夜莺与蔷薇是《夜莺与玫瑰》(Nightingales and Roses)的英文翻译,这是一个凄美的童话故事。2. 故事讲述了一位青年学生爱上了教授的女儿。女孩答应在舞会上陪伴他,只要他能送她一朵红蔷薇。3. 学生没有红蔷薇,因此在橡树下痛苦地自言自语。小夜莺听到他的话,被他的“爱情”忧伤所感动。4....

A young student thought that he was madly love with the professor's daughter .He felt miserable because he could not find a single red rose in the whole garden to give his love ,and he knew that without the rose she would not agree to dance with him in the ball to be ...

Nightingale and the Rose.

鲁韩18299055744问: 王尔德《夜莺与玫瑰》的林徽因所译版本及英文原文
五台县醋酸回答: THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE "She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses," cried the young Student, "but in all my garden there is no red rose." From her nest in the oak tree the Nightingale heard him, and she ...

鲁韩18299055744问: 王尔德《夜莺与玫瑰》的林徽因所译版本及英文原文 -
五台县醋酸回答: THEnbsp;NIGHTINGALEnbsp;ANDnbsp;THEnbsp;ROSEnbsp;“Shenbsp;saidnbsp;thatnbsp;shenbsp;wouldnbsp;dancenbsp;withnbsp;menbsp;ifnbsp;Inbsp;broughtnbsp;hernbsp;rednbsp;roses,“nbsp;criednbsp;thenbsp;youngnbsp;Student,...

鲁韩18299055744问: 夜莺与玫瑰的英文梗概, 一百单词左右的, 好心人帮帮忙吧 -
五台县醋酸回答: 王尔德的童话:夜莺与玫瑰 下面是梗概: A nightingale overhears a student complaining that his professor's daughter will not dance with him, as he is unable to give her a red rose. The nightingale visits all the rose-trees in the garden, and one of ...

鲁韩18299055744问: 王尔德的诗集是什么? -
五台县醋酸回答: 《夜莺和玫瑰》应该不是诗集,是出自《快乐王子和其他故事》,是童话故事. 《夜莺与玫瑰-王尔德童话集 The Complete Fairy Tales[图片]of Oscar Wilde》这本书评价挺高的,不过是全英文的.你可以再买本巴金翻译的中文版《快乐王子》,价格也不贵,中英对照看看吧:)

鲁韩18299055744问: 济慈的英文爱情诗.最好有中英对照的. -
五台县醋酸回答: 济慈《夜莺颂》 My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too ...

鲁韩18299055744问: 英文小说推荐 -
五台县醋酸回答: 傲慢与偏见(Pride and Prejudice),简爱,致命魔术,这些看过,感觉不错. 福尔摩斯探案全集(The Complete Sherlock Holmes: All 4 Novels and 56 Short Stories )或者哈利波特系列,再或者格林童话之类算比较有趣味性吧. 再,冰与火之歌( A Song of Ice and Fire),饥饿游戏(the hunger game),The Kite Runner(追风筝的人),百年孤独(Cien anos de soledad)都属畅销一类的.英文原著电驴上大都可以下到,若没有再追问我好了

鲁韩18299055744问: 夜莺与玫瑰全文 -
五台县醋酸回答: 夜莺与玫瑰“她说过只要我送给她一些红玫瑰,她就愿意与我跳舞,”一位年轻的学生大声说道, “可是在我的花园里,连一朵红玫瑰也没有.” 这番话给在圣栎树上自己巢中的夜莺听见了,她从绿叶丛中探出头来,四处张望著. “我的...

鲁韩18299055744问: 夜莺与玫瑰故事简介 -
五台县醋酸回答: 大学生爱上了个女孩,女孩说只要大学生送一些红玫瑰给她便和他跳舞,可大学生的花园里没有.他为此烦恼、伤心、流泪.只有树上的夜莺理解他,甘愿每天为他歌唱,歌唱爱情的伟大.最后夜莺以生命的代价,在月光下为一颗玫瑰树歌唱,并将心脏刺穿于树刺上,将鲜血注入树的血管,才长出了一朵鲜红玫瑰.大学生将得到的红玫瑰赠给那个女孩,她却不屑一顾,因为宫廷大臣的侄儿已经送给她一些珍贵的珠宝.大学生自叹爱情是多么愚蠢啊!于是将血之红玫瑰随手丢在了大街上.他不相信爱情了,闭门投入哲学的学习当中...

鲁韩18299055744问: 小弟跪求《夜莺与玫瑰》英文版和林徽因版 -
五台县醋酸回答: http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=WBlR0q9n02YsNg6UOLkCQ4Z5QOCefDKNdEglrNR2TJ8VlxaJ9IkCrLlaEDlJ_OHC9TESybT04yN9mkbyapBmNjekE7fcf4PNfG9U7PB2MXm 这是百度文库里的需要1个下载券 如果没有下载券 http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=0Zist09hIQe3WewBkRR40Fbf_Zci4B8f6YJ6lJQ3a8rzaHe4qHQGEUUCrHoPEBf_Ckf8raVJwCCggmcYW9KSq_ 如果有帮助求采纳

鲁韩18299055744问: 英汉互译这类书的书名有哪些?先谢啦 -
五台县醋酸回答: 前几天在当当网看到一本书林徽因译著《玫瑰与夜莺》,是英汉双语的.

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