
作者&投稿:沃卖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语中fewer和 less的都有“少”的意思,但还是存在区别的,主要如下:1.fewer的原型是单词few,它只能用于修饰可数名词。具体而言,fewer用于具体的、可数的名词前,如下列的例句:例句:I bought fewer DVDs this time since Ididn't have much money on me.翻译:由于身边带的钱不多,我只买了几...

回答:You owe me 192 yuan.You should pay back192 yuan to me

i have lesser money than you.

我是英语专业的学生,帮一下你这个小弟吧!你可以说zero point five,或者O point five,不是0哦。其实,最简单的就是point five,英美人很好会说前面的数字的,尤其是这样,前面是零的!

这个包多少钱?为什么不能译成:How much money is this bag?_百度知 ...
how much is the wallet?因为how much 自身已经有了多少钱的意思,在别的情况下也有'多少个'的意思。所以后面不能再加money,moeny也只是单纯的指钱,也不具备价格的意思。用你的句子来说,翻译成中文确实是这个钱包多少钱的意思,但不能按照中文来写英文,这是行不通的。

这个衣服太贵,他没有足够的钱去买!He doesn't have enough money to buy this coat.He can't afford to buy this coat He can't afford this coat The coat is too expensive for him to buy The coat is not cheap enough for him to buy The coat is so expensive that he can't ...

“我没有零钱,你能帮我换点零钱吗” 英文翻译
I don't have any change, can you help get me some change, please?I have got five ten-yuan notes (英式英语)\/bills (美式英语)。

他多少钱,他1O元 用英语写法是:How much is he? he's one dollar.

这双鞋值多少钱 英文翻译
How much is the pair of shoes?How much does the pair of shoes cost ?What 's the price of the pair of shoes?以上三种都可以

英文200块钱 怎么翻译?
200块钱,如果翻译成英语的话,那就直接数字加上中国的汉字元,two hundred yuan.

长沙苗13964607728问: 多少钱?英文怎么说? -
南宁市舒降回答: ”多少钱“翻译成英语是”How much“. 以下是三种在英语中”多少钱“双语用法例句: 1、如果你帮我,你要多少钱我都给. 译文:If you help me, I'll pay you anything. 2、这个多少钱? 译文:How much is this? 3、估算一下你一共有多少钱...

长沙苗13964607728问: 多少钱用英语怎么说 -
南宁市舒降回答: How much is it? / How much are they?/ How much does it cost/ How much do they cost? 都是购物时常用到的问价钱

长沙苗13964607728问: 多少钱的英文是什么? -
南宁市舒降回答: how much is it hoe much are they it和they可以替换成主语 希望你满意 不懂可以问我

长沙苗13964607728问: 翻译成英语:1、多少钱2、蓝色的裤子3、十美元4、卖包5、紫色的短裙 -
南宁市舒降回答:[答案] 1 how much 2 blue trousers 3 ten dollars 4 Sell package 5 Purple skirt

长沙苗13964607728问: 多少钱英文 -
南宁市舒降回答: 这把雨伞多少钱 英文:how much is this umbrella

长沙苗13964607728问: 求某人花了多少钱的三句英语翻译 -
南宁市舒降回答:[答案] 您好: Sb spend xx on xx it takes sb 多少钱 on xx it costs sb...多少钱 to do .. 希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好! 祝您学习进步! 如果不懂建议重新提问,也可以直接追问哦.

长沙苗13964607728问: 每个多少钱?英语如果我 想问 一些物品 每个多少钱?怎么说合适?如1 每个多少钱?/ 每个 5 元2 每本书多少钱 、/ 每本书 20 元.3 每人需要付多少钱?每人... -
南宁市舒降回答:[答案] Each how many money? Each of the 5 yuan /Each book is how much money, 20 yuan per book. Each person needs to pay much money? Each person needs to pay $50 three 4 every day, two tablets each time, each...

长沙苗13964607728问: 这件红色的T恤多少钱(翻译成英文) 它8美元(翻译成英文) -
南宁市舒降回答:[答案] How much is this red T-shirt? It is eight yuan.

长沙苗13964607728问: 这些东西多少钱?译成英文 -
南宁市舒降回答:[答案] 这些东西多少钱? How much are these things? =How much do these things cost? 有不会的可以再问我

长沙苗13964607728问: 这些多少钱英语怎么写 -
南宁市舒降回答: How much?How much is it?How much are these?

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