
作者&投稿:登姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Where do I get off?

2:He can't be told as an eightieth elder from his appearance.3:It is this room,in which they has workded for nearly 10 years.4:They hadn't worked on my advice until yesterday afternoon.5:Please call me as soon as you arrive at school.6:He asked me if there is going ...

铁的英文是iron。关于铁的英文表达,下面进行 1. 基本含义:“iron”一词在英语中,基础含义是“铁”。它既可以指代铁的金属元素,也可以描述与铁相关的物品或特性。2. 词性多样:“iron”除了作为名词表示铁之外,还可以作为动词,表示用铁处理或加固,例如“iron out a design”意味着加固设计的稳定...

Man`s dearest possession is life . It is given to him but once . And he must live it to so as to feel torturing regrets for wasted years , never know the burming shame of a mean and petty past , so live that , dying , he must say , all my life , all my strength...

13. 人是铁,学是钢,一天不学,心发慌。14. 有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。15. 相信自己,你能作茧自缚,就能破茧成蝶。16. 微笑比皱眉好看,请求比呵斥自然。17. 若不给自我设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。18. 生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。19. 命运,你残忍...

伤感一些的英文句子. . .
1. Once the love, once the pain, once the uncertainty, who let me not forget you of shape, and now are eternal injury. 2. When love, please when love with an open hand, put themselves a chance to live! 3. All is empty, solemn water light, with you smoke drift!!! 4...


请英语好的朋友帮我个忙 有几句话需要帮忙翻译,是几米《地下铁》里...
side.第十:我疲惫不堪.下一站是哪里?会不会有一列永不停驶的地下铁?I'm tired, where will the next stop be? Will there ever be a subway train that never stops?第十一:其实,我哪里都不想去.Actually, I don't want to go anywhere but here.在下美籍华人,很荣幸能为您翻译。

1. 如果你不努力一年后的你还是原来的你只是老了一岁。2. 伸手需要一瞬间,牵手却要很多年,无论你遇见谁,他都是你生命该出现的人,绝非偶然。若无相欠,怎会相见。早安!3. 别人不明白的时候你明白了,别人明白的时候你行动了,别人行动的时候你成功了,别人成功的时候你富有了。这就是:超常...

1. Never say die.永不言败。2.No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。3.New wine in old bottles.旧瓶装新酒。4.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。5.No garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子。6.No living man all things can.世上没...

赖翁13981798280问: 地铁报站,英文怎么说这句?“前方到站是华静中学,请准备下车.” -
汕头市银黄回答:[答案] the coming stop is Jinghua Middle School .Passengers ,please get ready to get off.

赖翁13981798280问: 求上海地铁报站的基本句型,如:下一站----用英语怎么说,还有----站到了,该怎么说要用英语,而且最好全面一些, -
汕头市银黄回答:[答案] 下一站 the next stop is ……station.终点站 the terminal station shanghai south railway station到站了 we are arriving at……station,请从左、右边车门下车please left from the left/right side....

赖翁13981798280问: 北京地铁的英文报站句子有哪些 -
汕头市银黄回答: We are arriving at 站名

赖翁13981798280问: 广州地铁的到站英文提示一共是这么三句开往***方向的列车即将进站,请不要靠近屏蔽门,上车时请注意列车与站台之间的空隙.欢迎光临****站,请乘客先下... -
汕头市银黄回答:[答案] The direction for * * *,please don't train approaching near the door,please note on the space between the train and the platform.Welcome to * * * *,please take after passengersDoor close,p GaShang arm...

赖翁13981798280问: 地铁里的“英语报站”用英文怎么表达? -
汕头市银黄回答: we announce stations in English. Stations are anounced in English.

赖翁13981798280问: 北京地铁的语音报站谁能告诉我,那些英文
汕头市银黄回答: 报站:The next station is ***,please get ready for you arrive. 前方到站是***,请准备下车. 到站时报站:We are arriving at ***. ***到了. 换乘站:interchange 或 transfer 方向:东east 西west 南south 北north 1号线:Line 1 环线:Loop Line 八通...

赖翁13981798280问: 地铁报站,英文怎么说这句? “前方到站是华静中学,请准备下车.” -
汕头市银黄回答: the coming stop is Jinghua Middle School .Passengers ,please get ready to get off.

赖翁13981798280问: 广州地铁站到站的英语提示语是?中文是:**站到了,请乘客从右门下车,开门请注意英语的是什么不要自己翻译哦,要真实的 -
汕头市银黄回答:[答案] Please get off the passengers in the right door,Please note that to open the door!

赖翁13981798280问: 上海地铁2号线 报站的英语是什么? -
汕头市银黄回答: we are now (比如:世界公园) railway station, next stop is (比如:龙阳路)railway station , please get ready to alight from the right/left side.

赖翁13981798280问: 上海地铁里的英文报站,有个单词听不懂请下车的乘客做好准备,并从左边车门下车.Please get ready to *** from the left side.当中那个单词是什么?听了半... -
汕头市银黄回答:[答案] alight vi. (从车辆、马背等)下来[(+from)] please get ready to alight from the left side 下车乘客请提前作好准备,从左边车门下车

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