
作者&投稿:漆骨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



英 ['pɪknɪk] 美 ['pɪknɪk]n. 野餐 vi. 去野餐 [ 过去式 picnicked 过去分词 picnicked 现在分词 picnicking ]短语 no picnic 不容易 ; 难以挨过 ; 不轻易 Picnic Basket 野餐篮 ; 旅行篮 ; 野餐篮子 ; 乔农葱 The Picnic 野餐 ; 梦旅人 ; 草地上的午餐...

去野餐的说法有如下:go on a picnic,go to (a\/the)pinic; go for a picnic;举例:I'm sure Rose won't go to the picnic because she has other fish to fry. 我肯定露丝不会去野餐之,她有别之事要做。It's a nice day. Let's go for a picnic.天气不错;咱们去野餐吧。


We had a picnic on the hill.这是过去时的,用于回忆。We are having a picnic on a small hill. 这是将来时的,用于计划。根据你的需要选一个

进行野餐 英语翻译如下:Have a picnic 例句:Weather permitting, we will have a picnic tomorrow.如果天气允许,我们明天将进行野餐。

在公园里野餐 Picnic in the park

他们正在野餐 .用英语怎么说
They are having a picnic.

野餐 A Picnic It was a sunny day. We decided to have a picnic outside the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to Nanhui. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms. At noon, we reached the place, we sat by the ...

景琬13653345011问: “在草地上”用英语怎么说是on the grass 还是 in the grass -
茶陵县重组回答:[答案] on the grass

景琬13653345011问: 我们在草地上野餐,在河边垂钓用英语怎么说?谁是专门学英语,请在回答上标明出来."We had a picnic on the grass and fishing by the river"这句话对吗? -
茶陵县重组回答:[答案] We had a picnic on the grass and fished on the river bank.(Note:this is in past tense.I didn't use lawn because lawn is maintained by someone,like the lawn in the garden.)

景琬13653345011问: 进行野餐的英文 -
茶陵县重组回答:[答案] go on a picnicparticipate in a picnichave a picnic都可以的 !例句:我们将做户外运动或去野餐.We will play sports or go on a picnic.母亲正忙着为野餐做饼乾.Mother is busy making cookies for the picnic.由于...

景琬13653345011问: 野餐的英文 -
茶陵县重组回答: picnic[pic·nic || 'pɪknɪk] n. 野餐, 远足 v. 去野餐, 参加野餐; 在户外用餐

景琬13653345011问: 长春野餐亲子英语培训
茶陵县重组回答: 野餐所带来的,不仅仅是找个自然环境大吃一顿这么简单,它还是一个与家人、朋友交流感情的机会.下面就由我为大家带来关于野餐的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收...

景琬13653345011问: 用英语翻译:爬到山顶后,我们便停下来在草地上野餐 -
茶陵县重组回答: Climbed to the top of the mountain, we stopped to have a picnic on the lawn.

景琬13653345011问: 去野餐英语为什么是have a picnic而不是go to picnic 也可以说成go to picnic吗? -
茶陵县重组回答: 去野餐英语为什么是have a picnic而不是go to picnic . 回答: 这是英语的特点之一. 吃饭(have a meal, have a dinner), 喝茶(have a cup of tea; have a cafe) 等都是以have开头. picnic 也是吃的一种形式,所以用have. 只有去什么地点或者奔一定的目标才用go to...

景琬13653345011问: 我们在公园里玩的不亦乐乎我们在幽静的湖是划船在翠绿的草地上野餐一起拍照留念参观动物的英文(用过去式) -
茶陵县重组回答:[答案] 麻烦用点标点符号 看不懂!We in the park to played the devil we in the quiet lake is rowing against the green grass on the mobs australian langue for a picnic with the animals

景琬13653345011问: 英语翻译“我和我的父母骑着自行车去野餐,到草地后,爸爸和妈妈在打羽毛球,之后我们就在草地上开始野餐了.把这些中文译成英语,我的分不多,回答之... -
茶陵县重组回答:[答案] My parents and I go for a picnic by bike.At the grass, father and mother play badminton, then we start to have the picnic on the lawn. 不是机器翻译的,吐血码字,求采纳.

景琬13653345011问: 野餐英文 -
茶陵县重组回答:[答案] 野餐的英语单词是,picnic它既是名词(野餐),也是不及物动词(去野餐),你的句子我想翻译成:I think it is enough to picnic at weekends .我想可以在周末去野餐的条件已经具备了.I think we ought to pi...

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