
作者&投稿:闽罗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

nursing home , old-age homes 例句:1.我希望敬老院的人会很欣赏你。I hope the people at the nursing home appreciate you.2.你能讲讲康复中心或敬老院与医院有什么不同的地方吗?Can you tell me what the difference is between nursing home and hospital?3.集中供养一般通过举办社会福利...

2、geracomium 英 [dʒerə'kəʊmɪəm] 美 [dʒerə'koʊmɪrm]n.敬老院,养老院 短语 geracomium industry 养老院行业 Geracomium of the university hospital 高校社区托老服务中心 双语例句 Objective To explore the effect of nurs...

在敬老院 英语翻译
old people’s home 敬老院

old folks' home old people's home

old folks home 两个单词 均可 谢谢采纳 女孩子不会忘记第一个喜欢过的男孩。甚至是尴尬的过去A girl will never forget the first boy she likes。Even if things don’t quite work out。但通常会有人来说些安抚神伤的智慧话语But usually someone is there to office words of wisdom。

请问这个用英语如何表达? 我在敬老院工作,日常打扫和给老人喂饭._百度...
I work at a nursing home,I do some daily cleaning and I am responsible for those senior citizens' diet.在说这个的时候最好注意一下文明用语或者西方人用语习惯.敬老院比较文明的说法就是nursing home ,而说到老人时候最好用senior citizens ,西方人忌讳 old 这个词.

敬老院英语是gerocomium。gerocomium 读音:英[dʒerəu'kəumiəm]。释义:n.养老院;敬老院。例句:When we arrived at gerocomium, it was ten o 'clock.我们来到敬老院的时候,已经是十点了。短语:home gerocomium家庭养老院。geracomium industry养老院行业。养老院...

To the door of the yixian, freezing cold wind blow to the students, make we all start the goose bumps, then looked at nursing homes are empty, make us feel more cold.We went through a long corridor, then see all around the walls, also planted many trees and flowers, there...

在敬老院用英语表达——In homes for the aged home 英 [həʊm]     美 [hoʊm]n. 家;家庭;收容所;栖息地;发源地 adv. 在家;回家;在国内;回国;正中目标 adj. 家用的;国内的;总部的;(比赛)主场的 v. 提供住处;朝向 e lives a long way from home.她...

我们敬老院需要帮忙 英文
一、old folks' home 读法:英 [əʊld fəʊks həʊm] 美 [oʊld foʊks hoʊm]释义:敬老院 例句:His mother is in an old folks 'home.他母亲住在养老院里。二、need 读法:英 [niːd] 美 [nid]释义:v. 必须,...

从砍18815556945问: 在敬老院用英语怎么说
贵阳市艾汀回答: In the nursing home

从砍18815556945问: 在养老院中英语词组怎么说 -
贵阳市艾汀回答:[答案] At old people's house

从砍18815556945问: 敬老院的英语怎么说阿?金山2005上没有.都别急着回答,我要的是正确不是速度 -
贵阳市艾汀回答:[答案] 敬老院:[ jìng lǎo yuàn ] 1.geracomium2.gerocomium例句与用法:1.请不要把祖父送到敬老院去,我知道他宁愿生命不息,工作不已.Please don't send Grandparent to a rest home for old people,I know he would rath...

从砍18815556945问: "敬老院"用英语要如何说? -
贵阳市艾汀回答: 2,3,4应该都可以,关键看你怎么说啦

从砍18815556945问: 敬老院英文怎么写 -
贵阳市艾汀回答: 单词可以用gerocomium或者geracomium.词组可以用home for the aged或者** nursing home(某某敬老院).

从砍18815556945问: 敬老院英文是什么(敬老院英文)
贵阳市艾汀回答: 1、?nursing house?或2、asylum of the aged或3、Homes for the elderly或4、home of respect for the old5、答案仅供参考

从砍18815556945问: 敬老院的英语怎么说阿?金山2005上没有... -
贵阳市艾汀回答: 敬老院: [ jìng lǎo yuàn ]1. geracomium 2. gerocomium例句与用法: 1. 请不要把祖父送到敬老院去,我知道他宁愿生命不息,工作不已.Please don't send Grandparent to a rest home for old people, I know he would rather die with his boots on.

从砍18815556945问: 养老院用英语怎么表达 -
贵阳市艾汀回答:[答案] 养老院: [ yǎng lǎo yuàn ] 1. beadhouse 2. resthome 3. rest home

从砍18815556945问: 去养老院用英文怎么写 -
贵阳市艾汀回答:[答案] 去养老院 Go to the nursing home

从砍18815556945问: 养老院的英语翻译 养老院用英语怎么说 -
贵阳市艾汀回答: 翻译如下: 养老院 nursing home 例句: 养老院的护士长说她愿意参加. The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend

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