
作者&投稿:欧朗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

near the house或者是around the house 。都可以表示“房子附近” :)

在房子旁边的英语表达是near a house或者是

附近的英文是vicinity;neighbourhood;nearby 例句:碰巧在附近有个公用电话亭。It happened that there was a telephone booth nearby.

街坊英语neighborhood怎么读:[ˈneɪbəhʊd]。一、基本释义 “Neighborhood”是一个名词,指的是居住区、社区或附近的地区,可以用来描述一个人所居住的周围环境或附近的社区。1、用于描述一个地理区域,特别是指在城市中心区域内受欢迎的社区。例如:I love my neighborhood beca...

There is no toilet near the house.

next to 参考例句:Near a heater 加热器附近 He lingered about the school.他在学校附近徘徊。rocky islets off the coast.海岸附近的多名的小岛 Is there any supermarket in the neighborhood?附近是不是有超市?Is this neighbourhood quiet?这里附近安静吗 He comes from Ohio or thereabouts.他...

这附近有一座带花园的房子 英语填空
with, in the neighbourhood ,因为是带花园的房子所以用with来连接,表示和…一起,而 in the neighbourhood是附近的意思,是固定搭配。

there is an old house near here.

there is an old house near here

风在房子周围呼啸 round the corner 在拐角处;即将来临;在附近 within touch 在的附近,在能达到的地方;可接近的,可做到的,可达到的 好像没有in the near这种用法 可以用round the corner啊 in the near future:最近,不久;近期;不久的将来;在不久的将来最近,不久 例句 1.Maybe in the ...

藏高19133531134问: 在附近用英语怎么说 -
金家庄区强力回答: He lives close by. 他住在附近. They live near by. 他们住在附近. He lives close at hand. 他住在附近. He lives somewhere about here. 他住在附近. She's somewhere about the place. 她就在附近. They live near at hand. 他们住在附近. No,t's ...

藏高19133531134问: 你的房子附近英文怎么说 -
金家庄区强力回答:[答案] 1 near your house 2 nearby your house 如果你想要表达房子附近的建筑物的话 可以用 the XX nearby/near your house 或者the XX nearby 如果表达的不是建筑物的话,还是用near比较好~

藏高19133531134问: 在我的房子的附近用英文怎么说? -
金家庄区强力回答: It's near my house .在我的房子的附近.

藏高19133531134问: 你的房子附近英文怎么说 -
金家庄区强力回答: 1 near your house2 nearby your house 如果你想要表达房子附近的建筑物的话 可以用 the XX nearby/near your house 或者the XX nearby 如果表达的不是建筑物的话,还是用near比较好~ 希望对你有帮助

藏高19133531134问: “在附近”用英语怎么说? -
金家庄区强力回答: ynearby; close to; near; be close by; next to; be within an inch of; within a stone's throw; within hail; neighbouring; in the neighbourhood of; down in ...; in the vicinity of; It's around.

藏高19133531134问: 在我家房子附近用英语怎么写
金家庄区强力回答: my home near

藏高19133531134问: 图书馆在他的房子附近怎么用英语说 -
金家庄区强力回答:[答案] Library is close to his house. Library is near his house.

藏高19133531134问: 在房子附近是什么意思啊?
金家庄区强力回答: The asker is probably a Chinese learner, so you feel the question is a little weird. 在房子附近 means near the house; by the house

藏高19133531134问: 在房子附近有棵苹果树,英语翻译. - -----the house,---- - is - ----- - -------tree. -
金家庄区强力回答: 你好 Near the house,There is an apple tree.在房子附近有棵苹果树 不懂可追问,满意请采纳

藏高19133531134问: 有一条河在房子附近的英语 -
金家庄区强力回答: There is a river near the house.The house lies near a river.

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