
作者&投稿:胥甄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in the. livingroom

客厅的英语读:英 [ˈpɑːlə(r)],美 [ˈpɑːrlər]。parlour是客厅、会客室、特别室的意思。复数:parlours。短语搭配:big parlour 大客厅。in the living parlour 在客厅里。Perfect living parlour 完美的客厅。双语例句:The family passed one by one ...

翻译成英语1.写作业 2.洗头发 3.在客厅里 4.在厨房里 5.过来帮我 6...
翻译:do one's homework wash one's hair in the living room in the kitchen Come and help me.cook dinner 改句子 Where are you?Please don't come and help me.Alice is doing her homework in the living room.阅读 There are no classroom in Animal School.He can't swim and climb...

客厅[kè tīng]英语(3个义项)1)living room ['lɪvɪŋ ru:m]例句 1.Revived, i entered the living-room .我恢复了常态,又进了客厅。2.There were flowers in the living room and bedroom .客厅和卧室都摆着鲜花。2)drawing room 英 [ˈdrɔ:ɪ&#...

Where are the skirts?\/Where is the skirt?They are in the living room\/It's in the living room

我家的床在卧室里。电话在客厅的桌子上。桌子在客厅里。沙发在客厅里。冰箱在厨房里。The bed in the bedroom of my home. The phone on the table in the living room. The table in the living room. The sofa in the living room. The refrigerator in the kitchen.

客厅里任何东西的单词有:sofa,chair,desk,bureau,cabinet。词汇解析 1、sofa 英 ['səʊfə] 美 ['sofə]n. 沙发;长椅 例:She sat down next to him on the sofa.她紧挨着他在沙发上坐下了。2、chair 英 [tʃeə] 美 [tʃɛr]n...


有关房间的所有英语单词 比如客厅 卧室 厨房 厕所的英语单词
客厅 Living room 厨房 kitchen 卧室bedroom 厕所 restroom 餐厅dining room 浴室bathroom 书房studio

客厅的英文单词是:living room。答案:living room。解释:一、基本定义 living room是指家中供家庭成员或客人活动、休息、娱乐、团聚等功能的房间。它是一个家的核心区域,通常与家庭的其他功能区域如餐厅、厨房等相邻。二、英语表达 在英语中,"living room"这个词组是用来描述家中的这个特定空间。"...

愚素18497329632问: 在客厅里的英文怎么写 -
象山县河蚌回答:[答案] in the livingroom

愚素18497329632问: 在客厅里的英文怎么说 -
象山县河蚌回答: 在客厅里 In the living room

愚素18497329632问: 我在客厅里.英语怎么说 -
象山县河蚌回答:[答案] i'm in the living room

愚素18497329632问: 在客厅里的英文怎么写 -
象山县河蚌回答: in the drawing-room客厅里的摆设儿朴素大方. The decorations in the drawing-room are simple but in good taste.from the living room经过简单的设计就能在客厅里隔出一个小小的餐室. A small dining room can be separated from the living room with a simple design

愚素18497329632问: 在客厅.英语翻译介词用at还是in? -
象山县河蚌回答: in

愚素18497329632问: 他们的猫正在客厅里睡觉的英语怎么说 -
象山县河蚌回答:[答案] 他们的their 猫 cat 正在--现在进行时 is doing 睡觉 sleep 在客厅 in the dinning room 因此,Their cat is sleeping in the dinning room.

愚素18497329632问: 沙发在哪里?它们在客厅里.的英文怎么说(复数形式) -
象山县河蚌回答: 沙发在哪里?它们在客厅里. Where's the sofa? They are in the living room. 觉得我翻译好的话,请采纳.谢谢

愚素18497329632问: 他在客厅里面看电视(英文) -
象山县河蚌回答:[答案] He is watching TV in the sitting room. 这样读的 用汉语拼音给你拼过去哦 hei iz waoqi tiwei yin ze seiti rumu

愚素18497329632问: 在客厅里有一个红色的沙发英语怎么说 -
象山县河蚌回答:[答案] there is a red sofa in the living room.

愚素18497329632问: 在客厅里有什么?的英语. -
象山县河蚌回答: 客厅里有什么?what are in the sitting room?他们在什么地方?where are they ?

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