
作者&投稿:吁弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

进行直接对抗比赛时,设鞠城即球场,周围有短墙。比赛双方都有像座小房子似的球门;场上队员各12名,双方进行身体直接接触的对抗,就像打仗一样,踢鞠入对方球门多者胜。 在专门的竞赛场地--鞠城,球门两厢对应,两边队员相对进攻,进球为胜由双球门竞赛演变而来的单球门间接比赛是唐(公元618年~907年)宋(公元960年~1279...

出处:叶圣陶《英文教授》:“好比看古代或是异国的故事,漠不关心。”飘风过耳 比喻对某件事情漠不关心或不当一回事。轻才好施 指人不把钱财放在眼里,乐于慷慨解囊,急公好义。出处:《三国志·吴志·朱据传》:“谦虚接士,轻财好施,禄赐虽丰而常不足用。”如风过耳 象风在耳边...

蝎蝎螫螫 形容人婆婆妈妈,在小事情上过分地表示关心、怜惜。 出处:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十一回:“晴雯忙回身进来,笑道:‘那里就吓死他了?偏惯会这么蝎蝎螫螫老婆子的样儿。’” 心驰魏阙 指臣民心在朝廷,关心国事。同“心在魏阙”。 出处:宋·陆游《会庆节贺表》之一:“敛时百福,享国万年。臣迹遐...

关于心的成语大全 关于心不的成语大全
蝎蝎螫螫 形容人婆婆妈妈,在小事情上过分地表示关心、怜惜。 出处:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十一回:“晴雯忙回身进来,笑道:‘那里就吓死他了?偏惯会这么蝎蝎螫螫老婆子的样儿。’” 心驰魏阙 指臣民心在朝廷,关心国事。同“心在魏阙”。 出处:宋·陆游《会庆节贺表》之一:“敛时百福,享国万年。臣迹遐...

无砌15012056175问: 国庆小故事50字英语有翻译 -
石棉县罗每回答: Remember not to smoke.A much worried patiant walked into the doctor's office and asking for help,"Doctor, I don't know what to do. I accidentally drank a bottle of gasoline yesterday.""Oh, don't worry! All you have to remember is not to smoke in the next few days." said the doctor.

无砌15012056175问: 有关国庆的英语小短文 -
石棉县罗每回答: NationalDayiscoming,andwecanhaveaseven-day.MyfamilyaregoingtoHainan.It'sagoodseasidecity.Wearestayingthereforaweek.Wearegoingtothebeachandgoingswimminginthesea.We'revisitingTianyaHaijiao,...

无砌15012056175问: 谁能写一篇关于国庆节的英语小短文`! -
石棉县罗每回答: Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China.At that time,people were very happy,because China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put ...

无砌15012056175问: 5行关于国庆节的英语小短文. 谢谢O(∩ - ∩)O谢谢 -
石棉县罗每回答: My National DayNational Day is coming,I'm planning to have a great vacation.First,I have to do my homework.I'll spend two days doing it.Mybe I'll have some problems,I'm going to ask my teachers.After do that,I'm going to the countryside.I hope I ...

无砌15012056175问: 国庆节的由来简短英语 -
石棉县罗每回答: National Day is a national holiday established by a country to commemorate the country itself. They are usually the country's independence, the signing of the constitution, the birthday of the head of state, or any other significant anniversary; Some are also saint's day, the country's patron saint.

无砌15012056175问: 国庆节小学生英语短文 -
石棉县罗每回答: National Day October 1st is National Day in China every year.On that day ,Chinese people are quite happy to celebrate their motherland's birthday.and most people have seven days ' time to spend their holiday .they can go travelling ,visit their ...

无砌15012056175问: 英语翻译把下面中文翻译成英文哦.小故事小笑话.怎样才能记英语单词?我们的国庆节.补一个..英语谚语 -
石棉县罗每回答:[答案] short story short joke How to remember the English words? our Natinonal Day English saying

无砌15012056175问: 国庆节英语小短文(过去时态) -
石棉县罗每回答: 今天是国庆节,在29号那天,我和爸爸妈妈一起坐飞机去了海滩,我们在那边钓鱼,下午去购物啦,还去观光了那里的名胜古迹.我不想回来啦...It's National Day today. My parents and I fle...

无砌15012056175问: 国庆小短文英文怎么拼? -
石棉县罗每回答: 国庆节 The national day 国庆节来了,我有七天的假期.我们一家去海南.那是一个美丽的海滨城市.我们在那里待上一个星期.我们去沙滩,还在海里游泳.我们游览“天涯海角”,菀泉河还有别的许多好地方.我想我们在那里会玩得很开心...

无砌15012056175问: 国庆节小故事 -
石棉县罗每回答: 国庆来由: The mountain a red flag of the China river, Central plains inside the outside is all the brothers. It is not easy to roll the north to become solid the south, Read aloud the early times, The years should have the . The is evil to indulge in ...

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