
作者&投稿:蔡竿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 be surpised at 对什么感到惊讶 mind doing sth 介意做某事 let sb do sth 使某人做某事 not at all 一点也不 one of+名词复数形式 ask sb about sth 就某物谈谈想法 agree to do sth 同意做某事 agree on sth 在某事意见一致 fight with sb 和某人打架 be in ...

children always __with their parents, when their parents don't all...
选择A, argue意为争吵,后续的介词是with,argue with sb. over sth.意为:因为某事跟某人争吵。整个句子的意思是:当父母不让孩子们看电视的时候,孩子们常常会跟他们的父母吵架。不能选择B,理由很简单,fight后面后续的动词是against,fight against sb.意为:和某人打架。fight 不能后续with。

3.向某人要某物 ask sb.for sth.4.与某人相处的很好 to get\/go along well with sb.5.承受过大的压力 to bear pressure 6.吧...与...相比 to compare with 7.尽可能 as possible as 8.把某物忘在家里 to leave sth. at home 9.与某人打架 fight with sb.10.向某人抱怨某事 ...

fight with sb 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

你好!摆好要与某人打架的架势 Set up a frame to fight with someone

fight shy of 回避,躲避;避免与…正面接触(或交锋) [口语]回避,避免(某人、某事物、做某事): 逃避,回避,与…不接触 fight out 以斗争解决 fight a flood 抗洪 put up a fight 奋勇战斗,抵抗 fight the good fight 依照宗教的教规和惯例求生存,为了信仰和原则而斗争[《提摩太》前书 6:...

(D)The man is not very tall. He is of medium (height).这人不太高。他是中等身材。解释:medium是形容词,修饰名词height(高度)。"Don't (fight) with Lucy, Jim! She is your sister." mum said.吉姆,不要跟Lucy打架。她是你妹妹。解释:fight with sb,和某人打架。Are ...

七到九年级上英语所有语法点。如:like doing sth\/like to do sth...
want to do sth想要做某事 I want to be a teacher.\/ He wants to have milk for breakfast.want sb to do sth想要某人做某事 My mother wants me to clean the room.want sth想要某物 I want an apple.like doing sth喜欢做某事 I like playing football.like to do sth喜欢做某事 He likes to go...

不行,fight with *** 是与某人打架,用scold us 责备 2.(go on ) speaking English every day and you will improve your oral English very fast. Practicing??go on 是继续的意思,一般直接说speak English every day (祈使句)3。she had t shout ( to make herself heard ) above the ...

help out 是什么意思
提供东西给某人 主动:provide sb with sth 或 supply sb with sth 被动:provide sth for sb 或 supply sth to sb forbid sth 禁止某物 禁止做某事 forbid sb th do forbid doing fight for... 为了...而斗争 fight with... 同...打架\/做斗争 fight against sb over sth 为了某事同某人打架\/做斗争 ...

万丹14776953262问: 因某事与某人打架,英语怎么说 -
德兴市辰景回答:[答案] fight (fought,fought ) v & n fight sb 与某人打架 fight for sth 为了什么而战 fight for personal freedom 为了个人自由而战 fight with sb for sth 与某人抢夺---

万丹14776953262问: (和某人吵架) ,(和某人因为某事吵架) 用英语怎么说啊? -
德兴市辰景回答:[答案] 和某人吵架 And a person quarrel 和某人因为某事吵架 And a person because of a quarrel

万丹14776953262问: (和某人吵架) , (和某人因为某事吵架) 用英语怎么说啊?? -
德兴市辰景回答: 和某人吵架 Quarrel with sb. 和某人因为某事吵架 Quarrel with sb. for sth. 1.quarrel ['kwɔ:rəl] n. 争吵,吵架,口角 不和,不睦 争吵原因 vi. 争吵;不和: This newly wedded couple are always quarreling. 这对新婚夫妇总是吵架. 挑剔;埋怨: ...

万丹14776953262问: “因为某事与某人生气”的英语短语 -
德兴市辰景回答:[答案] be angry with sb.about sth.

万丹14776953262问: 就某事与某人争吵用英语怎样翻译大家帮帮忙啊 -
德兴市辰景回答:[答案] argue用法如下: arguewithsb."和某人争吵/论" argueabout/oversth.”就某事进行争论/吵“ arguewithsb.aboutsth.”和某人就某事进行争论/吵“ arguesb.intodoingsth.说服某人做某事 arguesb.outofdoingsth.说服某人...

万丹14776953262问: (和某人吵架) , (和某人因为某事吵架) 用英语怎么说啊??拜托各位了 3Q -
德兴市辰景回答: 和某人吵架 quarrel with Sb. 和某人因为某事吵架 quarrel with Sb about Sth 求采纳

万丹14776953262问: 与某人打架用英文翻译三种不同的表示方法 -
德兴市辰景回答: 与某人打架英文翻译 三种不同的表示方法 ①fight with sb. ②have a fight with sb. ③get a fight with sb.

万丹14776953262问: 与某人因某事争吵 英文翻译 -
德兴市辰景回答: 如果只是单纯发生口角的话,你可以用altercate with sb about sth,如果是争吵的话可用quarrel with sb about sth.希望可以帮到你

万丹14776953262问: 就某事与某人争吵,英语 -
德兴市辰景回答:[答案] argue sth with sb

万丹14776953262问: 就某事与某人争吵,英语 -
德兴市辰景回答: argue with sb. about sth. 与某人争论某事 强调争辩 quarrel with sb. about sth 强调争吵

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