
作者&投稿:范步 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her...

坏了学校的规矩。It made the children laugh and play.它让孩子笑又闹,laugh and play, laugh and play.笑又闹,闹又笑。It made the children laugh and play.它让孩子笑又闹,to see a lamb at school.羊羔来校真可笑。(这是一首英文歌,学得也快,你不妨试试,可以当成讲故事)

【1.】The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of ...

小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。“昨天给你的钱干什么了?”“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”“她是个卖糖果的。”第三篇 Belling the cat long ago,there was a big cat in the house.He ...

but the mouse slips away. The cat wants to eat the mouse and the mouse run away. It is very funny.At last, my father gives me a pineapple. It is delicious. This summer is good.四年级英语小故事短文 One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I’m very happ...

五年级英语小短文故事有哪些?我们在课堂上学习过很多的故事,在书上看过很多的故事,但都是中文版的,我们很少会接触英文版的故事。那么五年级英语小短文故事有哪些?下面一起详细看看吧。五年级英语小短文故事有哪些?1、五年级英语小短文故事:A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents...

有一天,汤姆在河里洗澡。他不太会游泳。眼看就要被淹死,他大声呼喊救命。有个人正好从旁边经过,他没有帮助小男孩,却是站在旁边对小孩子说道:“ 你怎么这么草率!在河里洗澡很危险。”“哦,先生,”小男孩喊叫:“ 请你还是先把我救起来后再责备我吧。”只有忠告而不给予帮助是无济于事的。

"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered."You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?""She is the one who sells the candy."好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。“昨天给你的钱干什么了?”...

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The Thirsty Pigeon A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by...

戚俩13331661836问: 英语小故事适用于4年级带翻译能听 -
濠江区诺怡回答:[答案] One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard.He stopped before a bunch of grapes.They were ripe and juicy. "I'm just feeling thirsty," he thought.So he backed up a few paces,got a running start,jumped up,but could not reach the grapes. ...

戚俩13331661836问: 要求4年级会读的英语小故事2或3分钟.简练点!急急急!!! -
濠江区诺怡回答: 《The Cock and The pearl》(公鸡和珍珠)A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw. 'Ho! ho!' quoth he, 'that's for me,' and soon rooted it out from ...

戚俩13331661836问: 四年级英语小故事,带翻译 -
濠江区诺怡回答: 第一篇:A little girl and her father went to the beach. They saw a dead fish on the sand. The girl asked her father, "Dad, what happened to the fish " Her father told her, "Oh, the fish died and went to heaven." Then the girl asked, "Did! God ...

戚俩13331661836问: 四年级的小英语故事(简短易记) -
濠江区诺怡回答: One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell. 一天,老师带学生到养鸡场参观,当他们走近孵化器时,刚好一只小鸡破壳而出."It's wonderful to see a little...

戚俩13331661836问: 求一篇小学四年级的英语小故事,带汉译,一分钟之内能读完. -
濠江区诺怡回答:[答案] The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON,oppressed by excessive thirst,saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard.Not supposing it to be only a picture,she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard,jarring herself ...

戚俩13331661836问: 四年级英文简短的小故事3到5分钟 -
濠江区诺怡回答: One good turn deserves another I was having dinner at a restaurant whenHarry Steele came in. Harry worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and ...

戚俩13331661836问: 两分钟左右的幽默英语小故事 四年级学生能读的小故事 急急急
濠江区诺怡回答: Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why ...

戚俩13331661836问: 英语四年级带翻译带教读的小故事(不少于十二偏) -
濠江区诺怡回答: The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got ...

戚俩13331661836问: 英语小故事,短一点,四年级能读下来的....
濠江区诺怡回答: 找到一个 Drunk One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," ...

戚俩13331661836问: 有哪些简单的英语小故事4年级的 -
濠江区诺怡回答: A fox and a goat An unlucky fox fell into a well, It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself. A goat came. He asked the fox:”what are you doing? The fox said : "There will be no water, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don't you ...

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