
作者&投稿:樊厘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



There are two boats vying with each other for winning the race.Each boat has 7 players and one of them has to beating drum.Behind the players,audience burst into a loud cheer to express their appreciation.

参考答案如下:1. The students are having fun eating and drinking in the dining hall.2. Eating more fruit and vegetables is good for our health.助你愉快学习!

初三 英语 看图写话
参考答案如下:1. I have been a doctor since ten years ago.2. We collect money for Project Hope every year.4. Because of the war, lots of people were homeless.5. Millions of visitors come to New York every year.助你愉快学习!

八年级 英语 看图写话
你好,图片有些模糊看不太清性别;下面是我做的内容,请参考:She feels lonely because she has no close friends;she seems worried because her son is ill.the flowers smell very nice There is a river in my hometown;She does her homework as carefully as I....

英语 书面表达 (看图写话)
Sad is the only feeling I have after reading the news story about what happened to this 12-year-old boy after he had caught a thief in the bus, which had loaded with around 30 passengers, while no one in the bus extended their support to him.We have to question what is ...

18. Kangkang is kicking football with Mike 19. They do well in dancing

Look at the picture.The man is Mr.Zhang.He is a teacher in a middle school.Now it seven o'clock, Mr Zhang is having bread and milk for breakfast.The woman is his wife.She is a teacher ,too.Now she is reading a newspaper.Look,a dog is sitting near her.There are some...


示泽17533883865问: 英语看图说话找一幅图,写一段话,不要太多,一四年级的水平写. -
曲江区三黄回答:[答案] During my summer holidays, I often go to the beach with my family. I like swimming in the sea. And I...

示泽17533883865问: 小学四年级英语看图写作 -
曲江区三黄回答: a=9 b=1 c=091+99=190 望采纳

示泽17533883865问: 英语看图写话看图写话:1、at1:00p'm.,yesterday (一个孙子和爷爷在下棋)2、be,for 10years(老师在黑板写English) 3、plant,by,every year (四个人看着... -
曲江区三黄回答:[答案] 1.Yesterday a grandpa and his grandchildren were on chess at 1:00 pm.2.The teacher who is writing English on the blackbord now has been an English teacher for 10 years.3.A lot of plants are planted by...

示泽17533883865问: 英语看图写话 看看下面四幅图(第一幅是猪,在游泳.第二幅是熊猫,在睡觉.第三幅是狗,再跑.第四幅是是猫,在打架).他们都是谁?他们在干什么?提示句... -
曲江区三黄回答:[答案] There is a pig in the picture,it has two big ears.it is swimming in the water.And there is a bear in the picture,it has two big eyes.it is sleeping now.look at the dog .what is it doing?oh ,it's runni...

示泽17533883865问: 四年级下册英语二十四页看图写话怎么写 -
曲江区三黄回答: I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often ...

示泽17533883865问: 小学英语看图作文怎么写? -
曲江区三黄回答: 其实有技巧的话很容易写,大概步骤可以概述为: 1. 用中文描述图片 ---- 审题 体裁、人称、时态、中心 2. 用中文列出要点 ---- 可以先用中文写要点,时间富裕的话可以先用中文写整篇文章 3. 用英语转述句子 ---- 句子骨干 4. 用英语组织篇章 ---- 合适的连接词,另外呢,合适的技巧性句子会有加分作用的哦 5. 最重要的是字体要好,不能写的乱,要不然老师第一印象不好,不会给高分的

示泽17533883865问: 看图写作文英语,用几句话描述一下大象、袋鼠、猴子,熊猫正在干什么 -
曲江区三黄回答: It'sSundaytoday.Tom,SusanandLucyaresupposedtobegoingtozoo.Tomwantstowatchmonkey3forhethinkstheyareclever.HoweverSusanlikestoseeelphantsbecauseheconsidersthatelphantsarenice.PandasareLucy'sfaviourtanimals.ButwhataregretthatJanecouldn'tgoalongwiththembecausehermotherstaysoutandshahastotakecareofherlittlebrother.

示泽17533883865问: 英语作文,看图写作,题目为:At School -
曲江区三黄回答: Break time at school, all the students are going to the playground to play. Look at! Xu Lan is holding a Book of eat with appetite for reading. Suddenly, there come a voice:" Hey, quickly! To pass a ball. It is Li Ming and Wang Bingzheng playing ...

示泽17533883865问: 四年级英语 以“我最喜欢的动物”为题 写一篇5句话的短文 -
曲江区三黄回答: This is the giant panda has been, I like him because he is very cute, but he is also very lazy. Ate every day is to sleep on the bamboo, he is very comfortable life here. 翻译:这是一直大熊猫,我很喜欢他因为他很可爱,但是他也很懒惰.每天就是吃了竹子就睡觉,他在这里生活的很自在.

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