
作者&投稿:绪灵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

主题:My Daily Routine(我的日常生活)1. 标题 以大字标题展示主题,例如“My Daily Routine”或“Daily Activities”。2. 日常活动图表 制作一个时间轴或图表,描述一天中不同时间段的活动,例如早晨起床、吃早餐、上学、课堂活动、放学后的活动等。可以用图片或文字的形式展现。3. 重点词汇及短语 ...

三年级上册英语unit3手抄报,参考如下:主题:My Family(我的家庭)1. 标题 使用大字标题“My Family”展现主题。2. 家庭成员介绍 用图文结合的形式,介绍家庭成员,例如爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、妹妹等。每个家庭成员的介绍可以包括姓名、年龄、职业或学生身份、喜欢的事物等。3. 家庭照片 插入家...

关于五年级上册英语手抄报 五年级上册手抄报
巧手书英语作品展个性记柴桑新区小学五年级英语手抄报比赛 五年级我爱阅读英语手抄报我爱阅读手抄报 国公营小学五年级英语手抄报活动my family 国公营小学五年级英语手抄报活动my family 五年级第三单元优秀英语手抄报展示 五年级上册英语第1单元和第2单元的手抄报五年级上册手抄报 family五年级上册英语a3...



的资料 一、英语笑话 Correct Teacher: Jimmy, what are the three words which pupils use most often at school?Jimmy: I don’t know...Teacher: Correct.很对 教师:吉米,学生在学校里经常用的三个字是什么?吉米:不知道……老师:很对。二、英语成语故事 get the casket and return the...

六年级上册一二单元的英语手抄报内容:英语口语 1. He looks very healthy. 他看来很健康。2. Here's a gift for you. 这里有个礼物送给你。3. I have the right to know. 我有权知道。4. I'm not in the mood. 我没心情。5. I'm very proud of you. 我为你感到非常骄傲。6....

六年级英语上册第五单元手抄报绘画步骤如下:1、准备绘画工具,包括铅笔、彩色铅笔、橡皮、水彩笔等。2、在手抄报的顶部画出一个标题,写上“Unit 5”(第五单元),使用大号字体和醒目的颜色,如黄色或红色。3、在手抄报的中间画出一个大矩形框,写上第五单元的课题,如“The nature world”(自然...

六年级上册英语手抄报图一 六年级上册英语手抄报图二 六年级上册英语手抄报图三 六年级英语故事 A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can’t catch any fish.一只猫每天去河边,他想去钓鱼,但是他去钓不到一条。One day, he goes to the river as usual. ...

小学生五年级上册英语手抄报的资料参考 一、英语小故事 A peasant in the state of Song led an extremely hard life for he was destitute, depending on worn sackcloth to defense the chill of winter.宋国的一个农民,因家境贫寒,生活极为清苦,全靠一件烂麻衣抵御冬天的严寒。After the sp...

毓妻18998532341问: 四年级上册英语手抄报 -
凌河区咽炎回答: 英语的寓言啊:The Ant and the Dove An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove si...

毓妻18998532341问: 怎么做四年级上册的英语苹果手抄报?谢谢合作! -
凌河区咽炎回答:[答案] I know something about apple.I like apple very much,because first it is very beautiful.It is red and round.You can not help eating it when you see it; second,it is very sweet.It is rally a kind of enjoyment when you taste it; third,it is said that apple is very good ...

毓妻18998532341问: 描写四年级英语的手抄报 -
凌河区咽炎回答:[答案] 画图 旁边附上英文 笑话 简短的 趣闻 可以到网上找 小作文 网上也有 学习的 从书上抄.

毓妻18998532341问: 小学四年级英语寒假手抄报 -
凌河区咽炎回答: Nature is where people live on.Quite a lot of men attempted to conquer nature ,and consider it as a tool to serve us rather than only to support us!They've kept on struggling with it. They desired to take all the maladies and disasters produced by ...

毓妻18998532341问: 小学四年级英语手抄报怎么写? -
凌河区咽炎回答: 首先你先为你的手抄报编好排版 画上基本的框架 记得留空写手抄报的名字(取好一个题目作为报名)拟定手抄报的主题 然后查找书籍或是上网查查相关资料还有报纸里的插图把你找到的文字和图案安排到报纸里 记得加色 这样你的手抄报看起来会很有活力

毓妻18998532341问: 关于“有趣的小动物”英语手抄报简单又好看4年级 -
凌河区咽炎回答: I like to keep pets such as a dog,a cat and a bird.I have a little cat.It is very lovely.It is black and white.And it has two big eyes.When I come home after school,it will come to me as if it is very happy.And I am very glad to see her every day.When I play ...

毓妻18998532341问: 四年级小学英语手抄报怎么画? -
凌河区咽炎回答: 小学四年级下英语手抄报向左转|向右转

毓妻18998532341问: 四年级英语手抄报 -
凌河区咽炎回答: 第一篇 A private conversationLast week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear...

毓妻18998532341问: 四年级英语手抄报可以写什么内容 -
凌河区咽炎回答: 画图 旁边附上英文 笑话 简短的 趣闻 可以到网上找 小作文 网上也有 学习的 从书上抄

毓妻18998532341问: 关于春节四年级英语手抄报 -
凌河区咽炎回答: the chinese new year is now popularly known as the spring festival because it starts from the begining of spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of nature). its origin is too old to be traced. several explanations are ...

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