
作者&投稿:爱雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

大学英语作文:White Lie 善意的谎言
【篇一】 Everyone learning English knows what awhite lie means, but since it is a lie, it has always been a controversialtopic. A case in point is when a patient is suffering an incurable illness,should the doctor or the other people inform the patient of the truth?每个学英语...

上周,我们班讨论了是否可以讲善意的谎言。每个学生都有不同的看法。 有些学生认为,善意的谎言是善意的,这样说是可以的。而且,善意的谎言可以帮助人们很好地相处,增强他们的自信心。 然而,有些学生反对这些观点。他们认为善意的谎言也是一种谎言,所以会伤害友谊甚至家庭。同样,他们认为谎言不可能永远存在,所以人们不应...

    英语中,a while lie 指的是善意谎言。但是人们是否应该说善意的谎言仍存有争议。典型的例子是:当病人患了不治之症,医生是否应该告知病人他的真实病情。正如图片所 示,医生现在陷入两难之中。他无法决定他是否应该告知还是隐瞒病人的严重病情。     ...

In our daily lives, we all hate people who lie to you. We often regard those who tell lies out of some ulterior motive associated with something bad and consider those people as being dishonest and persons who cannot be trusted. But not all lies are out of indecent motive and...

was a teacher, he sprinkled a lie that he can give students predict the future: you may become a mathematician, he can be a writer, that one with artistic talent ... ... in the teacher's advice, inspiration,encourage and shape, the child We become hardworking, sensible ...

英语笑话:善意的谎言 A white lie 善意的谎言 A middle-aged couple went to the gallery.The wife who was nearsighted, stood in front of a mirror at the entrance, which she thought that it was a picture, and she saw a woman's image and cried out, "Dear me, how could a ...


is a clear link between longevity and exercise,but that doctors should not recommend moderate exercise,rather vigorous outdoor exercise on a daily basis to all their patients.This writer's argument fails to convince in a number of areas due to several lapses in logical thinking.

回答和翻译如下:The white lie.善意的谎言。

1、谣言是越散播越浓厚的东西。Rumors are sPading more and more strong.2、爱情,是我们都相信的谎言。Love, is we all believe lies.3、谄媚从来不会出自伟大的心灵。Flattery never out great minds.4、好人迫不得已的时候也会说谎。Good people will lie when forced.5、给自己辩护的人,告发...

怀阅17858075823问: 英语小故事 善意的谎言求一篇英语小故事,内容是善意的谎言.英文要配上中文翻译最好. -
芜湖市热淋回答:[答案] Once upon A time,I write A composition is very poor,the teacher gave me A level of no one.Once I write to is very bad,the teacher gave me,please come to the office.I saw the teacher is a face of serio...

怀阅17858075823问: 速求一篇 一个善意的谎言 的英语短文(40词左右) 急用!!!!!! -
芜湖市热淋回答: deceit some day more kids like play ball in the noon . also that is bad road in run go to ball place day i watch more kids run to ball place but i not told them not go it i only say to them so hot day go to swimming cause i not let them lose ball dream i say...

怀阅17858075823问: 善意的谎言英语作文 -
芜湖市热淋回答: 善意的谎言英文 In our daily lives, we all hate people who lie to you. We often regard those who tell lies out of some ulterior motive associated with something bad and consider those people as being dishonest and persons who cannot be trusted. But...

怀阅17858075823问: 善意的谎言高一英语作文带翻译 -
芜湖市热淋回答: In our daily lives, we all hate people who lie to you. We often regard those who tell lies out of some ulterior motive associated with something bad and consider those people as being dishonest and persons who cannot be trusted. But not all lies are ...

怀阅17858075823问: 求一篇关于善意的谎言的英语作文 -
芜湖市热淋回答: Once upon A time, I write A composition is very poor, the teacher gave me A level of no one. Once I write to is very bad, the teacher gave me, please come to the office. I saw the teacher is a face of serious, psychological very nervous. Finally the ...

怀阅17858075823问: 善意谎言的英语写法? -
芜湖市热淋回答:[答案] white lie 善意的谎言 a white lie 善意的谎言 .Oscar gets himself into hot water by telling a white lie that gets out of hand. 奥斯卡因撒了一个善意的谎言而惹祸上身,结果一发不可收拾.

怀阅17858075823问: 要一篇英语作文善良的谎言
芜湖市热淋回答:A white lieFrom young, our parents have reminded us again and again that we should never,ever tell a lie. But as we grow up, we have witnessed or encountered circumstances by which we are forced to lie. For instance, when one of our relatives ...

怀阅17858075823问: 善意的谎言英语作文80 - 100词 -
芜湖市热淋回答: 我遭到局域网的arp攻击,对方地址伪装成网关了,只有MAC的地址:08-10-75-F2-6D-B8,求高手解救,追踪其IP地址...

怀阅17858075823问: 善意谎言的英语写法? -
芜湖市热淋回答: white lie 善意的谎言 a white lie 善意的谎言.Oscar gets himself into hot water by telling a white lie that gets out of hand. 奥斯卡因撒了一个善意的谎言而惹祸上身,结果一发不可收拾.

怀阅17858075823问: 善意的谎言用英文简写 -
芜湖市热淋回答: 善意的谎言 [名] Jakob the Liar; white lie; [例句]善意的谎言和谎言之间有什么不同?我是说,对于我而言二者完全一样.What's the difference between a white lie and a lie? I mean, it's all the same to me.

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