
作者&投稿:贾泼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.请问您是第几次参加我们的国际教育展?您觉得本届教育展好吗?1.What do you think is the first U.S. take part in several international educational outreach? Do you think the current education outreach, please?2. 您在教育展上都有哪些收获?是否能够找到理想的院校?2. You are in ...

综上所述的英文翻译方法主要以下九种,分别为:1.In conclusion 2.In summary 3.In a word 4.To sum up 5.In short 6.Therefore 7.In a word to sum up 8.In a word 9.All in all

Feminism, from the West, women are a major source of experience and motivation for social theory and political movement. In the West, the first refers to the pursuit of equality between men and women are fighting for the right to vote first. Chinese feminism is for women equality...

高分悬赏 帮我翻译成英文
Tom Jones is a passionate vivid person.His natural disposition is good, to human faithful sincere, broadminded, straightforward chivalry, emotion sincere, is being full of the energy and the vitality, simultaneously, he also is willful unconventional.Simultaneously he is a chivalry brave,...

真诚的感谢你们让我住在你们家,我很开心也很荣幸.I’m very grateful that you guys would let me stay at your house and I’m very happy and honored.等待你的回信.Waiting for your reply.还有算我多嘴一句,别嫌我烦,如果你这封信让人翻译的话到时候他们看见你如果你的英文水平不一样。。

岗前准备Post preparation 店外关注Shop outside attention 来电接听Shop outside attention 迎接顾客To meet customer 建立互动Establish interactive 需求明晰Demand clarity 车型推荐Models recomment 邀请试坐Invite try sit 试乘试驾Try-out driving 价格谈判Price negotiation 异议处理Object...

Another yourself 另一个你自己 The good you find in others ,is in you too.你在别人身上发现的优点,也是你的优点。The faults you find in others ,are you* **ults as well .你在别人身上发现的缺点,也是你的缺点 After all ,to recognize something you must know it .毕竟,你想要认识...

More than once received the the Eason message content is always: I XXX is recorded you write, very happy, thank you.Him happy so I'm happy. Not because the singer thanks vanity sense of mischief, I feel late at night have not been in vain, but for music this singer and ...

Abstract: Tang Lv is the Chinese legal system classics, it iscontaining the huge legal spirit system, especially is most prominentby ethics spirit and the blood relationship legislation, the Tang lawethics law thought basic spirit and the characteristic are the membersof the same family...

请帮我翻译一句话 英文
Thanks for your mail. Please set your mind at rest, we will delivery product to you asap. Please cancel lawsuit. Thanks!

化转18418852221问: 翻译 告诉我 的英文 -
图木自治县市美可回答: 看语境有好多种,比较多的是tell me,还有 inform me 有时根据语境可以推出那个句子里含有告诉的意思,比如: We telexed the information to our sister company. 我们发电报把信息告诉我们的姊妹公司.

化转18418852221问: 告诉我 翻译成英文是? -
图木自治县市美可回答:[答案] tell me.礼貌一点可以用please tell me或者tell me please.希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O~

化转18418852221问: 请告诉我用英语怎么说? -
图木自治县市美可回答: Please tell me.

化转18418852221问: 英语翻译请告诉我英语怎么说 -
图木自治县市美可回答:[答案] I love the unique you

化转18418852221问: 告诉我英文“rebirth”解释是什么意思及翻译 -
图木自治县市美可回答: rebirth 英[ˌri:ˈbɜ:θ] 美[ˌri:ˈbɜ:rθ] n. 再生; 轮回; 复兴; [例句]The hotel is awaiting its rebirth. 饭店正在重建. [其他] 复数:rebirths

化转18418852221问: 你可以告诉我吗?用英语怎么说 -
图木自治县市美可回答: 你可以告诉我吗?的英文翻译是can you tell me?它的英式读法是[kæn] [ju] [tel] [mi:];美式读法是[kæn] [jə] [tel] [mi:].相关例句:1、Can you tell me how to get there?你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?2、Can you tell me a funny?你能跟我讲个笑...

化转18418852221问: 英语翻译最好给个缩写 还有 告诉我英文要怎么念 -
图木自治县市美可回答:[答案] Strong rocks 根据音节译成中文音“实状 诺氏” 缩写“SR”.也不知道怎样缩.哈哈

化转18418852221问: 我的朋友告诉我,这句话用英语怎么说?纯人工翻译~~~~~~~~~~~我只记得told to do sth.就不知道怎么用..帮帮我吧..帮我翻译翻译这句话:我的朋友告诉我学... -
图木自治县市美可回答:[答案] My friend told me to do sth.或者 My friend told me that +从句

化转18418852221问: 告诉我~~~~ 英文翻译,, -
图木自治县市美可回答: 这意味着四个或更多的测量(测量值或量表)可能需要每一颗牙齿的精密(医学)影像.我是直接译的,可能对于医学方面不懂多少,但我觉得意思我表述得很明了的.希望能帮到你.

化转18418852221问: 告诉我什么才是我的权利英文翻译 -
图木自治县市美可回答:[答案] Tell me what my rights are. 这里right不能用单数,因此要说what my rights are 或者 Tell me my rights.

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