
作者&投稿:住勤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


was\/ were是什么?
was是am 和is的过去式 were 是are的过去式 意思相同

was 英 [wɒz] 美 [wɑ:z]v.用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质( be的过去式 );在,存在;不受干扰 were 英 [wə(r)] 美 [wə:]be的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式;有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等 ...


Were you very shy two years ago?注:在这种构成中,be动词有人称和数的变化,即要根据主语选用was \/ were。Be动词分为单数和复数,was是表示单数,were是表示复数。2. 实义动词的一般过去时态 肯定句要使用动词的过去式,否定句和疑问句要使用助动词do和 does 的过去式 did.肯定句式:主语 + ...

was\/ were是什么意思?
1.was——be的第一和第三人称单数过去式,用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质( be的过去式);在,存在;不受干扰。例句:She was betrothed to his brother.她和他哥哥订了婚。She was bemused by all the questions.她被所有这些问题难住了。This was ...

区别如下:1、were是are的过去式,表示复数。2、was是is,am的过去式,表示单数。例句:There were many trees on the playground.以前的操场上有很多树。Amy was hungry yesterday.艾米昨天饿肚子了。

was和were是系动词be的一般过去式,was与am和is对应,were与are对应,is,am,are的区别为:代表人称不同。一、is英 [ɪz]     美 [ɪz]释义:v. 是。代表人称:be的第三人称单数一般现在时。二、am英 [em]     美 [em]释义:v. 是。代表人称:动词be的第一人称形式。...

was是is和am的过去式,were是are的过去式,意思都是是的意思。一、was词汇分析音标:英 [wɒz] 美 [wɑ:z]释义:用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质( be的过去式 );在,存在;不受干扰 ...

英文Was\/ Were 所有用法, Be 动词过去式看例句一次搞懂!
例: He was not happy yesterday. 他昨天不高兴。例: She was not at home yesterday morning. 她昨天早上待在家。所以,当你看到 Was\/ Were 的时候,代表是过去式,而且前面通常是有主词的,常见的:I \/ You\/ He\/ She \/ It \/ They \/ We…等等。当然也可以是其他事物。无论主词是什么,...

底肃14729062295问: was和were造句! -
杞县隆舒回答: He was a student. Was he a student? He wasn't a studeng They were students. Were they students? They weren't students.She was kind. Was she kind? She wasn't kind. They were kind. Were they kind? They weren't kind.There was a book. Was...

底肃14729062295问: 用was,were写十个句子要一般疑问句,否定和肯定句谢谢 -
杞县隆舒回答:[答案] 有关 was,were 的例句:肯定句:He was the tallest boy in the class.There were a lot of flowers in the garden last week.否定句:I was in Beijing yesterday.We were at home an hour...

底肃14729062295问: was和were造句!每个词造3个句子,分别是疑问句,否定句和肯定句.然后每个词要做这样的3个句子5次(不同的)! -
杞县隆舒回答:[答案] He was a student.Was he a student?He wasn't a studeng They were students.Were they students?They weren't students.She was kind.Was she kind?She wasn't kind.They were kind.Were they kind?They weren't k...

底肃14729062295问: 用was 和were 各造两个句子 -
杞县隆舒回答:[答案] I was a student. She was living in Shanghai. There were three teachers. They were playing football.

底肃14729062295问: 关于虚拟语气中was和were的用法两个句子:1.It seemed as if the world was at an end.2.If he were here,everything would be all right.可以确定两个句子都准确... -
杞县隆舒回答:[答案] 虚拟语气 1.主语从句中的虚拟语气主语从句中的虚拟语气主要取决于某些形容词和过去分词,用来表示建议、命令、要求、... But for electricity (= If there were no electricity), there would be no modern industry.要是没有电,就不会有现代工业. He was ...

底肃14729062295问: 含有was和were的一般过去时的句子
杞县隆舒回答: I was moved by you deeply... Where were the scissors yesterday ?

底肃14729062295问: 用(is,are,was,were) 造句 -
杞县隆舒回答: 1.he is the person who can comfort me when i'm upset. 2. we are delighted that you have passed the exam. 3. she was raised in a small town. 4. they were watching TV when i entered the room. 全部是原创,不知你想要怎样类型,怎样水平的,随便来都可以造出句子的.

底肃14729062295问: 帮我写5个过去进行时的句子带was/were有问有答 -
杞县隆舒回答: he was reading when his father came home. it was raining so we could not play basketball outsides. we were having lunch when john came in my house. my sister was singing when i was back. she was crying becouse her mother was left. I was ...

底肃14729062295问: 含有was或were的句子怎么变否定句 -
杞县隆舒回答: 把"was"、"were"变为"wasn't"、"weren't".

底肃14729062295问: 英语中只用was和只用were的情况 -
杞县隆舒回答: was和were是过去式,也就是只有过了的事情才会用,哪怕只是一分钟.不过was和were只有用在有形容时间的句子里.比如: she was using the computer YESTERDAY.was是用在:i,she,he,it were则是用在:they,we,you....

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