
作者&投稿:法聪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

带有“th”的单词:think、thank、there、 father、third。一、think 英[θɪŋk] 美[θɪŋk]vt. 想; 以为; 思索; 看待;vi. 考虑; 思辩; 构想; 回忆;adj. 深思的; 供思考的;[例句]I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising 我...


回答关于发th音的单词时,常见的单词包括:three(三),thought(思想),then(然后),there(那里),theme(主题)等。1. three:这是一个数字词汇,发音为“θriː”,表示数字3。在英语中广泛使用,如计数、描述数量等。2. thought:这个词的发音为“θɔ...

1.mother 2.father 3.brother 4.bother 5.gather 6.togather 7.broth 8.pathetic 9.pathfinder 10.athlete 11.athletic 12.either 13.neither 14.cathedral 15.bathing

你好,很高兴为你解答,下面简单列举了一些含有th的词,希望能够帮到你 ~than thane thank thankful thankless thanks that thatch thaw the theatre theatricals theft their them theme then theorist theory there therefore therm they thick thicken thief thin thing think thinner third this thirty ...

有th的单词 多一点
breath,breathe,thinner,thinker,within,without,mouth path,bath,bathe,cloth,clothing,clothes,south,southern,their,themselves,thrice,thankful ,thief,thieves ,theatre,theme,theft,then,theory,therefore ,this,that,thought ,thoughtful.(37个,供参考)祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~...

发飒飒声的(等于whispery)以此单词为场景的带“th”的英文单词有:1. breath n. 呼吸,气息;一口气,(呼吸的)一次;微风;瞬间,瞬息;迹象;[语]无声音,气音 2. stealth n. 秘密;秘密行动;鬼祟;掩人耳目 3. thunder n. 轰隆声 4. thick adv. 浓浓地,厚厚地;密集地 ...

含有th的单词有很多,比如thank 、think 、this等,你可以查查英语字典,它们会集中在一起列出来。


brother 、clothes 、weather father\/mother

邰卞18954406333问: 英语单词中加后缀th的单词有哪些 -
瑞金市丙赛回答: fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth........ 除了第一、二、三 和第二十以后每个十位后的一二三,其余的序数词都加th .供参考.

邰卞18954406333问: 有 th的单词 多一点 -
瑞金市丙赛回答: these,those,thanks,think,health,wealth,breath,breathe,thinner,thinker,within,without,mouth path,bath,bathe,cloth,clothing,clothes,south,southern,their,themselves,thrice,thankful ,thief, thieves ,theatre,theme,theft,then,theory,therefore ,this,that,thought ,thoughtful.(37个,供参考) 祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~

邰卞18954406333问: 带有th的英文有哪些 -
瑞金市丙赛回答: 带有th的英文 thank think thunder throng thrill thrift thread thrive thus thirst thai thailand thoughtthough through thru thrush thumb throw threw thrown throne

邰卞18954406333问: 给几个包含th的英文单词! -
瑞金市丙赛回答: think thought thank those these that this though although thief with other another others throw three

邰卞18954406333问: 含有th的英文单词 -
瑞金市丙赛回答: 除了第一、第二、第三以外,所有的序数词都有th,另外的还有mouth month thank thought teeth thing that this these those等等

邰卞18954406333问: 发th音的单词都有什么啊? -
瑞金市丙赛回答:[答案] th有两个发音,一个是「θ」什么时候发「ð」 (1) th位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音. 在名词、动词、形容词和数词中th发清辅音. 如:thing, theatre, thunder, thermos, Thursday, theory, theme, throat, thread, think, thank, thrive, thicken, ...

邰卞18954406333问: 带th的英文单词 -
瑞金市丙赛回答: they though theis these those them thank think thick 太多了,写不完的!

邰卞18954406333问: 带有th的单词 -
瑞金市丙赛回答: 1.在th后以字母-er结尾的单词中, 例如: altogether [ˌɔ:ltəˈgeðə(r)] adv.总共 farther ['fɑːðə] adv. 更远地 feather ['feðə] n. 羽毛 whether ['weðə] conj. 是否 either ['aɪðə] prep. 任何一个 gather ['gæðə] vt. 收集 2.在代词、冠词、介词...

邰卞18954406333问: 含有“th”的英语单词 -
瑞金市丙赛回答:[答案] (您好;本团的回答有帮助到您劳驾采纳,谢谢支持O(∩_∩)O) than thane thank thankful thankless thanks that thatch thaw the theatre theatricals theft their them theme then theorist theory there therefore...

邰卞18954406333问: 含有th的单词 -
瑞金市丙赛回答: the,this, that, these, those with, without father, mother, brother thing, something, anything, nothing other, another third, thirty, thirsty fifth, sixth, thirtieth, either thunder thigh thin, think, thought, thick than, then,length

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