
作者&投稿:子车昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

有关灾难的英语单词:自然灾害的英文是:natural disaster natural 读法 英 [ˈnætʃrəl] 美 ['nætʃrəl]1、作形容词的意思是:自然的;物质的;天生的;不做作的 2、作名词的意思是:自然的事情;白痴;本位音 短语:1、natural science 自然科学 ...

disaster catastrophe


世界末日的英语表达是the end of the world。详细解释:1. 单词含义:"the end of the world" 直接翻译为“世界的末日”,这是一个广泛接受并常见的表达方式。它通常用来描述一个灾难性的、全球性的灾难或毁灭性的事件,预示着人类和已知世界的终结。2. 文化背景:在许多文化和宗教传说中,世界末日...

Disasters A:An tornado took place in Carolado yesterday.B:Really? How bad was it?A:Not the same bad as you may think. A couple of houses were torn down and, what is the worst, a gas station was ruined causing gas leak.B:Oh, that's terrible.A:Sure it is.B:Any ...

这已经是该地区不到两个月内的第二次空难了。2、The whole production was just a disaster!整个产品简直就是一个败笔!3、The government brought itself to the brink of fiscal disaster 政府把自己推向了财政危机的边缘。4、Many had lost all in the disaster and were destitute.很多人被灾难夺...

I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit.下面的长了点。。也难了点。。That was the first time for me to come to America. The trip was much more exciting than I had expected. As planned, I got my plane ticket and started my journey. Every...

32、在灾难面前,如果连英雄都逃跑了,那还有谁能站出来?In the face of disaster, if even heroes run away, who else can stand up?33、希望是最大的灾难,因为他延续了人的苦难。Hope is the greatest calamity, because he continues human suffering.34、并不是每一种灾难都是祸,早临的...


Flood is a serious natrual disaster to human beings.

阳詹18728054863问: 英语中表示“灾难”的词有哪些? -
平舆县金鸡回答:[答案] a catastrophe; a calamity; a disaster 一般的小灾难用disaster,毁灭性的灾难用catastrophe

阳詹18728054863问: 用英语来描述各种自然灾害 -
平舆县金鸡回答: 地震Earthquakes,台风、and typhoons, 火山爆发volcanic eruptions,海啸; tsunami,内涝、 waterlogging高温、high temperature雷电、 lightning大雾、fog, 灰霾haze旱灾dry damage洪涝flood风暴潮storm tide 冻害 freeze injury雹灾disaster caused by hail 滑坡hill-creep; landslide泥石流mud-rock flow森林火灾forest-fire水土流失soil and water loss沙尘暴sand storm; dust storm

阳詹18728054863问: 表示灾难的英文词例如"hurricane"表示飓风,再列举几个别的同类词 -
平舆县金鸡回答:[答案] A disaster (from Middle French désastre, from Old Italian disastro, from Latin pejorative prefix dis- bad + astrum star) is the impact of a natural or human-made hazard that negatively affects society or environment. Disasters occur when hazards strike in ...

阳詹18728054863问: 急求 描写灾难的英文词汇(名词与形容词)例如earthquake violent -
平舆县金鸡回答: 自然灾害 natural disasters 地面塌陷 ground depression 放射性物质 radioactive materials 泥石流 debris flow 火山爆发 volcanic eruption 冰雹 hail 洪水 flood 干旱 drought 龙卷风 tornado

阳詹18728054863问: 英语中表示“灾难”的词有哪些? -
平舆县金鸡回答: a catastrophe; a calamity; a disaster 一般的小灾难用disaster,毁灭性的灾难用catastrophe

阳詹18728054863问: “灾难”用英语怎么表达?
平舆县金鸡回答: 最常用的是 disaster 例: No more than the disaster of people feel helpless. . . 没有什么比灾难更让人感到无助的. Who can image that is a disaster for beautiful flowers. 谁能够想象这对美丽的花是一种灾难呢?

阳詹18728054863问: 灾难用英文怎么拼写?
平舆县金鸡回答: 灾难 [词典] disaster; catastrophe; calamity; suffering; bale; [例句]最近南方的洪水是一场灾难. The recent flooding in the south was a calamity.

阳詹18728054863问: 一些自然灾害的英文说法
平舆县金鸡回答: 来点 表达气象的吧 小雨light rain阵雨shower平静calm 毛毛雨drizzle,fine rain疾风gusty wind微波rippled 反常天气freakish weather气旋cyclone微浪smooth wavelets 北风north wind气压barometric pressure细浪light seas 冰ice阴天cloudy day小浪...

阳詹18728054863问: 用英语来描述各种自然灾害希望有多一点描 -
平舆县金鸡回答: n might adopt it with

阳詹18728054863问: 用英语写出常见的自然灾害 -
平舆县金鸡回答: earthquake 地震 tsunami 海啸 fire 火灾 flood 洪水 hurricane 飓风 hailstone 冰雹 cyclone 龙卷风

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