
作者&投稿:闳彼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This is Tom.He is tall.He is thin.He's hair is short.He's birthday is on the sixth of May.He is my firend.I like him!


There are 46 students in my class!! 主要有there be 结构,表示“某地存在某物”。

Classmate.读音:英 [ˈklɑ:smeɪt],解释:同学。1.我跟一个老同学一起度过了那个夜晚。I spent the evening with an old school friend.2.他和一个同学创办了那份杂志。He started the magazine with a schoolmate 3.他的笑声感染了全班同学。She infected the whole class with ...

开始上课了,同学们! 用英语怎么说?
Now the class begins!英文一般不说上课了同学们。直接说上课了最好。如果偏要说同学们,老师的场合: now the class begins,my students 同学的场合; now the class begins,my classmates

our class come a new student.我们班来了一个新同学。

说起来我们还是老同学。As a matter of fact, we are schoolmates.我们班大部分同学选修日语。Most of the students of our class take Japanese as an elective course.我们一直是同班同学。We have been classmates all along.遇见一位同学meet a classmate 正当同学们热烈讨论的时候,老师进来了。The...

deskmate 音标:英 [desk'meɪt] 美 [desk'meɪt]同坐一张课桌的学生 例句:1、My deskmate has heard the news and so have I.我同桌听说了这个消息,我也听说了。2、What did you say to your deskmate? The teacher asked me.老师问我:你跟你同桌说了什么?3、Neither I...

My first day students 或者 students of the first of me.

豆疯18090038448问: 各位同学们用英语怎么说 -
襄城区雷公回答:[答案] everyone of the students 或者直接说 every student

豆疯18090038448问: 各位同学们用英语怎么说 -
襄城区雷公回答: everyone of the students 或者直接说 every student

豆疯18090038448问: 同学英语怎么说 -
襄城区雷公回答: classmate 请设为最佳答案!

豆疯18090038448问: 同学用英文怎么写 -
襄城区雷公回答: students学生,最简单,室友roommate,classmate班级同学

豆疯18090038448问: 下午好各位同学,我是你们的新老师.翻译成英文 -
襄城区雷公回答: Good afternoon,everyone. I'm your new teacher.(大家下午好.我是你们的新老师) 同学的英文是students,第一句译成 Good afternoon, students.(同学下午好) 亦无不可,不过这样感觉就会较为疏离.而译成Good afternoon, every students.不肯定文法有没有问题,但读起来怪怪的...推荐第一句 ps 楠杰恋的回答更好,Good afternoon, class. 较为常见之馀,不失庄重又不严肃

豆疯18090038448问: 小学同学 初中同学 高中同学用英语怎么说? -
襄城区雷公回答: 小学同学:Primary school classmates; 初中同学:Junior high school classmates; 高中同学:High school classmates. 同学为“classmate“,在“同学”之前加上“小学”、“初中”、“高中”即可. 小学:Primary school; 初中:Junior ...

豆疯18090038448问: “同学”用英语怎么说
襄城区雷公回答:classmate 翻译 同学 祝好运

豆疯18090038448问: '同学们'用英语怎么说 -
襄城区雷公回答: "boys and girls "在上课的时候是可以表示“同学们”的意思的.

豆疯18090038448问: 我们班的同学用英语怎么说?我们班的同学都非常好用英语怎么说 -
襄城区雷公回答:[答案] The students in our class are very good.

豆疯18090038448问: 英语翻译翻译:高一的生活转眼间就要过去了.在此我要感谢各位同学,是你们丰富了我高一的生活.我将永远记住你们,还有我们活跃的第一组同学. -
襄城区雷公回答:[答案] how time flies!thank you for my classmates,it is you who give me a wonderful life,i will never forget that.

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