
作者&投稿:虞毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Four Great Inventions 四大发明 The Compass 指南针 Diagram of a Ming dynasty mariner's compass Main article: Compass The earliest reference to magnetism in Chinese literature is found in a 4th century BC book called Book of the Devil Valley Master (鬼谷子): "The lodestone makes ...

At the beginning of the fourteenth Century, the compass was introduced into Europe from china.四大发明 造纸术:造纸是一项重要的化学工艺,纸的发明是中国在人类文化的传播和发展上所做出的一项十分宝贵的贡献,是中国化学史上的一项重大的成就。 在纸还未发明之前,甲骨、竹简和绢帛是古代用来供书写、记载的...

我国有世界著名的四大发明,一是火药,二是指南针,三是印刷术,四是造纸术。This makes our ancient China become an ancient civilization.这让我们中国古代成了文明古国。China's four great inventions have played an irreplaceable role in various fields of science and technology.中国的四大发明在...

people from the engraved seal inspire 四大发明 造纸术:造纸是一项重要的化学工艺,纸的发明是中国在人类文化的传播和发展上所做出的一项十分宝贵的贡献,是中国化学史上的一项重大的成就。 在纸还未发明之前,甲骨、

of. About the year before and after 600 years of Sui Dynasty, people from the engraved seal inspire 四大发明 造纸术:造纸是一项重要的化学工艺,纸的发明是中国在人类文化的传播和发展上所做出的一项十分宝贵的贡献,是中国化学史上的一项重大的成就。 在纸还未发明之前,甲骨、...

四大发明英语是:1、compass=指南针。A compass needle points to the north.罗盘的指针永远指向北方。2、gunpowder=火药。Sulphur can be used to make gunpowder.硫磺可以用来制造火药。3、papermaking=造纸术。Wastewater treatment is an important issue in papermaking industry.摘要制浆造纸废水处理一直...

bits of rope, rags and worn-out fishing nets as raw materials. In 105, Cai presented the first batch of paper made under his supervision to the Han emperor, who was so delighted that he named the material "Marquis Cai's paper". Eastern Han Dynasty paper found in Wuwei, Gan...

Bi Sheng(970-1051毕升是活字印刷术的发明者)first invented movable type printing in the Song Dynasty, greatly promoting the development of the printing technique, for which he was praised as the father of typography.The Chinese printing technique is a vanguard of human civilization, ...

The Compass Gunpowder Papermaking Printing These inventions are celebrated in Chinese culture for their historical significance and as signs of ancient China's advanced science and technology. These four discoveries had an enormous impact on the development of Chinese civilization and a far-...

Han Dynasty 发明者:蔡伦 东汉。3,gunpowder 火药 inventor: alchemists in Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, their names are not available, 发明者:隋唐时期的炼丹人,姓名不详。4,typography 活字印刷术 inventor:Bisheng in Northern Song Dynasty 发明者:毕升 北宋。

韦赖15853729328问: 中国的四大发明谁给我用英语介绍一下?一个就够了,一定要短短短!(是英语) -
平远县复方回答:[答案] The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are,according to Chinese tradition and the British scholar and biochemist Joseph... Although he may have been unaware of the origin of these inventions,in 1620 the English philosopher Francis Bacon noted ...

韦赖15853729328问: 中国四大发明的英文 -
平远县复方回答:[答案] "四大发明”英文名为“The Four Great Inventions” “造纸术”英文名为“Papermaking” “火药”英文名为“Gunpowder” “印刷术”英文名为“Priniting Technique” “指南针”英文名为“Compass”

韦赖15853729328问: 中国四大发明(英语)谁能帮我介绍一下中国的四大发明,一定要短,用英语! -
平远县复方回答:[答案] The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are,according to Chinese tradition and the British scholar and biochemist Joseph... Although he may have been unaware of the origin of these inventions,in 1620 the English philosopher Francis Bacon noted ...

韦赖15853729328问: 中国古代四大发明用英文怎么讲 -
平远县复方回答: 造纸术 Papermaking指南针 compass火药 Gunpowder also called black powder印刷术 Movable type the system of printing and typography that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document (usually individual letters or ...

韦赖15853729328问: 用英语介绍四大发明要简练的一点 -
平远县复方回答:[答案] 你可以选择一段来用. The Four Great Inventions China's long history has seen some extremely important inventions emerge, most noticeably gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass, which, in the...

韦赖15853729328问: 请问四大发明用英文怎么说?急,写作文用,如题,要标准一点的翻译. -
平远县复方回答:[答案] 四大发明:Four Great Inventions 造纸术:Papermaking 活字印刷术:Typography 火药:Gunpowder 指南针:Compass

韦赖15853729328问: 四大发明,英语介绍,100单词就够,帮一下 -
平远县复方回答:[答案] Four great inventions include:movable type printing,the compass,paper making,gunpowder.In which papermaking was invented by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty; movable type was invented by Bi Sheng So...

韦赖15853729328问: 中国四大发明的英语!! -
平远县复方回答: the compass,gunpowder,paper-making,and printing

韦赖15853729328问: 有没有用英文介绍中国的四大发明我想用英文写一篇关于中国的四大发明,只用介绍其中一种相关的历史,简短一些,可以吗 -
平远县复方回答:[答案] 你可以选择一段来用. The Four Great Inventions China's long history has seen some extremely important inventions emerge, most noticeably gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass, which, in the...

韦赖15853729328问: 中国古代四大发明用英语怎么翻译?中国古代的四大发明:指南针、火药、造纸术、印刷术,用英语怎么翻译? -
平远县复方回答:[答案] 指南针:The compass火药:Gunpowder造纸术:paper-making印刷术:printing在翻译 造纸术、印刷术时,如果是在句子中,最好在他们后面在加上technique(“技术”的意思)也就是 paper-making technique 造纸技术 and p...

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