
作者&投稿:凌咸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文版:In ancient times, there was a demon called “evil spirit。” He loved to touch the heads of children on Chinese New Year’s Eve。Children touched by him were scared to cry; then they developed a headache, followed by a fever, and eventually turned into a fool。翻译:...

压岁钱(在广东叫做“俾利是”),年节习俗之一,其本真来由无考,传说是为了压邪祟。除夕夜吃完年夜饭,长辈要给小辈压岁钱,以祝福晚辈平安度岁。压岁钱是小儿新年最盼望的礼物。New year's money (called "balishi" in Guangdong) is one of the customs of new year's day. It has no ...

1.It is said that in history, old customs on New Year's Eve, each have small children, the use of plates, boxes and other equipment, Sheng Fruit food, mutual gift, which is "压岁plate." Later, the "lucky money" to replace the "压岁disk", which is now paid to the w...


3. New year's money, also known as "lì" in Guangdong, is one of the festive customs. Its true origin is not documented, but it is said to be a tradition to counteract evil influences.4. During the New Year's Eve dinner, elders give new year's money to the younger ...

压岁钱的来历英文版 Annual Chinese New Year's eve, many children all the evening can get lucky money. Why get lucky money? There is a legend story.An ancient legend "theory", black body from the siren, he nian night out, special touch the sleeping child's forehead. The ...

of Song heard about this, he gave some money to the south, to calm him down, from then on "lucky money" in the folk spread.逃跑中正巧遇朝廷车子经过,南陔大声呼救,歹人放下南陔仓皇逃跑。后来,宋神宗得知此事后,就赐予南陔一些金钱,给他压惊,从此"压岁钱"在民间流传开来。

关于压岁钱,有一个流传很广的故事。古时候,有一种小妖叫“祟”,大年三十晚上出来用手去摸熟睡着的孩子的头,孩子往往吓得哭起来,接着头疼发热,变成傻子。因此,家家都在这天亮着灯坐着不睡,叫做“守祟”。There is a popular story about lucky money. In ancient times, there is a kind...

希望这段有关压岁钱的文章可以助你一臂之力哦! :)No need Confusion. Chinese New Year just round the corner, time to dish out red pockets to those unhitched individuals I come across on a regular basis. Or so i thought…Apparently, the rules for giving Hong baos aren’t the...

1、压岁钱 压岁钱是由长辈派发给晚辈的,年晚饭后长辈要将事先准备好的压岁钱分给晚辈,据说压岁钱可以压住邪祟,晚辈得到压岁钱就可以平平安安度过一岁。NewYearsmoneyisdistributedbytheelderstotheyoungergeneration.Aftertheannualdinner,theeldersshoulddistributethepreparedNewYearsmoneytotheyounger...

强郝18865079610问: 英语版的压岁钱的来历.不能超出50字 -
果洛藏族自治州清热回答:[答案] once,there was a legend about a monster which appears at new year festival.in order to scared it away people played fireworks and got everthing in red.red is also a symbol of luck.lucky money was something envolved to that. 50个字,有难度啊.这个刚...

强郝18865079610问: 有关压岁钱来历的英文文章 -
果洛藏族自治州清热回答:[答案] 希望这段有关压岁钱的文章可以助你一臂之力哦!:) No need Confusion.Chinese New Year just round the corner,time to dish out red pockets to those unhitched individuals I come across on a regular basis.Or...

强郝18865079610问: 求英文版压岁钱的来历~~ -
果洛藏族自治州清热回答: 1.It is said that in history, old customs on New Year's Eve, each have small children, the use of plates, boxes and other equipment, Sheng Fruit food, mutual gift, which is "压岁plate." Later, the "lucky money" to replace the "压岁disk", which is ...

强郝18865079610问: 请用英语来写一下压岁钱的由来. -
果洛藏族自治州清热回答: The fable ancient times had called “the calamity” the small monster, the black body white fingernail, lunar New Year's Eve the night came out every year, traced the sleeping soundly child's forehead specially. The fool who the child is traced will get ...

强郝18865079610问: “红包的由来”的英文怎么写? -
果洛藏族自治州清热回答: 红包的由来” The origin of red envelopes 英 [ˈɔridʒin] 美 [ˈɔrədʒɪn,ˈɑr-] n. 起源,根源; 出身; [数]原点,起点; [解](筋,神经的)起端;

强郝18865079610问: 英语版的压岁钱的来历. -
果洛藏族自治州清热回答: once, there was a legend about a monster which appears at new year festival. in order to scared it away people played fireworks and got everthing in red. red is also a symbol of luck. lucky money was something envolved to that.50个字,有难度啊.这个刚写的.可以吗?

强郝18865079610问: 春节的来历(英文版) -
果洛藏族自治州清热回答: About the origin of "Spring Festival", have a kind of legend is: ancient China has a kind of call "years" the beast. "Year", head long feelers, fierce abnormalities. "Year" in the seabed, each elder deep to specific day (New Year's eve) is ...

强郝18865079610问: 红包的来历 英文 -
果洛藏族自治州清热回答: "Red envelop" is Chinese New Year a custom, China enjoyed by everyone red, because red symbol vitality, pleasant and good luck. It says the wishes and good luck to them. Red envelope money, just want to let children happy, its main meaning ...

强郝18865079610问: 请用英文翻译一下这些中文.
果洛藏族自治州清热回答: the origin of Spring Festival the origin of New Year money

强郝18865079610问: 压岁钱(年钱)用英语怎么说?
果洛藏族自治州清热回答: 压岁钱是中国特有的风俗,包含压岁保平安的祝福.英文中没有完全对应的表达. 简单的翻译是“gift money 将钱作为礼物送给孩子”.

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