
作者&投稿:梅于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the mp3 is cheaper than mp4 如果指的是所有的MP4和MP3那就用are但是如果单指一个P4比P3贵就用is 因为是单数、希望可以帮到你啦、有很多说法。不过我的保证是对的!

1 if the land, many people are shorter than me. But days, I was higher than many people 2 after the delicate purple Chinese wistaria have sharp small thorn, roadside obscure plants can grow green green meaning.3 the world of leaives in, besides?

英文翻译 关于俄罗斯的国旗
俄罗斯的国旗呈长方形,长与宽比例约为3:2.旗面由三个平行且相等的横长方形相连而成,自上而下分别为白、蓝、红三色。The flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangle tricolor flag with the proportion 2:3 and consists of three equal horizontal fields; white on the top, blue in...

I'm many years older than him.如果大得不是很多,就说I'm several years older than him.例句:James looks younger than his wife but in fact he is several years older.詹姆斯 看起来比他妻子年轻,但实际上他要大好几岁。You look years younger.你看起来年轻了好几岁。

Chritianity is more rational (sensible) than other religions.

在than前不能用elder,只能用older my sister is older than me.my elder sister

你认不认为现在我们城市的环境比以前的城市环境差了? 英文翻译
Don't you think our city's environment is worse than the past?

比数的英文翻译是:Than the number of a9d3fd1f4134970aafc02ed69ecad1c8a6865d93<\\\/img>

This cat is much fatter than that one

The weather in Canton is hotter than that in Shanghai.

雪江18047184325问: 请问一个东西“占的百分之...” 用英语怎么说?? -
婺源县医痫回答: sth is #% of

雪江18047184325问: A占B的比例用英语怎么说 -
婺源县医痫回答: percentage是百分比,如果只是比例的话我觉得应该用ratio,the ratio of A to B 就是A与B的比例,在你的例句中就是xxx represents the ratio of good nodes that involved in interaction to all the good nodes.

雪江18047184325问: 占总数的百分之3英语怎么说? -
婺源县医痫回答: (A part) accounts for 3% of the total amount.“占”用accounts for 表达

雪江18047184325问: 占收入比例 英语怎么说 -
婺源县医痫回答: 一般在句子中用:is x% of the revenue 来表达.the ratio to revenue

雪江18047184325问: 占据比重英语怎么说.account for可以吗 -
婺源县医痫回答: 占据比重 Occupy proportion 占据比重 Occupy proportion

雪江18047184325问: 英文 占的比例最多怎么说 -
婺源县医痫回答: 占的比例最多 Accounted for the largest proportion占的比例最多 Accounted for the largest proportion

雪江18047184325问: 用英语怎么表达XX占XX百分之几 -
婺源县医痫回答: Salary takes 41.5 percent in choosing jobs. occupy是占领的意思

雪江18047184325问: 占据大比例的翻译是:什么意思 -
婺源县医痫回答: 占据大比例 翻译成英文是:Occupy a large proportion 相关单词学习: occupy 英[ˈɒkjupaɪ] 美[ˈɑ:kjupaɪ] vt. 占领; 使用,住在…; 使从事,使忙碌; 任职; [例句]There were over 40 tenants, all occupying one wing of the hospital...

雪江18047184325问: 我校有92名教师,女教师占70%用英语怎么写 -
婺源县医痫回答: There are 92 teachers in our school,70% of them are female.

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