
作者&投稿:夏袁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

淘金记 英语简介

淘金记 英语简介

兀有烁18581642823问: 卓别林简介英语在线等~~~~~200 - 300字左右就行,长的不要
涟水县舒利回答: Chaplin,Charlie(1889~1977)Britainmovieactor,direction,producer.onApril16,1889wasborninLondon,onDecember25,1977diedatSwissCorsiYe. ...

兀有烁18581642823问: 求卓别林的中英文简介,谢谢啊…… -
涟水县舒利回答: 你好!卓别林出生在英国,父亲去逝早.他和母亲弟弟妹妹生活在一起.他幼年家庭贫困,但是卓别林酷爱表演,在母亲教导下学到了不少知识.第一次世界战争爆发后,他到了美国.从事表演,他开始的表演并不为战争时期压抑的人们所接受,后来他的幽默最终感动了人们,给战争状态下的人们带来了缓解.其实,他的作品是戏剧化的表演来表达悲伤情调.希望对你有所帮助,望采纳.

兀有烁18581642823问: 用英语概括查理.卓别林的一生成就, -
涟水县舒利回答:[答案] excellent actor and director the symbol of film a period of silent film makes people laugh and think about social phenomenon criticize nobility

兀有烁18581642823问: 用英文介绍卓别林 -
涟水县舒利回答: Charles Chaplin made Limelight at the most troubled period of his adult career. In the late 1940s, America¹s Cold War paranoia reached its peak, and Chaplin, as a foreigner with liberal and humanist sympathies, was a prime target for political ...

兀有烁18581642823问: 用英语概括查理.卓别林的一生成就,急需!! -
涟水县舒利回答: excellent actor and director the symbol of film a period of silent film makes people laugh and think about social phenomenon criticize nobility

兀有烁18581642823问: 给我一份卓别林的英文简介,...
涟水县舒利回答: Charlie Chaplin(16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor and film director of the silent film era who became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War. Chaplin used mime, slapstick ...

兀有烁18581642823问: 求:卓别林的介绍(英文的)~万分感谢~~~最好还有他的电影介绍~
涟水县舒利回答: Early years Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th ... particularly with his characterization in a sketch entitled "A Night in an English Music Hall...

兀有烁18581642823问: 请求卓别林的英文介绍(希望简易一些) -
涟水县舒利回答: Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. Her father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names, he was doing very well. Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. ...

兀有烁18581642823问: 用英语表达对卓别林的评价 -
涟水县舒利回答: 对卓别林的评价: Chaplin was not just a genius, he was among the most influential figures in film history. 卓别林不仅仅是天才,也是电影史上最有影响力的人物之一.

兀有烁18581642823问: 查理卓别林的英语作文80字 -
涟水县舒利回答:[答案] Charlie Chaplin, the 20th century the famous British comedian, founder of modern comedy movies, enjoy high reputation all over the world. Chaplin, his childhood, in the playground and itinerant troupes busk or odd jobs. In 1913, with Karl's mime troupe ...

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