
作者&投稿:校翁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Be sure to put up the cinema in a playful place of the town.Keep sure to build the cinema in a nice place of the town.

在电影院前面翻译成英文是in front of the cinema.in front of的英式读法是[in frʌnt ɔv];美式读法是[ɪn frʌnt ʌv]。意思就是在 ... 前面。cinema的英式读法是['sɪnəmə];美式读法是['sɪnəmə]。作名词意思有...

大学一般是university 如果是独立的一个学院用college,如果是大学里的不同学院用school比较恰当

电影院在动物园旁边Next to the cinema in the zoo

他很惊讶的发现电影院就在他前面 用英语怎么说
He was surprised to find the cinema was in front of him 希望对你有帮助!

你能告诉我电影院路口在哪里吗?Can you tell me where is the cinema intersection?你能告诉我电影院路口在哪里吗?Can you tell me where is the cinema intersection?

Mile and Amy didn't know how to go to the cinema. The policeman told them that the cinema is next to the post office .

如果你是因为生病、受伤等住院,用:I am in hospital.如果你是在医院工作或者看望病人等,用:I am in the hospital.VS天才翻译家

MengXiang Cinema is near home.MengXiang Movie Theatre is not far from home.

楼主你好,巴黎歌剧院是世界上最大的歌剧院,位于市中心的奥斯曼大街,占地11万平方米。The Paris Opera House is the largest opera house in the world, it is located in the centre of Osman Street and covers an area of 110 thousand square meters。还有问题可以问我。。。

禄王13477295145问: 英语单词医院在那儿 -
金水区乐友回答: The hospital is (over) there.

禄王13477295145问: 医院在那儿用英语怎么写 -
金水区乐友回答: in the hospital

禄王13477295145问: 请问医院在哪里?如何译成英语用上please -
金水区乐友回答:[答案] Where is the xxx hospital,please. Or Please show me how to approach the xxx hospital. Or Please show me the way to the xxx hospital

禄王13477295145问: 医院在哪里 英语问句 -
金水区乐友回答: 你好医院在哪里 Where is the hospital?答句:它在公交车站附件. It is near the bus stop.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

禄王13477295145问: 你好请问你们医院地址在哪用英语怎么说? -
金水区乐友回答:[答案] Hi,could you please tell me the address of your hospital? Hello,I'm wondering what is the address of your hospital.

禄王13477295145问: 根据汉语句子的意思,完成英语填空.医院在哪?Where's the ( 禁止左转.NO( )turn请问,博物馆在哪?Where's the museum,( 你放学打算干什么?... -
金水区乐友回答:[答案] 医院在哪?Where's the ( hospital 禁止左转.NO( left )turn请问,博物馆在哪?Where's the museum,( please 你放学打算干什么?What sre you going to do after( school 在电影院处下车.Get off at the( cinema...

禄王13477295145问: 英语翻译1、打扰了,请问医院在哪里?2、顺着这条路直走,然后在电影院左拐,它就在你的右边.3、你还可以乘坐15路公共汽车,再在博物馆下车,然后... -
金水区乐友回答:[答案] Excuse me,where is the hospital?2 Go along the road.the turn left at the cinima,you can see it on your right.3You can take No.15 bus,and get off at the museum,then go straight for about 2 minutes,you ...

禄王13477295145问: 不好意思,医院在哪里?它在公园对面.用英文怎么说?
金水区乐友回答: Excuse me.where the hospital is? It is in front of the park

禄王13477295145问: 英语中表示具体地点的名词的词有那些?如:医院,学校之类的我要英语 -
金水区乐友回答: school, cinema, movie theater, church, library, bookstore, hospital, police station, post office, museum, supermarket, shopping mall, playground, lab,...

禄王13477295145问: 在医院翻译成英语 -
金水区乐友回答: 在医院有两种大众翻译方法,一个是in hospital,一个是in the hospital, 但是这两种用法不一样,第一种指代的是病人在医院 第二种指代的是,医生在医院工作 不懂追问哦

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