
作者&投稿:俎曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

规则是:随便点人,随便给词,即兴造句。没有思考的余地,只有心理的准备。这其实是全面考查学生英语应辩能力的“造句”形式,充满刺激与激情,若加以“诱人”的表扬,效果更佳。三、无范围限定形式的造句。这种就类似于我们日常教学中的Free Talk \/ Daily English \/ Duty Report \/ Oral Practice.,最...

1. I see. 我明白了。2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too. 我也是。5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)8. Hold on. 等一等。9. I agree。 我同意。10. Not bad. 还不错。11. Not yet. 还没。12. See you. 再见。13. ...

30个英语短语造句: 1) how about ...怎么样 How about this decision?2) in all 总共,合计 It is 60 dollars in all.3) in any case 无论如何 In any case of emergency,you can call me.4) faithful to忠实于 Dogs are faithful to their master.5) familiar with sth熟悉,通晓 H...

首先(first)高级英语短语可表达为:1、baiin the first place;2、in the first instance;3、first of all。 其次(secondly):1、the next;2、in the next place。 然后(then):1、afterwards;2、after that;3、afterward。 最后(final):1、ultimate;2、eventually;3、in conclusion;...

在英语方面我赶不上他。9. The trees keep out the wind. 这些树可以挡风。10. You must keep out of sight . 你要远离别人的视线。11. Try to keep out of trouble. 尽量别卷入麻烦中去。12. Keep out of reach of children. 放在儿童无法接触的地方。13. shelter sth. from [keep out] the wind ...

短语英语有:1、abide by.忠于,遵守。2、be absent from.xx缺席,不在。3、absence of mind.心不在焉。4、take up the attention of.吸引xx的注意力(被动语态)。5、be absorbed in.全神贯注于xx。6、(be) abundant in.富于,富有。7、access to.(不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解。8、by ...

8. mud:名词,泥,湿软的土或细土,淤泥。泥浆,泥泞。污秽,不清洁。9. often:副词,表示频繁或经常的意思。常常,屡次,经常。在用英语单词造句时,应该注意以下几点:1. 单词的词性。要确定单词的词性,是否是名词、动词、形容词或其他词性,然后正确使用该词性。如果词性使用错误,会导致句子结构...

think of 认为,想起 take with 携带 look for 期望,寻找 come in 请进 talk about 谈论 Coming in ,please 请进吧 What are they talking about ? 他们正在谈论什么?

1、my parents are strict with me .2、linda likes to go shopping instead of go swimming ,3、when he haerd the strange sound , he stopped to run out of his room.4、i usually read story book at night .5、my mother is fond of going out to have a walk .6、the head...

3个英文单词和1个短语 每个造5个句子造句..很急用!!!(作业帮个忙)_百度...
The castle is in ruins. 这座城堡已成废墟。Cast off old clothing.扔掉旧衣服 Their clothing is skins;他们的衣着是兽皮 I wear the clothing.我穿上衣服。Everbody was working night and day.每个人都在日夜的工作。The earth moves night and day.地球昼夜不停地运转。The mills run nigh...

中叔疫13440863564问: 英语动词短语造句,并注中文!英语动词造句:1.run along2.swim across3.jump off4.run across5.go under6.jump aceoss7.fly over8.fly aceorss9.fly under10.sit ... -
禹州市妇科回答:[答案] 1.run along She ran along sadly,tears in her eyes. 她伤心地一直向前跑,眼里含着泪水. 2.swim across Can you swim across... 7.fly over The plane flew over the mountain.飞机飞过高山. 8.fly acorss 这个短语不对 9.fly under 这个短语不对 10.sit on He is ...

中叔疫13440863564问: 英语动词短语作主语造句.简单一些. -
禹州市妇科回答: 在英语学习中,如果动词作主语,往往用动词的现在分词形式或者用动词不定式作主语.如: (1)多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有好处. Eating too many vegetables is good for our health. 或者:To eat too many vegetables is good for our health. (2)清早读英语是学好英语的一种好方法. Reading English in the morning is a good way to learn English well.

中叔疫13440863564问: 英语中动词短语和词语搭配,比如说 put on,put off 用动词短语来造句.越多越好.要有短语 例句 翻比如 go wrong when you get old,three things start to go wrong ... -
禹州市妇科回答:[答案] take sth.for granted 想当然 例子:Don't take your parents' care for granted. 不要把父母关心你的当做理所当然的事.

中叔疫13440863564问: 英语短语造句 -
禹州市妇科回答: 1. The meeting will be put off till next week. 会议将会被推迟到下个星期. 2. Please write down your name. 请写下你的名字. 3. He is putting up a new fence at his home. 他正在为自己家搭建新的篱笆墙. 4. The teacher is handing out the exam ...

中叔疫13440863564问: 英语造句用动名词短语或动名词作主语造十个句子 最好用动名词短语谢了 不需要太难的 -
禹州市妇科回答:[答案] 1.Linda's coming will do you good.2.Climbing up the mountain will make you exhausted.爬上这座山会使你筋疲力尽.3.Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good .早晨朗读英文会给你带来许...

中叔疫13440863564问: 动词短语造句 -
禹州市妇科回答: 1.He brought up his children strictly. 2.Something unexpected has turned up.出现了令人意外的情况. 3.The barrel of gunpowder blew up.火药桶爆炸了. 4.The soldiers blew up the bridge.士兵把桥炸毁了. 5.I don't much care for television.我不很...

中叔疫13440863564问: 用动词say 或 tell 与以下短语造句 -
禹州市妇科回答: He says you are great.He tells me (that) you are great. 下面是和“说”有关的词的用法:speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析. ▲ ...

中叔疫13440863564问: 英语动词造句 -
禹州市妇科回答: 第一人称就是我(们):单数I,复数We 第二人称就是你(们):单数you,复数you 第三人称就是他/她(们):单数she、he,复数they 给你一个人称表哈、希望对你有帮助~ 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them 形...

中叔疫13440863564问: 英语 短语造句 如cut up 是由一个动词一个介词构成 用刀把蔬菜切碎.cup the英语 短语造句 如cut up 是由一个动词一个介词构成用刀把蔬菜切碎.cup the ... -
禹州市妇科回答:[答案] cut up 是个动词+副词构成的 用刀把蔬菜切碎 Cut the vegetables up with a knife.

中叔疫13440863564问: Be动词例句 -
禹州市妇科回答:[答案] be动词的一般现在时有三种形式,即:am,is,are. 1.如果主语是第一人称I(我)时,be动词用am. 如:I am a student.我是一名学生. I am 还可缩写成I'm.如: I'm David.我是大卫. 2.如果主语是you (你,你们),they (他们,它们,她们)或名词复数 ...

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