
作者&投稿:禄壮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

形容词物主代词:单数形式:my(我的),your(你的),his \/her\/ its(他的、她的、它的).复数形式:our(我们的),your(你们的),their(他们的).名词物主代词:单数形式:mine(我的xx),yours(你的xx),his \/hers \/its(他的xx、她的xx、它的xx).复数形式:ours(我们的xx),yours...

June.5th Saturday Today, our class went to Mo Mountain to plant trees by bus. In the morning, all of us gathered at school. After an hour, we arrived at the feet of the mountain. At first, the teacher told us the groups. Then, we worked in our own groups. Next, ...


1. How are you doing?(你好吗?)2. I'm doing great.(我过得很好。)3. What's up?(出什么事了\/你在忙些什么\/怎么了?)4. Nothing special.(没什么特别的。)5. Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。)6. So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。)7. Things ...

表示名词、代词等和句中其他词的关系。 例词in,on,of,to,under.连词 英文单词The Conjunction(缩写为conj.) 用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句与句。 例词and,or,but.感叹词 英文单词The Interjection(缩写为interj.) 表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感。 例词oh,hello,hi,er.二.名词(Nouns)1.总的说来,名词分...

ban的音标: 英音 [ bæn ]; 美音 [ bæn ]ban的中文释义:可数名词讲解:禁令 不及物动词讲解:1.禁止 2.取缔 词形变化:时态:banned,banning,bans;复数:banns。同义词:ish,blackball,cast out,ostracise,ostracize,shun;prohibition,proscription;bachelor of arts in ...


英语中的名词合成词都有些类啊?每类举例4到5 个词吧?谢啦
以上三个句子中,我们分别用了三种不同的方法修饰country,三种不同的修饰语与country的逻辑关系都是country...表示所修饰的名词的性质或原材料时,使用名词的抽象形式(即原形)担当定语 例如: ●100% cotton shirt

当遇到这种介词of的句子,翻译成中文的话,of后面的翻译第一,然后of等于的,再到前面的翻译。这里of后面的是 the table 桌子,of表示的,前面的是the legs 脚。那么翻译过来,就是桌子上的脚。the legs of the table 桌子上的脚。..一般来说:'s所有格主要用于有生命的名词,而of所有格既可以用于...

38 仿照下面两个例句,用恰当的 词语 完成句子,要求前后语意关联。 39 仿照开头两句句式,通过联想,在后面两句横线上填上相应的 词语。 40 降温了,花落的声音风知道,思念的感觉心知道,变冷的温度冬知道,我的祝福你知道,没有华丽的 词语 ,只想在渐冷的冬天为你送上暖暖的祝福! 41 马局长指着我说:“大俞,你...

势贝13176647082问: 动名词做主语的句子两句 -
栾川县香云回答: 动名词作主语:1、Smoking is prohibited here. 2、Climbing mountains is really fun. 3、Doing much exercise is good to our healthy. 4、Reading is an art. 5、Don't put your bike on the playground. 6、Please qive me a hand. 7、Milk is good for ...

势贝13176647082问: 祈使句和动名词作主语的句子各10个 -
栾川县香云回答: 祈使句:1、Go and wash your hads. 2、Please be quiet. 3、Watch your steps. 4、No parking. 5、No smoking. 6、Keep off the grass. 7、Look out! Danger! 8、Don't be careless. 9、Put the boxes in the samll room. 10、Be kind to out sister. 11、...

势贝13176647082问: 具有动名词的句子 -
栾川县香云回答: :Swimming is my favorite. I like swimming best. I don't mind you smoking here. I like skating. How about going there. I enjoy dancing. Do you like singing? My brother is good at drawing. I am not good at skiing. I mind him going...

势贝13176647082问: 九上英语第一单元以动名词开头的句子 -
栾川县香云回答: 1.曾经,为谁放肆的哭泣!你是吹进我眼里的沙子,模糊了双眼,看不清天空的样子. 这一场末路繁华,不倾城,不倾国,却倾我所有. 你要的是什么.一生相守.还是一晌贪欢. 我要的.只是简单却安稳的生活而已. 爱到绝路,覆水难收. ...

势贝13176647082问: 用动名词造句6句 -
栾川县香云回答: 动词:我在家里看书写作业 今天我去上了篮球课 名词:我今天去了长城

势贝13176647082问: 动名词短语有哪些???? -
栾川县香云回答: 常用动名词的短语 1、enjoy /like /love doing sth. 喜欢做某事 2、keep /keep on /carry on / go on doing sth. 继续做某事 3、feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 4、practice doing sth. 练习作某事 5、give up doing sth. 放弃作某事 6、be good at/ do well in ...

势贝13176647082问: 需要三单,现在进行时,情态动词,动名词和祈使句的句型各10个,五年级的 -
栾川县香云回答: 动名词, No parking. It is no use telling him not to worry Swimming is a good sport in summer There is no joking about such matters. 对这种事情不是开玩笑. It is no use/no good crying over spilt milk. 洒掉的牛奶哭也没用. It is a waste of time ...

势贝13176647082问: 动名词连接的句子 -
栾川县香云回答: after having looked at his watch,he hurried to the station 是名词性从句,after是介词后应接名词,引导条件状语从句,根据一致原则主语是主句中的he,与have looked at his watch是主动关系,用ing使其变成名词性词组.when he looked his watch, he hurried to the stationwhen是连词,可以连两个独立的句子(都有主谓宾),是并列关系,而前句只能是从句关系

势贝13176647082问: 求一些动名词作主语的英语句子 -
栾川县香云回答: Doing homework cost my three hours

势贝13176647082问: 动名词开头的英语句叫什么?拜托各位大神 -
栾川县香云回答: 【回答】那是祈使句(⊙o⊙)哦!

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