
作者&投稿:涂矿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

- 班级:写下学生所在的班级。- 学校:用英文写下学校的名称。3. 爱好:让学生列出他们的一些爱好,并用英文进行描述。例如,如果学生喜欢画画,可以写下"I enjoy drawing"。4. 自我介绍:让学生用简单的句子介绍自己。例如,学生可以写下"My name is [姓名]. I am [年龄] years old. I study...

以“My family” 为主题,用英语制作自己的家庭卡片?
制作的卡片上注写名称,如:1) My family.2) On the beach\/park\/mountain.3). It’s me!4). How enjoyable!5). They’re in love(例如你父母的照片).6). 想好每张照片的主题, 然后标写英语(简单扼要)。

on of their happiness. Miss Storey was afterward twice married,


beautiful around her- pleased her. She was like the father of the French painter, Millet, who used to gather grass and show it to his son , saying , "See how beautif ul this is ! "In a pioneer society it is the harder qualities of mind and character that are of value....


1. 设计个性字母卡。2. 用英文制作自己的家庭介绍海报。3. 下载适合的配音 APP,试着上传自己的英语配音作品。4. 学唱一首 “阳光、向上” 的英文歌曲。5. 用英文制作自己的家庭介绍卡片、自己喜欢的小动物介绍卡片或者新年贺卡(任选其一),开学评比。6. 制作专属单词本(至少有 3 页,每页 5 ...

Make an information card and write an email about yourself

假设你的朋友是Bob Hello everybody, it's my honor to introduce my friend Bob here. Bob was born in September 19th, 1998 in Beijing. He studies in Class 4 Grade 8. He likes playing soccer and tennis in his spare time. Meanwhile, he is good at playing the piano. Bob's ...

学生英语名片卡上包括:1、name:a word or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by.翻译:名字。2、sex:either of the two groups that people, animals and plants are divided into according to their function of producing young.翻译:性别。3、age:the ...

凭胞15523294511问: 怎么用英文做一张自己的明信片介绍自己 -
潮南区清淋回答: 内容:介绍:①hello,②名字:i am ... ③外貌:i have ...(如长头发:i have long hair)④性格:i am quiet/outgoing(外向)/hard-working(勤奋)⑤习惯:i like to/i like doing(最好就个because原因)⑥do you want to make friend with me? 这是精简版的...

凭胞15523294511问: 英语介绍自己的卡片怎么写 -
潮南区清淋回答: Hello.I am a gilr. My name is .My first name is .My last name is .My full name is . Tankyou,verymuch!

凭胞15523294511问: 用英语表示自己的名片yournamecard六要素 -
潮南区清淋回答:[答案] About Myself 自我介绍 My name is xxx.I'm xx years old now.I'm from xxxx.I major in English, because I have the gift for language study. 我叫xxx.我现在已经xx岁了.我来自xxxx.我的专业是英语,因为我有学习语言的天赋. In my opinion, English is well-...

凭胞15523294511问: 请问英语贺卡怎么做? -
潮南区清淋回答: 首先找一张很硬的白纸(一般用手提袋的里面的一面就可以),然后用剪刀剪成一个长方形,大小可以自己确定.接下来就要给这个贺卡的雏形做装饰了,找出彩笔给贺卡先画上花边,什么样的花边可以自己选择,有美术功底的小朋友这个时...

凭胞15523294511问: 用英语写一张名片介绍自己 -
潮南区清淋回答:[答案] Boston University School of Public Health Department of Health Policy and Management XXX,Ph.D.,M.D.Professor 715 AlbanyStreet Boston,MA 02118 Tel:xxxx (o); xxxx (h); xxxx (cell) email:xxxx@zzz.com

凭胞15523294511问: 做用英语自我介绍的卡片 餐厅 -
潮南区清淋回答: 自我介绍大家好,我叫...,来自钦州,我很高兴能在这里与大家认识,我是纺织工业学校的一名学生,我的专业是针织,我很荣幸能参加集训营,我参加集训营是因为我喜欢英语,我希望在集训营里学到的用在我以后的工作中,并开始我的职业...

凭胞15523294511问: 根据下面这张卡片写一个英语自我介绍.不少于五句话. FIRST NAME:Mary LAST NAME:Smith TEL:674 - 538 -
潮南区清淋回答: Hello!My first name isMarry .And my last name is Smith.I am in XXmiddle school.I am in class XX.Grade XX.My family telephone numember is 674-538.My favourite XX is XX.

凭胞15523294511问: 英语小卡片怎么做,【选自己喜欢的内容写】 -
潮南区清淋回答:[答案] 做一条条的谚语 或者一条条优美的句子,或者名人名言.应该都不错.

凭胞15523294511问: 根据下面这张卡片写一个英语自我介绍.不少于五句话.FIRST NAME:Mary LAST NAME:Smith TEL:674 - 538 -
潮南区清淋回答:[答案] Hello!My first name isMarry .And my last name is Smith.I am in XXmiddle school.I am in class XX.Grade XX.My family telephone numember is 674-538.My favourite XX is XX.

凭胞15523294511问: 做一个英文卡片.60字左右.关于自己房间的 -
潮南区清淋回答: MY STUDY Do you want to know my study? Let me tell you!In picture there is a computer on the desk , i always surf the internet on weekends. and There is a basketball hoop on the wall because I really love playing basketball and i also good at it . ...

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