
作者&投稿:钮风 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Peking Duck (北京烤鸭)Hot and Sour Soup (酸辣汤)Peking Barbecue (烤肉\/北京烤肉)Mutton Hot pot (涮羊肉)Sweetened Vinegar Spareribs (糖醋排骨)Stir Fried Tomatoes with Scrambled Eggs (西红柿炒鸡蛋 xīhóngshì chǎo jīdàn)Sweet Stir Fried Mutton\/Lamb (它似蜜) (Ta Si Mi)Plain ...


I like to eat vegetables, fruits, meat, rice and so on.Eggs rich nutrition.Vegetables are rich in vitamin.Fruit to eat is good to human body.

三年级英语菜单画法如下:准备材料 纸张、彩色铅笔、蜡笔 一、设计菜单的布局 在确定了菜单的主题和菜品后,需要设计菜单的布局。可以在纸上绘制出菜单的形状和大小,并留出适当的位置来放置图片和文字。二、绘制菜单的图片和文字 现在,你可以开始绘制菜单上的图片和文字了。可以使用彩色铅笔或蜡笔来绘制...

出国旅行时,面对英文菜单,对吃货而言,最大的挑战莫过于看不懂菜名。然而,英文菜单并非想象中那么难以理解。今天,小阅阅将带你告别听天由命的点菜经历。食材篇 海鲜类食材TOP 5Salmon(三文鱼)英 [ˈsæmən] —— Smoked Salmon(烟熏三文鱼)Tuna Fish(金枪鱼)—— Grilled ...


关于图文并茂的菜单手抄报 英语菜单手抄报
英语创作趣味多石家庄一中实验学校初二英语组举行食谱手抄报趣味竞赛 我和家人的健康饮食2002班英语手抄报 其它 特色英语展 写美篇其次便是特色作业了关于节日的手抄报.英语创作趣味多石家庄一中实验学校初二英语组举行食谱手抄报趣味竞赛 英文菜单手抄报制作英文年夜饭菜单手抄报 英语菜单手抄报菜单式食物 food...

菜单上有什么菜啊?例如,前餐有糖醋丸子和春卷,主菜宫爆鸡加蛋炒饭。Here is the menu, We have sweet and sour meat balls and spring rolls for starters, and Kong-po chicken with egg fried rice for main course.

要一份英语菜单,其中包括凉菜,汤,主食,主菜,甜点好和饮料。要中国餐厅常有的,入焖饼,糖醋里脊之类耳熟能闻的菜,要翻译,不要弄一些稀奇古怪的,谢谢了!!!... 要一份英语菜单,其中包括凉菜,汤,主食,主菜,甜点好和饮料。要中国餐厅常有的,入焖饼,糖醋里脊之类耳熟能闻的菜,要翻译,不要弄一些稀奇古怪的,谢谢...

沙律:Salads 海鲜粉丝沙律 Seafood Vermillion Noodle Salad 青木瓜大虾沙律 Green Papaya Shrimp Salad 什锦海鲜沙律 Seafood Salad 泰式烤牛肉沙律 Thai Style Steak Salad 热带杂果沙律 Tropical Fruit Salad 蔬菜沙律 Vegetable Salad 小吃烧烤:Appetizers 泰式炸虾饼 Thai Style Shrimp Pancake 泰式碳烤猪...

车童14752481289问: 用英语写一份英语菜单并写出主菜的做法菜谱要用英语写,还要用英语写出主菜的做法. -
惠州市大黄回答:[答案] 水煮鱼的做法:The practice of boiling soup: 1,preparation of raw materials:grass carp or carp 1000 grams,500 grams bean sprouts,Pixian bean paste 50 grams,30 grams pepper,pepper 20 grams,ginger piece,a half head garlic,1 8,1 small piece of ...

车童14752481289问: 请高手帮忙用英语设计一个理想的菜单,不要太多哦!~~谢谢!...
惠州市大黄回答: 菜单啊 西餐1hamburg汉堡 2 beef 牛肉 3piza 比萨饼 4apple pie苹果派 中餐noodle面条 2dumplings饺子 饮料juice橘子汁 2tea 茶 够丰富吧,随你选(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

车童14752481289问: 英语菜谱请大家帮忙用英语写一份简单的菜谱,菜谱不要写得太复杂,要简单明白,要写清楚材料和做法,要带中文!写了 -
惠州市大黄回答:[答案] fish caketake out those chopped fish and hold them together as a round shape,place some bread crumbs into a plate and the dipp the fish into it.now we can put it into the oven for around 15 mins.take ...

车童14752481289问: 怎样做英语菜单 -
惠州市大黄回答: Roast beef烤牛排 Roast potatos烤土豆 Pizza匹萨 Soup汤类 Apple Pie派类糖醋鱼片 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce糖醋鱼块 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce糖醋石斑鱼 fried garoupa with sweet and sour sauce糖醋松子...

车童14752481289问: 帮我写一份英语晚餐菜单 -
惠州市大黄回答:[答案] Roast beef烤牛排 Roast potatos烤土豆 Pizza匹萨 Soup汤类 Apple Pie派类

车童14752481289问: 用英语写一份英语菜单并写出主菜的做法
惠州市大黄回答: 水煮鱼的做法:The practice of boiling soup: 1, preparation of raw materials: grass carp or carp 1000 grams, 500 grams bean sprouts, Pixian bean paste 50 grams, 30 grams pepper, pepper 20 grams, ginger piece, a half head garlic, 1 8, 1 small ...

车童14752481289问: 用英语设计一份年夜饭的菜单 -
惠州市大黄回答: Meat/Seafoodsteamed prawns with garlicfried beef with potatoVegetablesfried cabbage fried potatoSoup海鲜乌冬汤面Japanese Soup Noodles with SeafoodRice or NoodlesSnackcakesnutsDessert提拉米苏 Tirami susalad

车童14752481289问: 英语菜谱SOS!请大家帮忙用英语写一份简单的菜谱,菜谱不要写得太复杂,要简单明白,要写清楚材料和做法 -
惠州市大黄回答:[答案] 1.Beat the eggs lightly.Add ingredient One. 2.Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok.Stir-fry the egg in the oil until set and remove from wok. 3.Clean the wok. 4.Heat yet another tablespoon of oil,stir-fry the rice,add ingredient Two.When almost done,add the ...

车童14752481289问: 用英文列一份晚餐菜单 -
惠州市大黄回答: Pork in garlic sauce 鱼香肉丝 Sweet and sour chicken 糖醋里脊 Potato with meat shreds 五香土豆肉丝 Scrambled egg with tomato 番茄炒蛋 Stir-fried vegetable 炒青菜 Egg drop soup 蛋花汤 Hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 这是哥们以前在餐馆打工时候记的,你随便选几个吧.

车童14752481289问: 急求用英语写一份食谱 -
惠州市大黄回答: 1.西红柿炒蛋 ingredients:1. 2 eggs 1/4 t. salt pinch of pepper 2. 3 tomotoes, cut in chunks 1/8 t. salt 1 c. water 2 t. ketchup 1 t. cornstarch chopped spring onion method: 1. Beat the eggs lightly. Add ingredient One. 2.Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in the ...

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