
作者&投稿:超范 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A. feed B. to feed   C. feeding   D. fed 2. My parents allow me ___ computer games for an hour every weekend.A. play B. playing C. to play D. played 3. —You look so tired.—My mother makes me ___ playing the piano for 2 hours every day.A. ...

牛津版初二上册英语期末模拟检测试题 一、单项选择(题型注释) 1.–Whatcolouristhis? -It’sorange.It’sorangeshirt. A.\/;anB.an;\/ C.an;anD.a;an 2.—___ is the weather in Nanjing today? —It’s windy and cold. A. What B. Why C. When D. How 3.You had better ___ wine because ...

One morning Mr. Green is driving around the county and 1 a small bookshop. When he sees an old man 2 the side of the road, he stops his car and says to the old man, " Excuse me, I want 3 to the Sun Bookshop. Do you know it? "" Yes," the old man answers, "I 4 you th...

一.找出每组中不同类的单词。6 ( ) 1. A .run B. read C. swim D .lamp ( ) 2. A. book B. bus C. ruler D. rubber ( ) 3. A. apple B. pear C. bear D. peach ( ) 4. A. eight B. cow C. four D. five ( ) 5. A. noodles B. gloves C. dress D. socks...


初二英语上册期末模拟试卷答案 听力:1-5 ACBAA 6-8CBC 9-11BAB 12-15 A C A C 单项:16-20 CAADD 21-25BACDD 26-30 D B B D C 完型:31-35 BBCDD 36-40 CBDCB 41-45AACAC 阅读:46-50 D A A C C 51-55 A A C C D 56-60 CBDFA 词语填空:61. skills 62. first 63. al...

外研版初二上册英语Module 6测试试题 一、听力(略)二、单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)16. There’s a bird ___in the tree.A. sing B. sings C. singing D. to sing 17. The girl from the USA wasn’t ___to carry the basket of bananas.A. too strong B. eno...

下面是我整理的2016~2017年度初二英语上册期末试卷(答案),大家一起来看看吧。 I.听力部分(共三大题,每小题1分,满分20分) A.单句理解 听句子,从所给图中选出与所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画。(句子读两遍,每小题1分,满分5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. ...

二、选择题(20’) ( )21.We all believe ___,because she is ___honest girl. A. the words she says; a B. what she says; an C. what does she say; a D. she says what; an ( )22.Max often ___our books and pens ___the floor, when he ___our desks. A. knocks, onto;...

初二上册英语试卷  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了? 匿名用户 2013-08-13 展开全部 一. 选择填空。 ()1. Beijing won the chances ___ the 2008 Olympics. A. to host B. host C. hosting D. hosted()2. Tiger Woods can make billions ___ dollars a year. A. ...

登婵18989271077问: 初二上册英语一单元卷子 -
乡城县纬欣回答:[答案] 第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(20分) 一).选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词(听一遍)(5分) ( )1.A. and B. end C. hand D. head... It's yellow ( ) 20. A In Tokyo B. In Sydney C. In New Tork 第II卷 一、词汇(10分) A.根据句意及首字母完成单词,使句子通...

登婵18989271077问: 这是八年级上册英语第三单元测试卷:1.Don't swim in this l_____.It's very dirty 2.I love____(大自然)and often go hiking in the counrtyside 3.I sent mypen pai... -
乡城县纬欣回答:[答案] 1.lake 2.nature 3.postcard 4.away 5.something 6.finish 7.long 8.Europe 9.famous 10.hope 1.relaxing 2.wait 3.leaving 4.doing 5.stayed

登婵18989271077问: 八年级上册英语卷子 -
乡城县纬欣回答: 第一部分听力测试I.Part One:Listen and match( ) 1. Jimmy ( ) 2. John ( ) 3. An old man ( )4. Everyone A. had John's hat in his mouth. B. is very clever. C...

登婵18989271077问: 初二英语上学期期末测试题 -
乡城县纬欣回答:[答案] I. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空. (10分) 1. Tom and I are both ________. (teenage) 2. It is very________ to play ... (use) 4. At the ________ of this term Mr Wu taught us English. (begin) 5. We just wanted to go into the park and enjoy_______...

登婵18989271077问: 初二上英语期中试卷Sandwich is a kind of popular western food.we eat sandwiches with different fillings.some of - 31 - like sandwiches with eggs and some ... -
乡城县纬欣回答:[答案] ccbacbadba为什么和第二个人答案一样.我们去年好像做过.期中考...我好像全对.

登婵18989271077问: 八年级上册英语2 - 12单元的试题 求求啦 -
乡城县纬欣回答:[答案] 'm f________(67) tired and cold. M: Oh. M________(68) you have a cold. Let me call the doctor. (Ten minutes later...) D: ... 参考答案 I. 16-20 CBDCB 21-25 ABBDA II. 26-30 ACBBD 31-35 BDACC III. A) 36-40 DBBCA B) 41-45 CABBB IV. A) 46. ...

登婵18989271077问: 初二上学期英语试卷 -
乡城县纬欣回答: 原发布者:锦信科技与教育信息技术服务平台 初二上学期英语试卷及答案解析为大家整理了初二上学期英语试卷及答案解析的相关内容,希望能助考生一臂之力. 初二上学期英语试卷: 一、单项填空(15分) 1.Thereareaboutfive______...

登婵18989271077问: 八年级上册新目标第六单元英语测试卷要求英汉互译20道,选择题20道,阅读两篇.如果是其他地方找的请做适当删加、附有答案. -
乡城县纬欣回答:[答案] 【综合能力检测】 ___二.选择填空 () 1. The girl isn't short. She is __________ than before.A. short B. tall C. tallerD. shorter() 2. Li Ming and Lin T...

登婵18989271077问: 人教版八年级上册英语期中试卷 很急 啊! -
乡城县纬欣回答:[答案] 八年级英语上期中能力训练题(一)I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题.(15分)1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman?2. What subject can the woman help the man?3. Why do you think May can...

登婵18989271077问: 八年级上册英语试卷及答案 -
乡城县纬欣回答: keys from Mount Emei will be happy to talk to you. A;most everyone reads the Sunday paper. Mr. All B. hiccuped at night D. 六. It has many advertisements and many different sections. waited 15. His most famous novel, ____________________...

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