
作者&投稿:韶园 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A.bring B.bringing C.brings D.have brought 答:C 析:本题考主谓一致。如果能找到主语,就一下子做出来了。此句简化一下就是sth. brings A and B together for C sth. = the traditional pattern of classroom teaching at the colleges and universities 为主语,其中the colleges...

答:原题句为:I really don't think Rose will be upset, but I will go and see her in case she _is_好事者改了还是你打错了?加个Do you thin干什么?那后面,最后面不是要加个问号吗?译:我正的不认为罗斯会不高兴。不过我还是要去看看她,以防万一她真的不高兴呢。in case 后...

这是同位语从句,that 从句解释说明这个机会。同位语从句中只能用that.同位语从句一般跟在某些名词后面,用以说明该名词表示的具体内容,比如I heard the news (that our team had won)。括号里的就是news 的内容。5.--It's thirty years since we last met.--But I still remember the story,...

A. to B. in C. on D. for 为什么选D,我选了A 答:问问题,能告诉自己的选项,是一个进步。不过,如果能自己翻译一下题句,说一说自己选择的理由,则更好。事实上,如果你能够对句子进行理解,翻译一下,则这题不难。译:经过几千年的发展,中医【因】其独特、神奇的疗效引起世...

1.He insisted on doing ___B___ good to others.A.what he thought it was B.what he thought was C.what he was thought D.what it was he thought.答案选B.what he thought was 【解析】A选项放入句子中,what引导的句子有两个动词,所以不对。2.American automobiles need _C_...

不过,剑桥英语练习中确实有这样的句子,查词典终于发现:柯林斯高级英语学习词典第5版 Trainers are shoes that people wear, especially for running and other sports. (BRIT; in AM, use sneakers)麦克米兰英语词典 - American trainer: 2 [usually plural] BRITISH a SNEAKER that you wear on...

There being no bus,是一个状语性质的句子,表示后面的原因,这个高中就学过,其他更全面的知识希望你去调查研究下,以下是借用网上其他知识(非本人原创,只是一想到状语就想到这个知识点了):一、分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等。分词(短语)作状语时,其逻辑主语...

英语选择题 语法问题?
这个句子里面虽然出现了too… to,但是这个不属于“太…而不能…”结构, 因为第2个to后面是名词不是动词原形。本句话中出现的两个to都是介词,是由于前面句子中的动词是give, 是 give...to...中的to。本题答案应该填C,detriment。全句汉语意思是:这些测试会太侧重于书面考核而有损于其它方面...

D 非谓语做伴随状语,主动,用not knowing B 非谓语做伴随状语,是主动忘记,用现在分词 B 原因如上 不选A的原因是work的内容既是准备演讲,所以不是目的状语 D want sb\/sth done 希望...被做... 这里是被展览的意思 A 糖是被人体消化吸收,所以用过去分词,只能选A D 非谓语做状语,意思是没...

..”注:第一个短语的序数词其实还是根据句中的数量来选择的。如:I've failed the exam five times, but 1)I'll try it a sixth time next year.2)I'll try it for the sixth time next year.翻译:这考试我已经失败五次了,但是明年 1) 我会再试一次。2)我会尝试第六次。

亢钟15845181302问: 初中英语语法选择题 -
大洼县复方回答: 1、B.表示恰好,适逢.2、D.反义疑问中用would rather + v.做陈述部分时,用wouldn't +主语提问.3、C.反义疑问中当must+have done表示对过去的情况进行推测(一般句中有明确的过去时间状...

亢钟15845181302问: 初中英语语法选择题(1)(带分析过程) Skiing is___in summer. -
大洼县复方回答:[选项] A. a great fun B. great fun C. great funs D. great a fun

亢钟15845181302问: 初中英语语法单选1.Is taking pictures - _____in the museum?No,taking pictures is not - _____in the museum.A.allowed;allowedB.allow;allowC.to allow;to allow ... -
大洼县复方回答:[答案] a 很明显应该要用被动语态(照相是被允许), a 第一空表示我原来不知道,所以是过去,后面一个表示我也一样,固定结构 c there be 句型谓语看后面的名词,这里是traffic,所以是单数,后面是因果关系 in this way 用这种方法 on the way 在路上 ...

亢钟15845181302问: 初中英语语法选择题(4)(带分析过程) We are - ___,but they are - ___. -
大洼县复方回答:[选项] A. Germans;Japanese B. Germen;Japanese C. Germans;Japaneses D. Germen:Japanese

亢钟15845181302问: 初中英语语法选择题(6)(带分析过程)We went to the - _ - to buy a pair of shoes.A.shoe store B.shoes storeC.shoe's store C.shoes'store -
大洼县复方回答:[答案] 选A.固定用法

亢钟15845181302问: 初中英语语法单项选择 -
大洼县复方回答: 1,D.时间先后关系,知道跟发现同时,已经制作了....是之前,所以用过去式和过去的过去(过去完成时)2,B 时态一致3,A..时态一致4,D.问我是否已经写信给她.asked...had written.时间的...

亢钟15845181302问: 初中英语语法——名词(选择题)1.There are four - ____ - and two - ___ - at the - _____.A.Johns,Marys,doctorsB.Johns,Marys,doctor'sC.John's,Mary's,doctor'... -
大洼县复方回答:[答案] 1.句子意思为:在医生诊所里,有四个John和两个Mary.在英文中,人名的复数是直接加s的,不论其末尾字母为o、y、x等.at the + 名词 + 's,表示这个名词的工作场所或住所,如:at the doctor's at the butcher's at my moth...

亢钟15845181302问: 初中英语语法选择题(2)(带分析过程) Which of the following is right? -
大洼县复方回答:[选项] A. She is English B. She is a French C. She is an English D. She is America

亢钟15845181302问: 几道初三英语语法题1.Mike doesn't work - _________Tom.so hard as B.so hardly as 2.His birds - ______fish for him every day.be caught B.are caught C.catch ... -
大洼县复方回答:[答案] hardly的意思是几乎不 2.C 主语复数,动词用原型,通过句意可知为主动 4.were destroyed houses为复数 句子为过去式 所以用were,综上用were destroyed

亢钟15845181302问: 几道初中英语语法题1. Miss Liu - ____ - Class Three will give us talk in the hall this afternoon.A. taking charge of B. takes charge of C. taking the charge of C. ... -
大洼县复方回答:[答案] 1.Miss Liu __A____ Class Three will give us talk in the hall this afternoon. A.taking charge of B.takes charge of C.taking the charge of C.takes the charge of 首先这里要用非谓语动词,真正的谓语是will give ,所以排除BC,另外,taking the charge of ...

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