
作者&投稿:阚汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

spend sb spend some money\/time on\/(in)doing sth 某人花费多少金钱/时间在某物上/做某事 pay sb pay some money for sth某人为某物支付多少钱 cost sth cost sb some money某物花费某人多少钱 take It takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费某人多少时间 ...

It takes sb sometime to do sth sth costs sb +钱 Sb spends +钱\/时间 (in)doing sth\/on sth sb pays +钱 on sth


表示花费的四个词spend、take、cost、pay的用法区别:1、主语 spend、pay的主语是人。take的主语是it、事物。cost的主语是物或某种活动。2、侧重点 spend、take译为花费(时间或金钱)cost强调价值,cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。pay强调支付。3、用法搭配 (1)spend ①sb. ...

eg.She spent two hours (in) doing her homework.=She spent two hours on her homework.I spent 20 yuan (in) buying this book.=I spent 20 yuan on this book.3.cost表示某物的价值,常用于花费金钱,劳动等,不用人作主语.eg.It will cost you 200 dollars to fly to Hong Kong.4....

这题就是考察花费的用法,全句的翻译应该为:掌握一门外语是需要决心和辛勤的(花费这块可以省略不翻译);这点事毫无疑问的。ABCD四个选项的用法依次为:spend花费,主语通常为人,固定的句型是sb+spend+time\/money on sth\/(in) doing sth,由此可见A不正确 cost花费,主语通常为物,指为某物或者...

spend,主语一定是人花时间或钱"sb spend some time\/money on Some sth\/dong sth;cost主语是物“sth cost sb some money";take与spend用法一样,不过主语是物"sth take sb some time to do sth";pay"sb pay some money for sth"

问题一:"花费"用英语怎么说(4种) spend,cost,take和pay都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同。spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)。例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。(2) spend ...

英语中有四个常用的表示"花费"的词汇,它们分别是:spend、cost、pay和take。以下是关于这四个词的详细解答。Spend指的是在某段时间内花费或使用金钱或时间。"Spend"通常后接表示时间的短语,如"spend a week"、"spend two hours"等。Cost表示某物需要支付的金额或价值。"Cost"通常作为及物动词使用...

2012-05-01 英语四个花费的区别 305 2015-04-12 英语4个花费的例句。就是1.spend 2.cost 3.p... 78 2017-03-13 英语中的四个花(花费)的用法表示什么,主 2017-02-21 关于“花费”的英文短语有哪些 28 2014-09-08 英语总结四“花费”并造句 6 2013-01-29 花费的句型 23 2012-07-26 1...

茹狄17796711829问: 求关于英语四个花费句型的用法(快要考试了, -
清苑县明目回答:[答案] take spend cost pay的用法都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同. spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构: (1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时. ...

茹狄17796711829问: 初三 英语 四个花费 请详细解答,谢谢! (2 21:27:51) -
清苑县明目回答: took 通常表示花费时间 pay前面是付款的人,被动的时候前面通常是买的东西,这里的it不代表人也不代表买的东西 it cost sb. $ to buy sth. 是个常用句型,固定搭配 spend前面一般是人,sb spend $/some time on sth/doing sth.第二个问题,因为是花费时间,所以the job will take them too much time.

茹狄17796711829问: 英语四个花费的区别 -
清苑县明目回答:[答案] 1.take 一般指花费时间,常用it 作主语. eg.It took me two hours to repair my car. 2.spend 表示花费时间,金钱,精力等,常用人作主语. eg.She spent two hours (in) doing her homework. =She spent two hours on her homework. I spent 20 yuan (in) ...

茹狄17796711829问: 英语中考必考题:四个“花费”你分清楚了吗?
清苑县明目回答:3. spend money for sth. 花钱买 是 spent on sth. 不用 spent for

茹狄17796711829问: 用英语写出四个花费的式子结构 -
清苑县明目回答:[答案] it takes sb some time to do sth某人花多长时间做某事 sth costs some money某物花多少钱 sb spend some time/money on sth 或者in doing sth某人花多少时间或钱做某事 sb pay for sth为某物付款

茹狄17796711829问: 有谁能告诉我初三英语中,“花费”四个词的语法,我是初三的 -
清苑县明目回答: 四个花费+一买 spent: sb.spent somemoney (sometime) doing sth. sb. spent somemoney(sometime) on sth cost: sth. cost sb. somemoney(sometime) pay: sb. pay somemoney for sth.take: it takes sb sometime(somemoney) to do sth.buy: sb.buy sb. sth 例句:I buy him a watch. sb buy sth for sb.例句:I buy a watch for him 希望有帮助.我已经中考完了.嘻嘻,加油学呦!

茹狄17796711829问: 帮忙造英语句子(可能有些复杂.)下面是四个“花费”.每个“花费”造两个句子(有列句,仿着写.)spend 意思是“花费,度过.为及物动词,主语为人”... -
清苑县明目回答:[答案] I spent five yuan on this book. I spent two hours on my homework. I paid five yuan for the pen. I paid twenty yuan for the school bag. It takes me ten minutes to go to school every day. It took him thirty minutes to get home. The hat cost me fifty dollars. This ...

茹狄17796711829问: 求初中英语中几 花费 (spend,pay,take,cost)的详解. -
清苑县明目回答:[答案] spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth.在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时.(2) spend time /money (in) doing sth.花...

茹狄17796711829问: 英语老师来回答分别用四大花费 造这个句子 (cost take spend pay) 这本书花了我20块. 顺便说明四个单词的用法和区别. -
清苑县明目回答:[答案] 都是用一般过去时造的句子1, i spent 20 yuan on this book. 【spend 主语必须是人, sb spend +钱+on sth】2. I paid 20 yuan for this book.【pay的主语必须是人 sb pay +钱+for sth】3. This book cost me 20yua...

茹狄17796711829问: 求仁爱版初二上册英语的知识点,要精,(句型等)不要复制. -
清苑县明目回答:[答案] 首先说明一下均为我上课所做笔记,然后因为这一册课本知识点特别多,只能给你大体主要的,细节部分有待百度. 1.四个花费.cost pay take spend.其中spend后动词加ing,可接时间和金钱.pay只和for连用.cost只能接钱且主语要为物不能为人.take初...

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